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Simon Tufts (search for this): chapter 3
record:— June 12, 1751, voted to pay Mr. Cotton Tuffts, 76£, old tenor, in full, as schoolmaster and employed by Mr. John Skinner, deceased, one of the committee to regulate the school without the neck. This was, doubtless, the son of Dr. Simon Tufts, the first physician of Medford. Cotton Tufts was born May 3, 1734, and graduated from Harvard College in 1749. Our record shows that he was master of the ferule at the early age of seventeen. Later he married a Miss Smith, sister, it is Tufts was born May 3, 1734, and graduated from Harvard College in 1749. Our record shows that he was master of the ferule at the early age of seventeen. Later he married a Miss Smith, sister, it is said, of President John Adams' wife, and resided in Weymouth. He was president of the Massachusetts Medical Association about 1776. His funeral sermon, preached by the Rev. Jacob Norton, is still extant. Wyman, against the name of Joseph Russell (Walter3, Joseph2, William1), born August 25, 1703, says that he kept school about 1724. As the place is not designated, we may not be justified in including him among Charlestown teachers. He may have taught in Menotomy (West Cambridge), where the
Benjamin Parker (search for this): chapter 3
niel Lamson, Nathaniel Francis, Henry Gardner, John Skinner, Samuel Rand, £ 250, or £ 33. 6. 8. lawful Money. May 20, 1751, Peter Tufts, Henry Gardner, Benjamin Parker, Seth Reed, Joseph Phipps, £ 200. O. T. May 12, 1752, Samuel Bowman, Henry Gardner, Seth Reed, Benjamin Parker, Joseph Phipps, Samuel Kent, £ 200, or £ 26.Benjamin Parker, Joseph Phipps, Samuel Kent, £ 200, or £ 26. 13. 4. lawful money, May 14, 1753, Benjamin Parker, Seth Reed, Samuel Kent, Joseph Phipps, £ 240. We close the list at this point, as by the next May the town of Medford had taken on a more definite form, and Charlestown, in consequence, suffered a considerable diminution in territory. This indefinitely designated localBenjamin Parker, Seth Reed, Samuel Kent, Joseph Phipps, £ 240. We close the list at this point, as by the next May the town of Medford had taken on a more definite form, and Charlestown, in consequence, suffered a considerable diminution in territory. This indefinitely designated locality beyond the Neck, or outside the peninsula, consisting, we see, of distinct communities separated by wide stretches of unsettled or sparsely settled territory, to all appearances, after the vote of May, 1736, amicably portioned out the sums we have quoted above. That each district had a school of its own is not certain, but w
Seth Reed (search for this): chapter 3
athaniel Francis, Henry Gardner, John Skinner, Samuel Rand, £ 250, or £ 33. 6. 8. lawful Money. May 20, 1751, Peter Tufts, Henry Gardner, Benjamin Parker, Seth Reed, Joseph Phipps, £ 200. O. T. May 12, 1752, Samuel Bowman, Henry Gardner, Seth Reed, Benjamin Parker, Joseph Phipps, Samuel Kent, £ 200, or £ 26. 13. 4. lawfuSeth Reed, Benjamin Parker, Joseph Phipps, Samuel Kent, £ 200, or £ 26. 13. 4. lawful money, May 14, 1753, Benjamin Parker, Seth Reed, Samuel Kent, Joseph Phipps, £ 240. We close the list at this point, as by the next May the town of Medford had taken on a more definite form, and Charlestown, in consequence, suffered a considerable diminution in territory. This indefinitely designated locality beyond theSeth Reed, Samuel Kent, Joseph Phipps, £ 240. We close the list at this point, as by the next May the town of Medford had taken on a more definite form, and Charlestown, in consequence, suffered a considerable diminution in territory. This indefinitely designated locality beyond the Neck, or outside the peninsula, consisting, we see, of distinct communities separated by wide stretches of unsettled or sparsely settled territory, to all appearances, after the vote of May, 1736, amicably portioned out the sums we have quoted above. That each district had a school of its own is not certain, but we are inclined
May 13th, 1745 AD (search for this): chapter 3
ooks, James Peirce, James Tufts, £ 40. May 11, 1741, Joseph Kent, Captain Caleb Brooks, James Tufts, £ 40. May 10, 1742, and May 10, 1743, the same committee. May 8, 1744, Captain Caleb Brooks, Joseph Kent, Nathaniel Francis, £ 50. May 13, 1745, the same committee. May 19, 1746, Joseph Kent, Nathaniel Francis, John Bradshaw, £ 50. May 11, 1747, Peter Tufts, Philip Cartwrite (Carteret), John Bradshaw, £ 60. May 6, 1748, Nathaniel Lamson, Joseph Kent, John Bradshaw, Nathaniel highway £ 45. 13. 0., which sum was offered as a gift to the town, and accepted with thanks. May 8, 1744, Isaac Royall offered his last year's salary as Representative, with the understanding that the town was to expend it upon the poor. May 13, 1745, he offered £ 30 for the poor within the Neck, and £ 80 for the use of the school without the Neck. Frothingham's History, under date of this year, wrongly states that the gift of £ 80 was to the school at the Neck. There was no school at
or the poor within the Neck, and £ 80 for the use of the school without the Neck. Frothingham's History, under date of this year, wrongly states that the gift of £ 80 was to the school at the Neck. There was no school at the Neck at this time. May 19, 1746, Mr. Royall offers £ 30 for the use of the school without the Neck, in addition to what the town raises for that purpose, and £ 30 for supporting highways between Winter Hill and Mistick bridge. Mr. Royall was one of the selectmen for 1746, and for several years thereafter. May 11, 1747, he returns to the town his pay as Representative the year before. May 16, 1748, of his salary (£ 120 as Representative), he gives £ 40 to the poor within the Neck and £ 80 for the use of the school without the Neck. The next May meeting he gives his year's salary for whatever use the town desires. Again, he donates one-half of his last year's salary to the school without the Neck, and one-half to the school within the Neck. In 1752 Mr. Roy
