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The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1863., [Electronic resource], Funeral procession in honor of Lieut. Gen. Thos. J. Jackson. (search)
the body, which had been placed in a metallic burial-case, was removed from the reception room of the Governor's mansion and placed in a hearse in attendance. The procession then took up the line of march down Governor street in the following order: 1st. Military escort, composed of part of Gen. Pickett's division. 2d. The Public Guard, Lieut. Gay commanding. 3d. The Camp Guard at Camp Lee, about one hundred in number, under command of Lieut. Trabue. 4th. Six pieces of Dearing's battery, commanded by Capt. Blunt. 5th. The 21st battalion Virginia cavalry, Major Wrenn commanding. 6th. The hearse, containing the coffin in which was enclosed the remains of the lamented hero; which was adorned by six mourning plumes, and drawn by four white horses. The burial case was wrapped in a Confederate flag. Grouped around the hearse as pall-bearers were the following officers: Gens. Ewell, Winder, Elzey, George H. Stewart, Churchill, Garnett, Corse, and Kemper, and
From Charleston. Charleston, Oct. 21. --Ten Yankee prisoners, including an acting ensign, captured in a barge near Georgetown by our cavalry, arrived here this afternoon. They belong to the United States schooner Ward, blockading off Georgetown, and were taken after setting fire to and destroying a small schooner loaded with cotton it. Dearing creek. There has been considerable increase in the enemy's squadron off this harbor, and an increase off Hilton Head. [Second Dispatch.] Charleston, Oct. 25. --No change in the firing. Weather very stormy. The enemy, on land and sea, quiet.
nd the shores grew low and marshy. The night was foggy and thick; some rain fell. To get a fair understanding of the plan of attack, I may say briefly that it was intended Gen. Pickett should open upon the Yankee lines early in the morning to divert their attention and drive them back into the town. He had with him two brigades only — Clingman's and Hokes's — while Gen. Barton had been sent up the Trent to fall upon the town simultaneously with those in front. In addition to this, Col. Dearing, with a small force of infantry, a battalion of cavalry, and two pieces of artillery, had been sent across the Neuse to threaten Fort Anderson, and prevent reinforcements from Washington. This was the position of affairs at an early hour this morning. It was hard on to four before we came opposite the town, and so dark and foggy we could see but a short distance beyond our bows. The day before it had been ascertained the Yankee gunboats were in the Neuse, but upon reaching the posi
ews. Just across the Neuse, hardly three-quarters of a mile from Newbern, was Fort Anderson, and this, to prevent the garrison assisting in the fight, and also to keep reinforcements from coming on from Washington, had been closely invested. Col. Dearing, with a brigade of infantry, three battalions of cavalry and two batteries of artillery, had completely surrounded it, and kept the men under arms, expectantly waiting an attack. This, however, was almost impossible from the land side; for thde. The garrison, under Col. Anderson, was composed of 860 infantry, with some heavy artillery. The most that could be done was to keep this force engaged, and at the same time to threaten the Washington road to prevent reinforcements. This Col. Dearing accomplished. For some two miles around Newbern the forest had been cleared, and the guns of three large forts, together with two parks of field artillery stationed in the town, had a clear sweep, and would have played havoc with our adva
ne as Pickett, and attack the enemy's salient at the same moment. --Pickett's division was arranged: two brigades in the front line, supported by the third brigade; Wilcox's brigade, of Anderson's division, was to move in the rear of the right of Pickett's division to protect Pickett's right flank. Heth's division was formed in two lines, supported by Lane's and Scales's N C brigades, under the command of Maj Gen Trimble. All of the artillery of the third corps (consisting of Alexander's, Dearing's, Cabell's and Henry's battalions, and the Washington artillery,) and part of the artillery of the second corps, the whole under the command of that skillful and accomplished artillerist, then Colonel, now General E P Alexander, were placed in position with all the guns bearing upon the enemy's left. Our artillery was massed on the summit of a long, high ridge, about one mile from but parralel to, the enemy, who were pasted on a like ridge, with his right rest ting on Cemetery Hill, and h
h shop, and it is presumed that they finished their work of destruction by burning all the buildings in the place. At the same time skirmishing was going on between Ashland and Wickham's farm, and we regret to hear a report that Lieutenant Colonel Brown, of the Maryland Line, was shot through the head and killed. From the Southside. Comparative quiet prevails along our lines in Chesterfield county. A sharp skirmish took place on Tuesday on the south bank of the Appomattox, in Prince George county, between a portion of General Dearing's command and a force of the enemy's "nigger" troops. The enemy were strongly entrenched, with their right flank protected by gunboats, two of which moved up and participated in the fight. Our casualties were four killed and nine wounded--among the former, Lieutenant Tomlinson, of the 7th Confederate cavalry, and among the latter, Lieut. Col. Kennedy, of Col. Griffin's Georgia cavalry. The loss of the enemy was numerically about the same.
