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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 227 5 Browse Search
Henry W. Longfellow 164 0 Browse Search
Henry Longfellow 151 1 Browse Search
Mary S. P. Longfellow 124 0 Browse Search
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Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
30-36. Outre-Mer, 55, 67, 71, 73, 119,121, 124, 193; comparison of, with Irving's Sketch Book, 69, 70; Mrs. Longfellow's letter about, 83. Oxford, Eng., 223, 288. Packard, Prof., Alpheus, 61. Paris, 46-48, 63, 158, 161, 223. Parker, Theodore, 285. Parsons, Theophilus, 23, 27. Parsons, Thomas W., 209, 214, 215. Paul, Jean, 199, 289. Payne, John, 131. Peabody, Rev. O. W. B., 70. Percival, James Gates, 19, 23, 27, 145. Pfizer, Ludwig, his Junggesell, mentioned, 149. Philadelphia, Pa., 22, 51, 132, 164, 166, 192, 193, 264. Phillips, Wendell, 285. Pierce, Mrs. Anne (Longfellow), 91, 92, 100. Pierce, George W., 81, 91, 99,112. Pierpont, Rev., John, 145. Platen, Count von, 191. Pliny, 54. Plymouth, Mass., 12. Poe, Edgar A., 6, 10, 142-144, 168, 259, 267, 269, 276; admiration of Longfellow, 141; influence of, 268. Pope, Alexander, 40. Portland, Me., 11, 13, 14, 19, 57, 60, 61, 87, 98, 106, 172, 189. Portland Academy, 15-17. Portland Gazette, the,
Belgium (Belgium) (search for this): chapter 30
A., 161. Austen, Mrs., Sarah, 269. Austin, William, 64, 68 and note. Auteuil, 46. Bacon, Lord, 164. Baireuth, 289. Baltic Sea, 132. Balzac, Honore de, 177. Bancroft, George, 71, 112; his History of the United States, mentioned, 143. Bandmann, 241, 242. Barbauld, Mrs., Anna Letitia, 62, 63. Barlow, Joel, 23. Barnard, Mr., 91. Bartlett, Elizabeth. See Wadsworth, Elizabeth B. Bartlett family, the, 13. Beattie, James, 62. Beaugency, 48. Becker, Rudolph Z., 161. Belgium, 158, 170. Bennett, Dr., 250. Bennoch, Mr., 250. Bentham, Mr., 91. Berlin, 98. Bernadotte, King, 94. Berryer, Antoine Pierre, 47. Besse, 239. Bierstadt, Mr., 221. Bigelow, John, his Life of Bryant, cited, 146 note. Blackwood's Magazine, 194. Blair, Robert, 62. Booth, John W., 241. Boppard, 158, 170, 193. Boston, 1, 4, 19, 23, 45, 67, 69, 72,81, 86, 92, 100, 129, 132, 146, 148, 167, 168, 215, 242, 278, 284, 286, 292; siege of, 116; fugitive slave cases in, 206. B
72; school-mate of Longfellow, 60; becomes Longfellow's wife, 60; description of, 61; her books, 62-64; begins housekeeping, 66; her letter about the Round Hill School, 81, 82; her letter about Longfellow's Outre-Mer, 83; her letters about their European trip, 88-106; her illness and death, 107-111; H. W. Longfellow's letter about, 113-115; her journals destroyed, 170. Longfellow, Rev., Samuel, 71, 91, 92, 106; his memoir of his brother, cited, 30 note, 85 note, 99 note, 189 note, 191 note, 1Longfellow's letter to, 98, 99. Longfellow, Judge, Stephen, appearance of, 13. Longfellow, William, 12. Longfellow, Zilpah (Wadsworth), 11, 87, 99; description of, 15; Longfellow writes to, 46, 47; Mary S. P. Longfellow's letter to, about European trip, 88-97; H. W. L.'s letter to, 97, 98. Longfellow family, 60. Longfellow Memorial Association, 121. Louis the Sixteenth, 47. Lover's Seat, the, cited, 143 note. Lowell, John A., 182. Lowell, James R., 1, 6, 57, 59, 82, 146, 1
Glocester (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
