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Your search returned 132 results in 112 document sections:
1. *ke/stios, Cicero mentions three persons of this name, who perhaps are all the same: one in the oration for Flaccus, B. C. 59 (100.13), another (C. Cestius) in a letter to Atticus, B. C. 51 (ad Att. 5.13), and a third (C. Cestius) as praetor in B. C. 44, who, he says, refused a province from Antony. (Phil. 3.10.)
As the last belonged to the aristocratical party, it is probable that he is the same Cestius who perished in the proscription, B. C. 43. (Appian, App. BC 4.26.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), P. Clodius Pulcher (search)
4. Q. Considius, a senator and one of the Judices, is praised by Cicero for his integrity and uprightness as a judge both in B. C. 70 (in Verr. 1.7) and in B. C. 66. (Pro Cluent. 38.) Considius is spoken of as quite an old man in Caesar's consulship, B. C. 59, and it is related of him, that when very few senators came to the house, on one occasion, he told Caesar, that the reason of their absence was their fear of his arms and soldiers ; and that when Caesar thereupon asked him why he also did not stop at home, he replied, that old age had deprived him of all fear. (Plut. Caes. 14 ; Cic. Att. 2.24.)
5. C. Cosconius, praetor in B. C. 63, the same year that Cicero was consul, obtained in the following-year the province of Further Spain, with the title of proconsul, and was, it seems, on his return accused of extortion, but acquitted.
He was one of the twenty commissioners appointed in B. C. 59 to carry into execution the agrarian law of Julius Caesar for dividing the public lands in Campania, but he died in this year, and his vacant place was offered to Cicero by Caesar, who wished to withdraw him from the threatened attack of Clodius.
This offer, however, was refused by Cicero. (Cic. pro Sull. 14, in Vatin. 5; comp. V. Max. 8.1.8; Cic. Att. 2.19, 9.2, A; Quint. Inst. 12.1. . ยง 16.
6. C. Cosconius, tribune of the plebs in B. C. 59, when he was one of the colleagues of P. Vatinius, aedile in 57, and one of the judices in the following year, 56, in the trial of P. Sextius.
In the same year, C. Cato, the tribune of the plebs, purchased of Cosconius some bestiarii which the latter had undoubtedly exhibited the year before in the games of his aedileship.
It seems that Cosconius subsequently obtained the aedileship, for Plutarch states, that Cosconius and Galba, two men of praetorian rank, were murdered by Caesar's soldiers in the mutiny in Campania, B. C. 47, and we know of no other Cosconius who is likely to have been praetor. (Cic. in uatin. 7, ad Q. Fr. 2.6; Plut. Caes. 51; comp. Dion. Cass. 42.52, *Bouleuta\s du/o.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Crassus, Clau'dius
27. LICINIUS CRASSUS DIVES, of uncertain pedigree, was praetor in B. C. 59, when L. Vettius was accused before him of conspiracy against the life of Pompey. (Cic. Att. 2.24.2.) It has been conjectured that his praenomen was Publius, and that he was identical with No. 18.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Decia'nus, Appuleius
2. C. Appuleius Decianus, a son of No. 1, lived as negotiator in Asia Minor, at Pergamus, and at Apollonis.
He was repeatedly charged with having committed acts of injustice and violence towards the inhabitants of Apollonis, for he appears to have been a person of a very avaricious and insolent character, and in the end he was condemned by the praetor Flaccus, the son of the L. Valerius Flaccus, who had been accused by Decianus, the father. In B. C. 59, Decianus took vengeance upon Flaccus by supporting the charge which D. Laelius brought against him. (Cic. pro Flace. 29-33; Schol. Bobiens. pp. 228, 230, 242, ed. Orelli.) [L.S]
5. A STOIC philosopher, who lived for many years at Rome in the house of Cicero, who had known him from his childhood, and always entertained great love and respect for him.
He instructed Cicero, and trained and exercised his intellectual powers, especially in dialectics.
In his later years, Diodotus became blind, but he nevertheless continued to occupy himself with literary pursuits and with teaching geometry.
He died in Cicero's house, in B. C. 59, and left to his friend a property of about 100,000 sesterces. (Cic. ad Fam. 9.4, 13.16, de Nat. Deor. i 3, Brut. 90, Acad. 2.36, Tusc. 5.39, ad Att. 2.20.) [L.S]
4. A tragedian, exhibited at Rome in the time of Cicero, whom he grievously offended by applying to Pompey, at the Apollinarian games (B. C. 59), the words " Nostra miseria tu es Magnus," and other allusions, which the audience made him repeat again and again. (Cic. Att. 2.19.3 ; V. Max. 6.2.9.) [P.S]