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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 9: going to Europe.—December, 1837.—Age, 26. (search)
York, Dec. 7, 1837. my dear Lieber,—I have returned from a flying visit to Washington, where I found the warm reflection of your friendship. Gilpin was very kind to me, and placed me at my ease in the little business which I had on hand. He carried me for a portion of an evening to the President, where I met Forsyth and Woodbury. Henry D. Gilpin, of Philadelphia, was then Solicitor of the Treasury; John Forsyth, of Georgia, and Levi Woodbury, of New Hampshire, were members of President Van Buren's Cabinet,—the former as Secretary of State, and the latter as Secretary of the Treasury. The conversation turned upon Canadian affairs, and I was astonished by the ignorance which was displayed on this subject. But in a farewell letter, let me not consume your patience or my own by unfruitful politics. The omitted part of this letter relates to Dr. Lieber's Political Ethics, advising at length as to the revision of the manuscript and mode of publication, and giving an account of
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 33: the national election of 1848.—the Free Soil Party.— 1848-1849. (search)
n supporter of Taylor. Webster, after some dalliance with the movement, was keeping aloof from it. Judge McLean, whose nomination was most favored by those who had been Whigs hitherto, withdrew his name at the last moment. Giddings distrusted Judge McLean, believing he had no heart in the political movement against slavery; he was not alone in this distrust. Letter to Sumner, June 2, 1847. These Whig names being out of the question, the only alternative was the nomination of Ex-President Martin Van Buren, who was urged by the well-organized delegation from New York. As a Democrat, he had shown himself to be an intense partisan; and on two occasions as President he had given just offence to the antislavery sentiment of the free States. But in subserviency to the South he was not a marked exception among the public men of his time, and one of his acts was to his credit. He had refused as President to promote the annexation of Texas in any way involving war with mexico,—an exhib
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 46: qualities and habits as a senator.—1862. (search)
e a mistake. Never name a child after a living man. This is the counsel I give always and most sincerely. Who knows that I may not fail? I, too, may grow faint, or may turn aside to false gods. I hope not; but this is one of the mysteries of the future. Therefore name your boy some good Christian name. It may be Charles if you will, for that is general; but do not compel him to bear all his days a label which he may dislike. I once met a strong antislavery youth who bore the name Martin Van Buren. He was born while New York sat in the Presidential chair, and his father named him after the chief of the land. But the youth did not find the sentiments of the late M. V. B. such as he wished to be associated with. Somebody in the play says in anger to his son: I'll unget you! Don't do this. Simply unname him. Samuel Hooper entered, in December, 1861, the House as a member from a Boston district, and continued a member during the rest of the senator's life. He was a wealthy
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 5: at Westhaven, Vermont. (search)
his one a test of party orthodoxy and fealty. This was resisted, we think most justly and democratically, by three-fourths of the people, including a large majority of those of this State. But among the prime movers of the caucus wires was Martin Van Buren of this State, and here it was gravely proclaimed and insisted that Democracy required a blind support of Crawford in preference to Adams, Jackson, or Clay, all of the Democratic party, who were competitors for the station. A Legislature waut the friends of the rival candidates at length began to bestir themselves and demand that the New York Electors should be chosen by a direct vote of the people, and not by a forestalled Legislature. This demand was vehemently resisted by Martin Van Buren and those who followed his lead, including the leading Democratic politicians and editors of the State, the Albany Argus, Noah's Enquirer, or National advocate, &c. &c. The feeling in favor of an Election by the people became so strong and
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, chapter 14 (search)
olt of the people of the United States against the wire-pulling principle, supposed to be incarnate in the person of Martin Van Buren. Other elements entered into the delirium of those mad months. The country was only recovering, and that slowly, fnd fury of the struggle arose from the fact, that General Harrison, a man who had done something, was pitted against Martin Van Buren, a man who had pulled wires. The hero of Tippecanoe and the farmer of North Bend, against the wily diplomatist who ld Tip! turn out, turn out! Make way for old Tip, turn out! 'Tis the people's decree, Their choice he shall be, So, Martin Van Buren, turn out, turn out, So, Martin Van Buren, turn out! But of all the songs ever sung, the most absurd and the mosMartin Van Buren, turn out! But of all the songs ever sung, the most absurd and the most telling, was that which began thus: What has caused this great commotion-motion-motion Our country through? It is the ball a-rolling on For Tippecanoe and Tyler too, For Tippecanoe and Tyler too; And with them we'll beat little Van; Van, Van,