226. Freneau, Philip, 23. Frugal Housewife, the, 121. Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli. Fulton, Robert, 6. Furness, Rev. W. H., 192. Furness Abbey, 219. Garrison, William L., 285; his Liberator, mentioned, 163,166; his Memoirs, cited, 167 note. Gazette, United States Literary, the, 23-26, 29 note, 41; Longfellow contributes to, 27. Georgia (State), 143. Germany, 8, 50-52, 65, 71, 98, 125, 142, 156, 170, 199. Gervinus, George G., 112. Gladstone, William E., 221. Gloucester, Mass., 264. Goddard, William, 97. Goethe, John Wolfgang von, 64, 92, 112, 234, 289; his Werther, mentioned, 120; quoted, 233. Goldsmith, Oliver, 50, 62. Goodrich, Samuel G., 72; his Recollections of a Lifetime, mentioned, 74. Gorges, Thomas, 131. Gongora, Luis de, 68. Gothenburg, 97, 101-103. Gottingen, 52. Gower, Sir, Ronald, his My Reminiscences quoted, 279-281. Graham, Mr., 158. Graham's Magazine, 164, 193. Grant, General Ulysses S., 6. Granville, Earl, 254; of
Cantabrigia (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 30
283, 289; Longfellow's address to the children of, 55; establishes himself in, 133; Longfellow's speech at the anniversary of, 290, 291; schools of, celebrate Longfellow's seventy-fifth birthday, 291. Cambridge Tribune, the, 117 note. Cambridge, Eng., 220, 288. Campbell, Thomas, 7, 62. Canova, Anthony, 34. Carey & Lea, 51. Carey and Hart, 166. Caribbean Sea, 266. Carlisle, Eng., 219. Carlyle, Thomas, 87, 90, 92, 259. Carlyle, Mrs., Thomas, 90, 92. Carlyles, the, 91. Carpe197; Kavanagh, 198-200; resigns professorship, 202-207; begins Hiawatha, 208; writes The Courtship of Miles Standish, 210; death of his wife, 211; shorter poems, 213-218; sails for Europe, 219; speech by, 219,220; receives honorary degree at Cambridge, Eng., 220, 221; English praise for, 221-223; receives honorary degree at Oxford, 223; arrives home, 223; works on Dante translation, 225; friendly criticism, 226, 227; comparison of early with late translations, 229-231; comparison with Norton's
Tripoli (Libya) (search for this): chapter 30
er, 109, 111; Longfellow's letters to, 129, 130,148, 169-171. Thierry, Amedee S. D., 193. Thomson, James, 8. Thoreau, Henry D., 133, 271, 285; his definition of poetry, 277. Thorp, John G., 215. Ticknor, Prof., George, 57, 71, 75, 85, 86, 112, 153; Longfellow dines with, 45, 46; resigns from Harvard College, 84; attracted by Longfellow's translations, 87; elective system tried by, 178. Token, the, 72-74. Tolstoi, Count, 197. Tours, 48. Treadwell, Prof., Daniel, 214. Tripoli, 14. Trumbull, John, 23. Turgenieff, Ivan S., resembled Longfellow in looks, 282. Tyrol, the, 113. Uhland, Johann L., 161, 219; his Das Gluck von Edenhall, mentioned, 149. United States, 116, 240, 250, 251, 255; Sumner elected to Senate of, 186. University Hall, Cambridge, 176. Upsala, University of, 97. Van Winkle, C. S., 69. Vassall, Col., John, 116. Venice, 223, 286. Vere, Aubrey de, 141. Vere, Schele de, 204. Vevey, 241. Victoria, Queen, 118, 221. Virg
Cumberland county (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
cy with Longfellow, 168, 169; on Longfellow's Dante translations, 227; expresses gratitude for honor done to Longfellow, 251-255; likes English ways, 260, 261, Poe's influence on, 268; his literary alterations, 269. Lowell, Miss, Sally, 121. Lucerne, 8. Lugano, 224. Lundy, Benjamin, his Genius of Universal Emancipation, mentioned, 163. Lunt, George, 165. Lyly, John, 55. McHenry, Dr., James, praises Longfellow, 22. McLane, Mr., 118. Madrid, 50. Maine, 11, 17, 208; Cumberland County, 220. Maler River, the, 93. Malherbe, Francis de, 191. Marienberg, 157, 161, 170. Marseilles, 3, 94. Marshall, Emily, 19. Marshall, Chief Justice, John, 6. Massachusetts, 186; Legislature, 11. Mather, Cotton, 138,239; his Magnalia, mentioned, 149. Matsys, Quintin, 161. Mayence, 162. Mayflower (ship), 13. Medici, Cosmo de, 164. Mellen, Mr., 140. Mellen, Judge, 17. Mellen, Frederic, 17. Mellen, Grenville, 23. Menzel, Charles Adolphus, his History of German
