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Your search returned 192 results in 72 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1863., [Electronic resource], Funeral procession in honor of Lieut. Gen. Thos. J. Jackson . (search)
From Charleston. Charleston, Oct. 21.
--Ten Yankee prisoners, including an acting ensign, captured in a barge near Georgetown by our cavalry, arrived here this afternoon.
They belong to the United States schooner Ward, blockading off Georgetown, and were taken after setting fire to and destroying a small schooner loaded with cotton it. Dearing creek.
There has been considerable increase in the enemy's squadron off this harbor, and an increase off Hilton Head.
[Second Dispatch.] Charleston, Oct. 25.
--No change in the firing.
Weather very stormy.
The enemy, on land and sea, quiet.
The Daily Dispatch: June 2, 1864., [Electronic resource], The war News. (search)