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Confederate Congress. Senate. Wednesday, March 15, 1865. The Senate met at 11 o'clock, A. M., Mr. Hunter, President pro tem., in the Chair. The House bill to grant transportation to discharged and disabled soldiers, was taken up and passed. House joint resolution of thanks to and for the relief of Major Caspar Tochman, formerly of the Polish army, was taken up and passed. On motion of Mr. Wigfall, the Senate resolved into Executive session. When the doors were opened.-- Mr. Brown of Miss., presented the petition of Ormon L. Kimbrough of Miss., which was referred to the Committee on Claims. On motion of Mr. Maxwell, the leave of absence of John W. Anderson, a clerk in the office of the Secretary of the Senate, was extended to the close of the session. On motion of Mr. Barnwell, the Senate adjourned. House of Representatives. Wednesday, Mch. 15. The House met at 11 o'clock. On motion of Mr. Clopton, leave of absence was g
Confederate Congress. Senate. Thursday, March 16, 1865. House bill to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, reported back adversely by the Judiciary Committee, was, after debate, rejected by the following vote: Yeas--Messrs. Burnett, of Ky., Henry of Tenn., Johnston of Mo., Maxwell of Fla., Simms of Ky., and Vest of Mo.--6. Nays--Messrs. Barnwell, Brown, Graham, Hunter, Oldham, Orr, Semmes, Watson, and Wigfall. --9. The Senate concurred in House amendment to the bill to regulate the business of conscription. Impressment law so as not to give property impressed for the use of the army, to be paid for at the time of the impressment, was passed. House resolution to adjourn on Saturday next was rejected — yeas 8, nays 8. The Senate then resolved into secret session. The doors being opened, Mr. Orr submitted a resolution to adjourn at two o'clock on Saturday, which was agreed to — yeas 8, nays 7. The Senate took a recess til
tes to the House with his objections, was considered. Upon the question, "Shall the bill pass notwithstanding the objections of the President, " the vote was taken by yeas and nays, as follows: Yeas.--Messrs Brown, Burnett, Caperton, Henry, Hunter, Johnson of Missouri, Oldham, Slimms of Kentucky, Vest, Watson and Wigfall--11. Nays.--Mr. Semmes of Louisiana. No quorum voting, the bill was lost. Mr. Watson, of Mississippi, read the following report: Mr. President,--The jHe hoped that the members of the two Houses might all safely reach their homes, and that they and their families and their common country might continue to experience the protection and favor of Heaven. The hour of 2 P. M. having arrived, Mr. Hunter, President pro tem, rose and said: Senators,--The hour of 2 P. M. having arrived, it becomes the duty of the Chair to announce the Senate adjourned sine die. House of Representatives evening session. Friday, March 17, 1865. The Ch
t Virginia there were, in February, but four thousand five hundred men altogether, and the greater part of them were transferred on March 1st, and thereabouts, to Lynchburg. General Lee's testimony. A committee of the rebel Senate was engaged, early in the present year, in an inquiry into the condition of the Confederacy. Among the witnesses summoned before them was General Lee, and the following are extracts from his testimony on the 24th of January, 1865: Question by Senator Hunter.--What is your opinion as to evacuating Richmond and withdrawing the army to North Carolina? Answer.--In my opinion, it would be a bad movement. The Virginia troops would not go to North Carolina; they would go home. Question.--Do you think we have troops enough for the next campaign? Answer.--I do not. We cannot last till midsummer. Question.--What do you think of the policy of arming two hundred thousand negroes? Answer.--If we are to carry on the war, that is
be done without a quorum, and thought it best to adjourn sine die and go to their homes. Mr. Marshall, by unanimous consent, withdrew his motion to adjourn, when Mr. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, and Mr. Neeson, of Marion, proceeded to explain why several Senators were absent, and believed that in a day or two a sufficient number would arrive in the city to enable the Senate to proceed to business regularly. Mr. Dillard, of Sussex, moved that the Senate adjourn. On motion of Mr. Hunter, the yeas and nays were ordered, which resulted — yeas, 14; nays, 2; and the Senate therefore adjourned till 12 o'clock to-morrow. [Note.--We have been requested to state that Beverly B. Douglass, Esq., the Senator from King William, is detained from his seat in consequence of being confined to his bed with sickness.] House of Delegates. In the House of Delegates there was no quorum present. The House, however, adopted the following resolution, with the view of compelling th
ifax on the eighth instant, with two days later news. There was considerable mystery connected with the escape of Stephens, the Fenian Head Centre, the particulars of which have not been as yet disclosed. The Government offers a reward of one thousand pounds for his recapture, and three hundred pounds for information that shall lead to his arrest, with a free pardon to any person or persons giving such information. The opinion was, that Stephens made his escape through the assistance of some of the prison officials. The question of parliamentary reform was being agitated with increased interest and vigor, a reform meeting having been called at Birmingham, at which it was announced that John Bright would address the people on the great interests involved in the question. The reported increase of the cattle plague in England is confirmed by the arrival. Dr. Hunter, the American physician, on trial in London for an alleged assault on one of his female patients, had been acquitted.
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