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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 63 BC or search for 63 BC in all documents.

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he greatest splendour. But Sertorius soon recovered from this defeat, and would probably have continued to defy all the efforts of Metellus and Pompey, if be had not been murdered by Perperna and his friends in B. C. 72. [SERTORIUS.] Metellus returned to Rome in the following year, and triumphed on the 30th of December. In B. C. 65, Metellus was one of those who supported the accusation against C. Cornelius. He was pontifex maximus, and, as he was succeeded in this dignity by C. Caesar in B. C. 63, he must have died either in this year or at the end of the preceding. Metellus Pius followed closely in the footsteps of his father. Like him, he was a steady and unwavering supporter of the aristocracy; like him, his military abilities were very considerable, but not those of a first-rate general, and he was unable to adapt himself or his troops to the guerillawarfare which had to be carried on in Spain; like his father, again, his personal character contrasted most favourably with the ge
epos bore him a third son, to whom he again gave the names of Quintus and Nepos. This supposition accounts not only for the two brothers bearing the same praenomen, but also for the younger, and not the elder, having the cognomen of his father. In B. C. 66, Metellus Celer served as legate in the army of Pompey in Asia, and distinguished himself by repulsing an attack which Oroeses, king of the Albanians, made upon his winter-quarters. He returned to Rome before Pompey, and was praetor in B. C. 63, the year in which Cicero was consul. Like the other members of his family he distinguished himself during his year of office by a warn support of the aristocratical party. He prevented the condemnation of C. Rabirius by removing the military flag from the Janiculum, as has been already narrated in the life of Caesar [Vol. I. p. 541]. He co-operated with Cicero in opposing the schemes of Catiline; and, when the latter left the city to make war upon the republic, Metellus had the charge of t
Metellus 21. Q. Metellus Metellus Nepos, Q. F. Q. N., brother of the preceding, and son of the elder Nepos [No. 16]. In B. C. 67 he served as legate of Pompey in the war against the pirates, and was still with him in Asia in B. C. 64. In B. C. 63 he returned to Rome, in order to become a candidate for the tribunate, that he might thereby favour the views of Pompey. The aristocracy, who now dreaded Pompey more than any one else in the state, were in the utmost consternation. They brought forward M. Cato as a rival candidate, and succeeded in carrying his election, but were unable to prevent the election of Metellus likewise. Metellus entered upon his office on the 10th of December, B. C. 63, and commenced his official career by a violent attack upon Cicero, whom he looked upon as the main support of the existing order of things. He openly asserted that he who had condemned Roman citizens without a hearing ought not to be heard himself, and accordingly prevented Cicero from addressing t
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Metellus Scipio (search)
i, into which he was subsequently adopted. Before his adoption he bore the names of P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica, and hence his name is given in various forms. Sometimes he is called P. Scipio Nasica, sometimes Q. Metellus Scipio, and sometimes simply Scipio or Metellus. His full legal name, as it appears in a senatus consultum (Cic. Fam. 8.8), is the one given at the commencement of this notice. Appian erroneously gives him the praenomen Lucius. (B. C. 2.24.) Metellus is first mentioned in B. C. 63, when he is said to have come to Cicero by night, along with M. Crassus and Marcellus, bringing with them letters relating to the conspiracy of Catiline. In B. C. 60 he was elected tribune of the plebs, but was accused of bribery by M. Favonius, who had failed in his election, and was defended by Cicero. He was tribune in B. C. 59, and was one of the college of pontiffs before whom Cicero spoke respecting his house in B. C. 57. In the latter year he exhibited gladiatorial games in honour of