28, 1784 Died, aged eighty-three years, July 4, 1826 James Madison, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1809 Died, aged eighty-five years, June 28, 1836 James Monroe, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1817 Visited Boston, July 2, 1816 Died, aged seventy-two years, July 4, 1831 John Quincy Adams, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1825 Died, aged eighty-one years, Feb. 15, 1848 Andrew Jackson, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1829 Visited Boston, June 30, 1833 Died, aged seventy-eight years, June 8, 1845 Martin Van Buren, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1837 Died, aged eighty years, July 24, 1862 William Henry Harrison, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1841 Died, aged sixty-eight years, Apr. 4, 1841 President United States, John Tyler, inaugurated, Apr. 5, 1841 Visited Boston, June 17, 1843 Died, aged seventy-two years, Jan. 17, 1862 James K. Polk, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1845 Visited Boston, July 4, 1847 Died, aged fifty-four years, June 17, 1849 Zachary Taylor, inaugurated, Mar. 5, 1849 Di
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Letters and times of the Tylers. (search)
egislature, to vote for those resolutions—resigned his seat and returned home. Mr. Tyler may be considered a firm and decided Whig. In 1836, as a Whig candidate for the Vice-Presidency, he obtained the votes of Maryland, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee. In 1838 he was a member of the Legislature from James City county, and fully cooperated with the Whig party. In relation to the Whig party, in its position to the second term of Jackson and the opposition to the election of Martin Van Buren, Calhoun truly remarked: It is also true that a common party designation (Whig) was applied to the opposition in the aggregate. But it is no less true that it was universally known that it consisted of two distinct parties, dissimilar in principle and policy, except in relation to the object for which they had united the National Republican party and the portion of the State Rights' party, which had separated from the Administration on the ground that it had departed from the true prin
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Development of the free soil idea in the United States. (search)
prominent place in the public gaze. It happened in this wise. The State of New York were represented in the Democratic national convention at Baltimore, May 22d of that year, by two delegations, that of the free soilers or barn burners, composed of Wilmot proviso men and the Hunkers under the leadership of General Daniel S. Dickinson. The convention undertook to conciliate both delegations by admitting both to a seat and a half vote, upon which the free soilers withdrew and nominated Martin Van Buren for president, and Charles Francis Adams for vice-president. The Democrats nominated General Cass for president and William O. Butler, of Kentucky, for vice-president. At that election Van Buren received a popular vote of nearly 300,000, which defeated General Cass. Public feeling had been greatly intensified at the effort of the Wilmot proviso men to secure the restriction of slavery in the organic acts of the new territories, to allay which the Whig party, under the leadership of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.38 (search)
n and women in Washington for the greater part of half a century. This naturally threw her children into the most pleasant surroundings and companionship. I personally remember and knew every President of the United States from the time of Martin Van Buren. And here Mr. Semmes smiled pleasantly as he recalled the first time that he had ever seen Mr. Van Buren. It was at a children's party given in Washington at the residence of Mr. Forsythe, one of the cabinet officers. I was a little bterized by his enemies as the most extravagant of the Presidents. In the next campaign, when he was a candidate for re-election, the gold spoons were used against him with telling vengeance. Everywhere the cry rang out in the North against Martin Van Buren's extravagance, and with this cry that of Tippecanoe and Tyler, too, with the result that Harrison was elected. But succeeding years have shown that Mr. Van Buren's administration was the most economical of all the Presidents, notwithstandi
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 3. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Anti-Slavery Poems (search)
ing star. God's interpreter art thou, To the waiting ones below; Twixt them and its light midway Heralding the better day; Catching gleams of temple spires, Hearing notes of angel choirs, Where, as yet unseen of them, Comes the New Jerusalem! Like the seer of Patmos gazing, On the glory downward blazing; Till upon Earth's grateful sod Rests the City of our God! 1848. Paean. This poem indicates the exultation of the anti-slavery party in view of the revolt of the friends of Martin Van Buren in New York, from the Democratic Presidential nomination in 1848. Now, joy and thanks forevermore! The dreary night has wellnigh passed, The slumbers of the North are o'er, The Giant stands erect at last! More than we hoped in that dark time When, faint with watching, few and worn, We saw no welcome day-star climb The cold gray pathway of the morn! O weary hours! O night of years! What storms our darkling pathway swept, Where, beating back our thronging fears, By Faith alone our mar