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Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) 530 0 Browse Search
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Grayson (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
uty. After the war he returned to Mississippi and engaged in farming until 1872. The next year he opened a mercantile house in Memphis, Tenn. In 1878 the people of Shelby county elected him clerk of the criminal court by 6,000 majority. He has served officially as major-general, commanding the Tennessee division of United Confederate Veterans, in all the affairs of which he takes a lively interest. Brigadier-General John C. Vaughn Brigadier-General John C. Vaughn was born in Grayson county, Va., February 24, 1824. His family soon after moved to Tennessee and settled in Monroe county, where his youth and early manhood were passed. As soon as he was old enough to be elected to an office, he was chosen to a position of importance in his county. Although that section of the State has been noted for heated political strife, the people of Monroe county always stood by him. When the United States became involved in war with Mexico, young Vaughn entered the Fifth Tennessee volunt
Pulaski, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
raphical. Brigadier-General John Adams Brigadier-General John Adams, a gallant soldier was born at Nashville, July 1, 1825. His father afterward located at Pulaski, and it was from that place that young Adams entered West Point as a cadet, where he was graduated in June, 1846. On his graduation he was commissioned second li was born in Giles county, January 6, 1827. When nineteen years of age he was graduated at Jackson college, Tenn., and two years later was admitted to the bar at Pulaski. From that time (1848) until May, 1861, he practiced law successfully. He then entered the Third infantry regiment of the provisional army of Tennessee as captany of the choicest spirits of the army of Tennessee laid down their lives, he was severely wounded. At the close of the war he resumed the practice of law at Pulaski, Tenn. He was a member of the constitutional convention which met at Nashville in 1870, and was elected president of that body. The next year he was elected governo
Bentonville (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
cisive defeat of Kilpatrick at Aiken, S. C. Humes with his division formed a part of Wheeler's force during this period also. He was again with the army of Tennessee in the Carolinas, and participated in the last battle fought by that army at Bentonville. In March, 1865, he was commissioned major-general. He had commanded a division for more than a year. After the return of peace, General Humes settled in Huntsville, Ala., where he died September 12, 1883. Brigadier-General Alfred E. Ja the Southern Confederacy, the young lawyer entered the Fourth Tennessee regiment as a captain (May, 1861). Early in 1862 he became lieutenant-colonel of the regiment. As such he shared in the hardships and glories of the campaigns of Shiloh, Bentonville and Murfreesboro, in which he so conducted himself as to be promoted colonel early in 1863, and then to the rank of brigadier-general, July 28, 1863. In the hundred days campaign from Dalton to Atlanta in 1864, he and his men added to their a
Moscow, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ward he was deputy United States surveyor for the district of California. Returning east, he settled in Marshall county, Miss. He was very much opposed to the dissolution of the Union, but when his adopted State, Mississippi, and his native State, Virginia, declared for secession, he promptly determined to abide by their decision, and at once raised a company for the Confederate service. Since Mississippi was not yet ready to arm and equip this company, he went with most of his men to Moscow, Tenn., and was mustered into service as captain in the Thirteenth Tennessee. At the reorganization of this regiment in June, 1861, he was elected lieutenant-colonel. From his first affair with the enemy he gained the reputation of a fighting officer, and maintained this renown to the close of his military career. He was engaged in every battle under Polk, Bragg and Joseph E. Johnston, including Belmont, Shiloh, Richmond (Ky.), Perryville, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and all the battles a
Hatchie River (United States) (search for this): chapter 16
teau, McCulloch, Hill, Sanders, Roddey and Newsom he attacked the enemy at Courtland, Ala., July 25th, and won a brilliant victory, taking 133 prisoners and gaining possession of the fertile Tennessee valley from Decatur to Tuscumbia. His continued successes brought him the warm congratulations of General Bragg. In August, 1862, he was sent with about 2,000 cavalry to make a demonstration in west Tennessee in co-operation with Bragg, and preparatory to Price's advance. He crossed the Hatchie river, passed between Jackson and Bolivar, destroyed bridges and trestles on the Memphis & Charleston railroad, drove the Federals into Bolivar, August 30th, and on his return defeated their infantry, cavalry and artillery at Britton's lane, near Denmark, capturing 213 prisoners and two pieces of artillery. Said General Price: The highest praise should be awarded to General Armstrong for the prudence, discretion and good sense with which he conducted this expedition. His cavalry force, the r