s and Panares, the chief leaders of the Cretans, made their submission to him, and the war was brought to a close. In B. C. 66 Metellus returned to Rome, but he was prevented from obtaining a triumph by the partisans of Pompey. Metellus, however, could not relinquish his claim to a triumph, and accordingly resolved to wait in the neighbourhood of the city till more favourable circumstances. His patience was as great as his desire for the honour; for he was still waiting before the city in B. C. 63, when the conspiracy of Catiline broke out. He was sent into Apulia to prevent an apprehended rising of the slaves; and in the following year, B. C. 62, after the death of Catiline, he was at length permitted to make his triumphal entrance into Rome, and received the surname of Creticus. He was robbed, however, of the chief ornaments of his triumph, Lasthenes and Panares, whom a tribune of the plebs compelled him to surrender to Pompey. Metellus, as was naturally to be expected, joined Lu
Sulpicius had the unpopular function of presiding at the quaestio peculatus (Cic. pro Muren. 20). Murena expended considerable sums on the public exhibitions (ludi Apollinares), which he had to superintend during his office. (Plin. Nat. 33.3; Cic. pro Muren. 18, 19.) After his praetorship (B. C. 64) he was propraetor of Gallia Cisalpina, where his brother Caius served under him, and he settled the disputes between debtor and creditor in a satisfactory and equitable way, as Cicero says. In B. C. 63 he was a candidate for the consulship, and was elected with D. Junius Silanus. Serv. Sulpicius, an unsuccessful candidate, instituted a prosecution against Murena for bribery (ambitus), and he was supported in the matter by M. Porcius Cato, Cn. Postumius, and Serv. Sulpicius the younger (Plut. Cat. Min. 21, Cic. 35, and the oration of Cicero for Murena). Murena was defended by Q. Hortensius, M. Tullius Cicero, who was then consul, and M. Licinius Crassus. The speech of Cicero, which is exta
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Niger, No'vius quaestor in B. C. 63, was appointed to investigate the cases of the Catilinarian conspirators, and Caesar, who was then praetor, was charged by L. Vettius as one of Catiline's conspirators. Caesar subsequently cast Novius into prison for permitting a magistrate of higher rank to be accused before him. (Suet. Cases. 17.)
Nysa 5. A daughter of Mithridates the Great, who had been betrothed to the king of Cyprus, but accompanied her father in his flight to the kingdom of Bosporus, where she ultimately shared his fate, and put an end to her life by poison, B. C. 63. (Appian, App. Mith. 111.) [E.H.B]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
magistrates, and next served as a soldier in Macedonia. On returning to his native town he resumed his literary studies, and after teaching there for a long while, he removed to Rome in the fiftieth year of his age, in the consulship of Cicero, B. C. 63. Here he opened a school; but although he obtained a considerable reputation, his profits were small, and he was obliged to live in his old age in a sorry garret. His want of success would not contribute to the improvement of his temper as he grus (2.6), though they differ in the name of the Roman noble whom he made game of, the former calling him Varro Murena, and the latter Galba. Orbilius lived nearly a hundred years, but had lost his memory long before his death. As he was fifty in B. C. 63, he must have been born in B. C. 1 13, and have died shortly before B. C. 13. A statue was erected to him at Beneventum in the Capitol. He left a son Orbilius, who followed the profession of his father; and a slave and pupil of his, of the name
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
rdinibls), next to the place of the senators, which was in the orchestra (Vell. 2.32; Liv. Epit. 99; D. C. 36.25 ; Cic. pro Mur. 19; Tac. Ann. 15.32; Hor. Epod. 4.15, Ep. 1.1. 62; Juv. 3.159, 14.324). For those equites who had lost their rank by not possessing the proper equestrian census, there was a special place assigned (inter decoctorcs, Cic. Phil. 2.18). This law soon became very unpopular; the people, who were excluded from the seats which they had formerly occupied in common with the equites, thought themselves insulted; and in Cicero's consulship (B. C. 63) there was such a riot occasioned by the obnoxious measure, that it required all his eloquence to allay the agitation. (Cic. Att. 2.1). This L. Roscius Otho must not be confounded, as he has frequently been, with the L. Roscius who was praetor in B. C. 49. The latter had the cognomen of Fabatus [FABATUS]. The Otho spoken of by Cicero in B. C. 45, may be the same as the tribune. (Cic. Att. 13.29, comp. 12.37.2, 38.4, 42.1.)