Copenhagen (Denmark) (search for this): chapter 30
, Samuel L., 198. Cleveland, Henry R., 139, 284. Cogswell, Joseph G., 71, 81, 82. Coleridge, Samuel T., 262, 291; his Ancient Mariner, mentioned, 149. Coleridge, Sara, 141. Colman, Samuel, Longfellow's letter to, 139, 140. Cologne, 8. Columbian Muse, the, a collection of poems, 23. Como, Lake of, 223. Concord, Mass., 133, 271. Condry, Capt., 102. Congress, U. S., 11, 13. Connecticut, 90. Conolly, Rev. H. L., 194,195. Constantinople, 3. Cooper, James F., 80, 133. Copenhagen, 93, 98, 100, 103, 105, 106. Corby Castle, 219. Corneille, Pierre, 65. Cowley, Abraham, 249. Cowper, William, 9, 15. Craigenputtock, 90. Craigie, Mrs., 147; Longfellow's description of, 118-120. Craigie, Andrew, 117, 118, 122. Craigie House, 116-123,272,279,281, 283,291; resembles Mt. Vernon in situation, 116; various occupants of, 121; Longfellow's letter about elms for, 122, 123. Crebillon, Prosper J., 121. Cross of Snow, the, 211, 212. Crowninshield, Clara, 83, 92,
Venice (Italy) (search for this): chapter 30
tried by, 178. Token, the, 72-74. Tolstoi, Count, 197. Tours, 48. Treadwell, Prof., Daniel, 214. Tripoli, 14. Trumbull, John, 23. Turgenieff, Ivan S., resembled Longfellow in looks, 282. Tyrol, the, 113. Uhland, Johann L., 161, 219; his Das Gluck von Edenhall, mentioned, 149. United States, 116, 240, 250, 251, 255; Sumner elected to Senate of, 186. University Hall, Cambridge, 176. Upsala, University of, 97. Van Winkle, C. S., 69. Vassall, Col., John, 116. Venice, 223, 286. Vere, Aubrey de, 141. Vere, Schele de, 204. Vevey, 241. Victoria, Queen, 118, 221. Virgil, 54,194. Virginia, 81, 271. Vogelwied, Walter von der, 238,287. Voices of the Night, 138, 177, 213, 228, 260; commenced, 137; success of, 141; publication of, 145. Voltaire, Francis M. A. de, 112,120, 121. Wadsworth, Christopher, 12. Wadsworth, Elizabeth B., 12. Wadsworth, Henry, 14. Wadsworth, Miss, Lucia, 97, 99; Mary S. P. Longfellow's letter to, 100-106. Wadswo
Russia (Russia) (search for this): chapter 30
287, 288. Rome, 132, 148, 215, 223. Rosendale, 94. Rossetti, Dante G., 190. Rotterdam, 107, 111. Round Hill School, 81. Routledge, Mr., 245. Rubens, Peter P., 161. Ruskin, John, 238, 262, 286; his Modern Painters, quoted, 237. Russia, 43. Russia, steamer, 219. Sachs, Hans, 234. Sacobezon, an Indian chief, 207. Sailly, Madame de, 47. St. Gothard Pass, 223. Salem, Mass., 240. Sannazaro, J., 54. Savannah, Ga., 119. Scherb, Emmanuel V., 239. Schlosser, Friedrich CRussia, steamer, 219. Sachs, Hans, 234. Sacobezon, an Indian chief, 207. Sailly, Madame de, 47. St. Gothard Pass, 223. Salem, Mass., 240. Sannazaro, J., 54. Savannah, Ga., 119. Scherb, Emmanuel V., 239. Schlosser, Friedrich Christoph, 112. Schoolmaster, the, 67, 68. Scott, Sir, Walter, 7, 265. Scudder, Horace E., 24, 73, 243; his Longfellow and his Art, mentioned, 53; his Men and Letters, cited, 54 note; quoted, 261; his Lowell, cited, 168 note; on Longfellow, 269. Sebago Pond, 51. Sevigne, Madame de, 121. Shakespeare, William, 2, 5, 8, 32, 66. Shelley, Percy B., 9, 262, 280. Shepley, Rev., David, 19. Sidney, Sir, Philip, 77; his Defence of Poesy, mentioned, 75. Skinner, Mrs., 88. Solis, Anthony de,
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