f Charlestown himself, he became the progenitor of a line of teachers through his grandson, Philemon R. Russell, of whom we hope to speak later on. The little cemetery on Phipps street has preserved from oblivion one other name, that of Mistress Rebeckah Anderson, the only one of the worthy dames of that early period whose name has come down to us. The headstone reads:— Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Rebeckah Anderson (Late School-Mistress in this Town) who Died March 4th, Anno Dom. 1743-4 in the 49th Year of Her Age. Close by is the grave of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips, the famous midwife, who held her commission from the bishop of London. The name of Rebeckah Anderson, who led the van, and that, too, so far in advance of the great army of female teachers, who since her time have battled faithfully for the cause, ought to be treasured by her sisters of to-day. We give this sentiment: As their number never faileth, so may her grave, hereafter, never lack a flower
May 15th, 1738 AD (search for this): chapter 3
Committees appointed for the school outside the Neck, together with the annual appropriations. May 5, 1736, William Symmes, Joseph Frost, William Rand, £ 25. May, 1837, William Symmes, Joseph Frost, Joseph Kent, £ 30. May 15, 1738, William Rand, Samuel Hutchinson, Henry Gardner, £ 30. May 14, 1739, Joseph Kent, Samuel Hutchinson, Henry Gardner, £ 30. May 13, 1740, Captain Caleb Brooks, James Peirce, James Tufts, £ 40. May 11, 1741, Joseph Kent, Captain Caleb Brooks, James Tufts, £ 40. May 10, 1742, and May 10, 1743, the same committee. May 8, 1744, Captain Caleb Brooks, Joseph Kent, Nathaniel Francis, £ 50. May 13, 1745, the same committee. May 19, 1746, Joseph Kent, Nathaniel Francis, John Bradshaw, £ 50. May 11, 1747, Peter Tufts, Philip Cartwrite (Carteret), John Bradshaw, £ 60. May 6, 1748, Nathaniel Lamson, Joseph Kent, John Bradshaw, Nathaniel Francis, and Henry Gardner, £ 80. May 15, 1749, the same committee, with Mr. Kent, chairman,
arlestown himself, he became the progenitor of a line of teachers through his grandson, Philemon R. Russell, of whom we hope to speak later on. The little cemetery on Phipps street has preserved from oblivion one other name, that of Mistress Rebeckah Anderson, the only one of the worthy dames of that early period whose name has come down to us. The headstone reads:— Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Rebeckah Anderson (Late School-Mistress in this Town) who Died March 4th, Anno Dom. 1743-4 in the 49th Year of Her Age. Close by is the grave of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips, the famous midwife, who held her commission from the bishop of London. The name of Rebeckah Anderson, who led the van, and that, too, so far in advance of the great army of female teachers, who since her time have battled faithfully for the cause, ought to be treasured by her sisters of to-day. We give this sentiment: As their number never faileth, so may her grave, hereafter, never lack a flower or
May 12th, 1752 AD (search for this): chapter 3
. May 11, 1747, Peter Tufts, Philip Cartwrite (Carteret), John Bradshaw, £ 60. May 6, 1748, Nathaniel Lamson, Joseph Kent, John Bradshaw, Nathaniel Francis, and Henry Gardner, £ 80. May 15, 1749, the same committee, with Mr. Kent, chairman, £ 100. May, 1750, Nathaniel Lamson, Nathaniel Francis, Henry Gardner, John Skinner, Samuel Rand, £ 250, or £ 33. 6. 8. lawful Money. May 20, 1751, Peter Tufts, Henry Gardner, Benjamin Parker, Seth Reed, Joseph Phipps, £ 200. O. T. May 12, 1752, Samuel Bowman, Henry Gardner, Seth Reed, Benjamin Parker, Joseph Phipps, Samuel Kent, £ 200, or £ 26. 13. 4. lawful money, May 14, 1753, Benjamin Parker, Seth Reed, Samuel Kent, Joseph Phipps, £ 240. We close the list at this point, as by the next May the town of Medford had taken on a more definite form, and Charlestown, in consequence, suffered a considerable diminution in territory. This indefinitely designated locality beyond the Neck, or outside the peninsula, consistin
May 10th, 1743 AD (search for this): chapter 3
er, £ 30. May 14, 1739, Joseph Kent, Samuel Hutchinson, Henry Gardner, £ 30. May 13, 1740, Captain Caleb Brooks, James Peirce, James Tufts, £ 40. May 11, 1741, Joseph Kent, Captain Caleb Brooks, James Tufts, £ 40. May 10, 1742, and May 10, 1743, the same committee. May 8, 1744, Captain Caleb Brooks, Joseph Kent, Nathaniel Francis, £ 50. May 13, 1745, the same committee. May 19, 1746, Joseph Kent, Nathaniel Francis, John Bradshaw, £ 50. May 11, 1747, Peter Tufts, Philip Catly gratified. But, whatever his motive, he offers an example of generous and interested citizenship which did not find an equal in his day and generation. Personal gleanings from the records give us the following facts:— In town meeting, May 10, 1743, the thanks of the town were voted to Isaac Royall for his gift of £ 100, to be used as the town sees fit. The same year he paid out on the highway £ 45. 13. 0., which sum was offered as a gift to the town, and accepted with thanks. May
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