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a shell; James Gale, second-class fireman, scalded to death. Wounded — Wm. Eastwood, slightly ; James Armstrong, slightly ; John Riley, mortally ; Jas. Gallagher, mortally — the two latter have since died. The following is a report of the killed and wounded on the Keystone State: Killed — Jacob H. Gotwold, Surgeon, scalded to death ; Samuel W. Bayle, Steward, scalded to death ; James Bau, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband, scalded to death; Robert Wellinger, scalded to death; David L. Caldwell, ordinary seaman, killed by a shell; Wm. H. Clark, killed by a shell; John E. Bunsom, landsman, killed by a shell; Owen J. McGowen, killed by a shell; R. H. B. Thomas, killed by a shell; James W. Armstrong, marine, killed by a shell; Wm. Dietz, marine, killed by a shell;<
James Gallagher (search for this): chapter 125
which I was seconded by Lieutenant Commander Thomas H. Eastman, the executive officer of the ship. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, William E. Leroy, Commander. Acting Assistant Surgeon Mason of the Mercedita makes the following report of the killed and wounded on board that vessel: Killed — Jacob Atmee, gunner, by a shell; James Gale, second-class fireman, scalded to death. Wounded — Wm. Eastwood, slightly ; James Armstrong, slightly ; John Riley, mortally ; Jas. Gallagher, mortally — the two latter have since died. The following is a report of the killed and wounded on the Keystone State: Killed — Jacob H. Gotwold, Surgeon, scalded to death ; Samuel W. Bayle, Steward, scalded to death ; James Bau, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband,
to call attention to the desire manifested by all under my command to destroy the enemy, and particularly to the cool and efficient manner in which I was seconded by Lieutenant Commander Thomas H. Eastman, the executive officer of the ship. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, William E. Leroy, Commander. Acting Assistant Surgeon Mason of the Mercedita makes the following report of the killed and wounded on board that vessel: Killed — Jacob Atmee, gunner, by a shell; James Gale, second-class fireman, scalded to death. Wounded — Wm. Eastwood, slightly ; James Armstrong, slightly ; John Riley, mortally ; Jas. Gallagher, mortally — the two latter have since died. The following is a report of the killed and wounded on the Keystone State: Killed — Jacob H. Gotwold, Surgeon, scalded to death ; Samuel W. Bayle, Steward, scalded to death ; James Bau, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scal
James Armstrong (search for this): chapter 125
particularly to the cool and efficient manner in which I was seconded by Lieutenant Commander Thomas H. Eastman, the executive officer of the ship. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, William E. Leroy, Commander. Acting Assistant Surgeon Mason of the Mercedita makes the following report of the killed and wounded on board that vessel: Killed — Jacob Atmee, gunner, by a shell; James Gale, second-class fireman, scalded to death. Wounded — Wm. Eastwood, slightly ; James Armstrong, slightly ; John Riley, mortally ; Jas. Gallagher, mortally — the two latter have since died. The following is a report of the killed and wounded on the Keystone State: Killed — Jacob H. Gotwold, Surgeon, scalded to death ; Samuel W. Bayle, Steward, scalded to death ; James Bau, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to deat
John E. Bunsom (search for this): chapter 125
H. Gotwold, Surgeon, scalded to death ; Samuel W. Bayle, Steward, scalded to death ; James Bau, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband, scalded to death; Robert Wellinger, scalded to death; David L. Caldwell, ordinary seaman, killed by a shell; Wm. H. Clark, killed by a shell; John E. Bunsom, landsman, killed by a shell; Owen J. McGowen, killed by a shell; R. H. B. Thomas, killed by a shell; James W. Armstrong, marine, killed by a shell; Wm. Dietz, marine, killed by a shell; John H. Conway, killed by a shell; Wm. Peyton, killed by a shell; Patrick Herrick, killed by a shell. Wounded — H. Bellville, James Wright, Patrick Loftus, Robert Atkinson, R. A. Konk, Wm. Loftus, James Hovey, Alexander McKnight, Patrick Farrar, F. Light, John McRenney, John Burns, Hugh Golden, R. Gou
William Coffin (search for this): chapter 125
au, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband, scalded to death; Robert Wellinger, scalded to death; David L. Caldwell, ordinary seaman, killed by a shell; Wm. H. Clark, killed by a shell; John E. Bunsom, landsman, killed by a shell; Owen J. McGowen, killed by a shell; R. H. B. Thomas, killed by a shell; James W. Armstrong, marine, killed by a shell; Wm. Dietz, marine, killed by a shell; John H. Conway, killed by a shell; Wm. Peyton, killed by a shell; Patrick Herrick, killed by a shell. Wounded — H. Bellville, James Wright, Patrick Loftus, Robert Atkinson, R. A. Konk, Wm. Loftus, James Hovey, Alexander McKnight, Patrick Farrar, F. Light, John McRenney, John Burns, Hugh Golden, R. Gould, William Coffin, Moses O'Connor, Thomas Kelley, John Sullivan, John Quinn, Michael Scot
au, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband, scalded to death; Robert Wellinger, scalded to death; David L. Caldwell, ordinary seaman, killed by a shell; Wm. H. Clark, killed by a shell; John E. Bunsom, landsman, killed by a shell; Owen J. McGowen, killed by a shell; R. H. B. Thomas, killed by a shell; James W. Armstrong, marine, killed by a shell; Wm. Dietz, marine, killed by a shell; John H. Conway, killed by a shell; Wm. Peyton, killed by a shell; Patrick Herrick, killed by a shell. Wounded — H. Bellville, James Wright, Patrick Loftus, Robert Atkinson, R. A. Konk, Wm. Loftus, James Hovey, Alexander McKnight, Patrick Farrar, F. Light, John McRenney, John Burns, Hugh Golden, R. Gould, William Coffin, Moses O'Connor, Thomas Kelley, John Sullivan, John Quinn, Michael Scot
pectation of a vessel to run the blockade. At three o'clock in the morning we had slipped our cable and overhauled a troop-steamer running for the channel. At four I lay down. Lieutenant Commander Abbott was on deck giving an order to Acting Master Dwyer, about recovering the anchor, when they saw a smoke and the faint appearance of a vessel close at hand. I heard them exclaim, She has black smoke! Watch, man the guns! Spring the rattle! Call all hands to quarters! Mr. Dwyer came Mr. Dwyer came to the cabin door, telling me A steamboat was close aboard. I was then in the act of getting my pea-jacket, and slipped it on as I followed him out. I jumped to the poop-ladder; saw the smoke and a low boat, apparently a tug, although I thought it might be a little propeller for the squadron. I sang out, Train your guns right on him — be ready to fire as soon as I order. I hailed the steamer, Ahoy! Stand clear of us and heave to. What steamer is that? I then ordered my men to fire on
ain Stellwagen had gone to his room for a short time, leaving Lieut. Com. Abbott on deck, when one of the iron-clads suddenly appeared. Her augh nothing was said of the ship, the Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Abbott, having gone on board the enemy's gunboat and made the award herewith copies of the reports of Capt. Stellwagen, Lieutenant Commander Abbott, and Commander Leroy; also, the reports of the casualtiep-steamer running for the channel. At four I lay down. Lieutenant Commander Abbott was on deck giving an order to Acting Master Dwyer, abouto fire again. After some delay a boat was lowered, and Lieutenant Commander Abbott asked if he should go in her, and asked for orders what pectfully, your obedient servant, F. S. Stellwagen. Lieutenant Commander Abbott's report. sir: In obedience to your order, I procpletely through the ship and boilers. I am, very respectfully, T. Abbott, Lieutenant Commander. Captain Henry S. Stellwagen, U. S. Steamer
R. H. B. Thomas (search for this): chapter 125
; James Bau, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband, scalded to death; Robert Wellinger, scalded to death; David L. Caldwell, ordinary seaman, killed by a shell; Wm. H. Clark, killed by a shell; John E. Bunsom, landsman, killed by a shell; Owen J. McGowen, killed by a shell; R. H. B. Thomas, killed by a shell; James W. Armstrong, marine, killed by a shell; Wm. Dietz, marine, killed by a shell; John H. Conway, killed by a shell; Wm. Peyton, killed by a shell; Patrick Herrick, killed by a shell. Wounded — H. Bellville, James Wright, Patrick Loftus, Robert Atkinson, R. A. Konk, Wm. Loftus, James Hovey, Alexander McKnight, Patrick Farrar, F. Light, John McRenney, John Burns, Hugh Golden, R. Gould, William Coffin, Moses O'Connor, Thomas Kelley, John Sullivan, John Quinn, Mic
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