Giles (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
l, and he continued to act with Forrest's command until the close of the war. Major-General John Calvin Brown Major-General John Calvin Brown was born in Giles county, January 6, 1827. When nineteen years of age he was graduated at Jackson college, Tenn., and two years later was admitted to the bar at Pulaski. From that tin Memphis. Brigadier-General George W. Gordon Brigadier-General George W. Gordon, one of the youngest of the Confederate general officers, was born in Giles county, Tenn. He was graduated at the Western military institute at Nashville in 1859. At the outbreak of the civil war he entered the service of his native State as drily, to his native State and to the South the precious legacy of a noble name. Brigadier-General Preston Smith Brigadier-General Preston Smith was born in Giles county, December 25, 1823. He received the advantages of a good country school and of Jackson college, Columbia. In this town he studied law and practiced several y
West Point (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
adjutant at Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. For gallant conduct at Chapultepec, Garite de Belen and City of Mexico, young Wilcox was brevetted first lieutenant, and was commissioned as such August 24, 1851. In the autumn of 1852 he was ordered to West Point as assistant instructor of military tactics, and he remained in this position until the summer of 1857, when, on account of failing health, he was sent to Europe on a twelve months furlough. On his return he published a work on rifles and rifle firing. The war department ordered a thousand copies of this work for distribution to the army, and it was made a text-book at West Point. Wilcox also translated and published a work on infantry evolution as practiced in the Austrian army. He was ordered to New Mexico in 1860, and on December 20th was promoted captain. At this distant post in June, 1861, he learned of the secession of Tennessee. Sending in his resignation, he repaired to Richmond, where he was commissioned colonel of the
Monterey (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
He served in the Florida war, and was on frontier duty at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., when he was promoted to first lieutenant, February, 1844. He participated in the Mexican war, and was engaged in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma and Monterey, and the siege of Vera Cruz. After the fall of that city he remained there on commissary duty until October. In that month he resigned and returned to the United States. He was professor in the Western military institute of Kentucky from 1848of the Indians to the West in 1840, and on the frontier during the Canada border disturbances, 1840-41; in the military occupation of Texas, 1845-46, and in the Mexican war, 1846-47, being engaged in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, and in the assault and capture of the City of Mexico. He was brevetted captain for gallant and meritorious conduct at Cerro Gordo. After the Mexican war he served in various capacities, part of the time on frontier dut
Newnan (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
able assistance to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. In the Meridian campaign of February, 1864, Jackson commanded the cavalry of Polk's army, hanging upon the flanks of the enemy and compelling his foragers to keep close to the main line. During the Atlanta campaign, Jackson commanded the cavalry corps of the army of the Mississippi, which participated in all the arduous labors and many brilliant successes of the cavalry arm of the Confederate service. When, after the brilliant cavalry victory at Newnan, Wheeler moved into the rear of Sherman's army, Jackson's cavalry shared in the movements that defeated Kilpatrick's raid against the Macon road. He led his division of cavalry through the Nashville and Murfreesboro campaign, and then retiring to Mississippi, was there, in February, 1865, assigned to command of all Tennessee cavalry in Forrest's department, with other brigades, to form Jackson's division, one of the two provided for in Forrest's reorganization. His last military service wa
Island Number Ten (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
elves efficient and bold in battle. Maj.-Gen. W. Y. C. Humes of Tennessee entered the Confederate army as a lieutenant of artillery, and in June, 1861, was commissioned captain of that branch of the service in the army of the Confederate States. General McCown, in one of his reports from New Madrid Bend, bears this testimony to his worth: Captain Humes, commanding artillery on the island, deserves commendation for his energy and proper bearing. He was with the force that was captured at Island No.10. After being exchanged, he entered the cavalry service and rose rapidly until we find him a brigadier-general, November 16, 1863, commanding a brigade of cavalry in Wheeler's corps. During the Atlanta campaign he commanded a division of cavalry, one of the best. Throughout the whole campaign from Dalton to Atlanta the cavalry were kept busy, sometimes guarding the flank of the army, at times making raids to the rear of the enemy, and at other times meeting Federal raiders and defeating
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