burning the buildings of citizens of Prince George, and it is stated that a negro force is encamped near Cabin Point, in Surry. In the first named county they have destroyed the mills and barns of Mr. Fred. Temple, and the dwelling of Mr. James Temple. It is also reported that the buildings on Cook's and Catlin's farms were burnt. The raiders on Wednesday evening advanced a short distance in the direction of Petersburg, but were met and driven back to their entrenchments by a portion of Dearing's cavalry. From Gen. Johnston's army. In the following official dispatch, received yesterday, Gen. Johnston gives a cheering account of the condition of, and the advantages gained by, his army: New Hope Church, June 1, 1864. To Gen. Bragg: To day the enemy is moving his forces from his right to his left. Prisoners and citizens represent his cavalry and transportation animals in a suffering condition in every respect. This army is in a healthy condition. In partial
circulation last night relative to the demonstration above alluded to, one of which was that the enemy actually got inside of the city, and were mowed down by batteries posted in the streets; but nothing was known of this in official quarters. We learned at the War Department that a dispatch was received at 5 o'clock, stating that the enemy had been repulsed, and we have good authority for saying that they got no nearer to the city than the water works. The troops engaged on our side were Dearing's cavalry, a part of Wise's brigade, and the local forces.--Some few of the latter are reported killed, among them Mr. John Friend and Mr. Jones, druggist. The Yankees, at last accounts, were retreating through Prince George. The object of these two raids — starting almost simultaneously on the north and south sides of the river — is obviously to embarrass our transportation and cut off our means of communication. The fight near Staunton. We have received some additional
e at first seemed overwhelmed with surprise, and halted, neither advancing nor retreating. But a minute or two later another branch of our service made its appearance, which quickly determined the enemy as to the best course for him to pursue. Dearing's cavalry brigade quickly dismounted, and descending the hill with a yell, charged upon the enemy in beautiful style. This was more than they expected, (since they had encountered but a few militia in the breastworks, and had advanced nearly a mile without seeing any regulars) and they instantly wheeled their horses and started back up the hill in great confusion. Graham's battery continued to play upon them, and Dearing's men crossed the refine and ascended the opposite hill, in gallant style, their carbines keeping up a regular and most musical fusillade upon Kantz and Speare, and their rapidly retreating followers. Upon reaching the tops of the opposite hill, the enemy hoped to make a stand, as here another column, which they ha
s localities. As an excuse for robbing the inhabitants of their provisions, Grant's men alleged that they were hard pressed for something to eat, which was no doubt the truth. Another Demonstration against Petersburg. Various rumors, were in circulation yesterday relative to another advance of the enemy upon Petersburg. We learned last night that at an early hour yesterday morning a force approached Petersburg by the City Point road; were engaged during the day with our troops at Dearing's farm, two miles distant from the city, and were driven back. On application at headquarters to learn the situation of affairs, we failed to obtain any information whatever; but though it lacks official confirmation, the reader may rely upon the correctness of the above statement. Rumor magnified this affair into a direct attack upon Petersburg, the capture of the second line of fortifications, and gave a high coloring to the picture generally; but rumor in this instance was decidedly at