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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 9: Poetry and Eloquence. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). Search the whole document.

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April, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 8
man, who had worked for Grant Some three years before the war. Francis Bret Harte. Gay and happy still The ex-confederate of twenty-four, just released from Point Lookout prison, put into the passage quoted (from his novel, Tiger Lilies) the kind of humor which appears in the familiar song and which had sustained Lee's ragged veterans during the preceding four hard years. (see page 188) Imposing officers and foreign attaches who unbend between battles—Falmouth, Virginia, April, 1863 Lest the reader suppose the life of the Civil War soldier was unrelieved by any sallies of playfulness, these photographs of 1863 are reproduced. No schoolboys in their wildest larks could engage in a struggle of more mock-desperate nature than that waged by these officers of the Army of the Potomac, with the English, French, and Austrian attaches come to report to their Governments how Americans made war. Boxes and chairs have been scattered hither and yon; swords are slashing in dea
Chapter 7: the lighter side Sambo's right to be kilt: colored troops at drill—Vicksburg, 1864. To illustrate Sambo's right to be kilt: guard of colored troops at the provost-marshal's—Beaufort, North Carolina, 1864 A beautiful Southern mansion stands in flickering shadows of walnut and elm and white oak, and in, ho! It mus' be now de kingdum comina, Ana de yar ob jubilo. ‘And his eye runs Sthraight on the barrel sights’ These Negro pickets near Dutch Gap Canal in 1864 were posing proudly for their photograph, unconscious that they were illustrating Halpine's line so closely. The natural love of the Negro for imitating the whiteinually firing at the men from tree-tops, and several mortars were continually dropping bombs among the squads, who had to seek refuge in dug-outs. In the fall of 1864 most of the labor was performed by colored troops. General P. S. Michie reports that they ‘displayed the greatest courage and fortitude, and maintained under t
April 3rd, 1865 AD (search for this): chapter 8
n a liver that's wake ana white. Though Sambo's black as the ace of spades, His finger a thrigger can pull, And his eye runs sthraight on the barrel-sights From undher its thatch of wool. So hear me all, boys darlina, Don't think I'm tippina you chaff, The right to be kilt we'll divide wid him, And give him the largest half! Charles Graham Halpine. The year of jubilee According to common report a body of negro troops sang these words as they entered Richmond on the morning of April 3, 1865. George Cary Eggleston adds a special interest to the song: it is an interesting fact, illustrative of the elasticity of spirit shown by the losers in the great contest, that the song, which might have been supposed to be peculiarly offensive to their wounded pride and completely out of harmony with their deep depression and chagrin, became at once a favorite among them, and was sung with applause by young men and maidens in well nigh every house in Virginia. Say, darkeys, hab you s
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