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Released. --We understand that the barque Octavia, of Richmond, and the schrs. Haxall and Crenshaw, also of this port, who were not long since seized by Lincoln's piratical Myrmidons in Hampton Roads, and taken to New York as prizes, were released a day or two since by the Admiralty Court, before whom they were taken to have the swindle legalized. We hope that they have all three gone on their way rejoicing, and have not, like the British brig Hiawatha, remained to sue for damages a Government which will be bankrupt by the time judgment can be obtained against it.
1 cts.; Adamantine 20@23; Sperm 45, Patent Sperm 54@56 Cement.--James River $1.70@1.80 per bbl.; Northern Mosendale at $1.70@1.80. Coal.--White and Red Ash Anthracite Coal, for grates, $7.50 per cart load of 25 bushels, per ton of 2,240 lbs. $5 Foundry do. $7 per ton of 2,240 lbs.; Bituminous Lump $5 per load of 25 bushels; Hall $4.50, Smiths' Coal 13@14 per bushel. Coffee.--We quote Rio 14½@15½c.; Laguayra, none in market; Java 16½@17 cts.; Mocha 18 cents. On Wednesday, Messrs. Crenshaw & Co. offered at auction 5,000 bags Rio Coffee. the cargo of the bark Fannie Crenshaw. The owners were not satisfied with the prices, and stopped the sale after 1.700 and been knocked off. The prices ranged from 12½ to 13.80; average of 13¼ to 13½. Corn.--For city consumption $5 per cart load of $5 bushels, for soft lump; soft hall $4.50. Hard lump and hall $4.50. Corn.--We quote 55 to 60 cts. per bushel for old and new. dull. Corn Meal--City Bolted Meal 75 cts.; count<
Substantial work. --The foundation for the new mill of Haxall, Crenshaw & Co. is about as substantial a piece of masonry as we have ever seen. These thick walls of granite will stand the test of time, and resist any encroachment of the river which runs along their base. An arched tunnel, also of granite, has been constructed, leading from the canal directly under the walls, so that boats can be floated in and loaded or unloaded beneath the new building. The numerous improvements that have been projected and carried into effect within a year or two by this enterprising firm, have completely changed the aspect of things on the bank of the river between Haxall's Mills and the Danville depot. True, the work has involved an immense outlay of money; but this, while it will eventually come back with remunerative interest to the capitalists themselves, has benefited many others who have found employment through their liberal schemes of improvement.
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.Military enthusiasm in Charlotte county. Keysville, Charlotte Co., Va., July 23, 1861. The war fever has by no means abated here. On last Saturday, after an excellent barbecue, spirited addresses were made by Mr. Charles Bruce, Rev. Mr. Crenshaw, and others, another volunteer company was organized, and the following officers elected, viz:--Charles Bruce, Captain; A B. Paris, First Lieutenant; Wood Bouldin, Jr., 2d do.; Alfred Mann, 3d do.; T. M. Tucker, First Sergeant; W. K. Priddy, 2d do.; Dr. Cardon, 3d do.; R. L. B. Williams, 4th do.; Sampson Well, First Corporal; W. O. Hamlett, 2d do.;--Spead, 3d do.;--Hudson, 4th do. Mr. Bruce, with his usual liberality, offers to equip the company and provide everything necessary at his own expense. With such a leader and such a cause, there can be no failure in getting a few more volunteers. This makes the 8th company from old Charlotte. Great uneasiness is felt here about the Keysv
assed by an Abolition Congress to stop the freedom of speech and the Press. Prize Vessels. A New York paper says: The following is a list of United States prizes that have been captured by the blockading flict, and sent to this port. These vessels, with the exception of the last two, have been examined, but as yet, no decision has been rendered: Biawatha; Octavia, released by order of the Government; Proneer; Haxall, released by order of the Government; North Carolina; Crenshaw; Winitred; Lynchburg, Hannati M. Johnson; Gen. Green; Halhe Jackson; Mary Clinton; Forrest King; Sallie Magee; Solferino [Several of these are owned in Richmond] Some of the officers and crews of the vessels which captured these prizes have written to their friends in this city to know what disposition will be made of the prizes. The probability is that they will all be condemned and sold. Canadian opinion. The Toronto Globe, which has heretofore strongly sympathized with th
Alabama Legislature--Governor's message Montgomery, Ala.,., Oct. 20. --The Legislature of Alabama met in this city on yesterday. Mr. Patton, of Lauderdale, was elected President of the Senate, and Mr. Crenshaw, of Butler, Speaker of the House. The Governor in his message to-day says, that if the General Assembly can devise a plan to pay the war tax without collecting it from the people at present, he recommends that it be adopted; but if no satisfactory and constitutional plan can be devised he thinks it best to make no change. He says that the State of Alabama has now 27,000 troops in the service of the Confederacy, and other regiments are being organized. He congratulates the State that all its citizens are patriotically united in sustaining the movements in operation to establish the independence of the Southern Confederacy.
Spotswood Hotel Richmond, Virginia This new Hotel., at the corner of Main and streets, just finished and elegantly furnished, is a open for the accommodation of guests. The location is the best in the city, and every fort will be made to please the patrons of the Hen I have secured the services of Mr. T. W. Niger, late of the Everett House, New York eo 5--1v Joseph H Crenshaw
ll; Union street, to be supplied; Market street, Ro. M. Sleade; City Mission, to be supplied; High street, W. E. Judkins, J. Kerr; Factories Mission, Jas. H. Jefferson. Dinwiddie, H. B. Cowles, Jno. N. Guy; Colored Mission, to be supplied; Sussex, L. J. Harnsberger, J. A. Riddick, sup.; Prince George, N. Thomas, A. Stuart, B. Woodword, sup.; Surrey, Jas. A. Crowder, Jno. P. Woodward, sup.; Smithfield, Jos. S. R. Clarke; Southampton, Jos. G. Potts, J. M. Arnold, sup.; Murfreesboro, Larkin H Crenshaw; Bertie, Thos. L. Williams, R. J. Carson, sup. Several preachers were left without appointments at their own request. John C. Granberry, P. F. August, James E. Joyner and some others not now remembered appointed Chaplains in the Army, and B. R. Duval agent of the Bible and Tract Society of the Conference, and James A. Duncan editor of the Richmond Christian Advocate. The Bishop remarked that if he had overlooked any member of the Conference, he would rectify the error if reminded
quarely to work again in the ordinary way? Only three drunken individuals appeared yesterday upon the call of the roll; one was discharged, one committed, and the third required to give security for his good behavior hereafter. The following cases were also disposed of: Patrick Shay and John Doland, two fast boys, following the example set in Broad street on Friday, kindled a rousing fire on the South side of the Basin on Sunday, but unluckily for themselves, went to tearing one of Mr. Crenshaw's houses down to feed the roaring flame. The police suddenly put a stop to the fun, and the Mayor yesterday ordered them into winter quarters. Mary Donahoe had a shawl which Mary Gleason claimed; Mary No. 1. was arrested and confronted with her accuser, but the proof of guilt was lacking, and she was discharged from custody. The shawl was given to Mary No. 2, who proved the ownership of the property. Patrick McCarthy was arraigned to answer a charge of threatening personal vi
Wanted-- --We wish to hire, For the ensuing year, Our usual number of Negro men; For Wagoners and Mill Hands. Haxall, Crenshaw & Co. de 30--6t