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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), South Carolina, (search)
ton Harbor......April 7, 1863 Colonel Montgomery, with United States troops, makes a raid from Beaufort up the Combahee River, securing 800 slaves and a quantity of provisions and horses......June, 1863 Federals victorious in the battles of Morris Island, July 10; Fort Wagner, July 11; James Island......July 16, 1863 Fort Wagner bombarded by Gen. Q. A. Gillmore......July 18, 1863 Charleston bombarded by the Swamp angel, which bursts......Aug. 24, 1863 Fort Wagner bombarded by Gillmore......Sept. 5, 1863 George A. Trenholm appointed Confederate Secretary of the Treasury......1864 Confederates defeat Gen. John P. Hatch at Honey Hill......Nov. 30, 1864 Confederates repulsed in battles of Pocotaligo, Jan. 14; Salkhatchie, Feb. 3; Willston Station, Feb. 8; Orangeburg, Feb. 12; Congaree Creek......Feb. 15, 1865 Columbia surrendered to General Sherman......Feb. 17, 1865 Charleston, burned and evacuated by General Hardee the day previous, is occupied by Federal tr
ed General Lee's attention—the most threatened points—when he (December, 1861) assumed command of the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida (namely, the Stono, the Edisto, the Combahee, Coosawhatchie, the sites opposite Hilton Head, on the Broad, on the Salkahatchie, etc.) were not, after all, the points actually attacked by the united land and naval forces of the enemy—were not the sites of the impenetrable barrier against which the combined efforts of Admiral Dahlgren and General Gillmore were fruitlessly made. The real barrier that stopped them, and through which they could never break, consisted in the magnificent works on James, Sullivan's, and Morris Islands, and in different parts of the Charleston Harbor, and in the city proper—all due to the engineering capacity of General Beauregard, who conceived and executed them. Unreflecting friends are worse at times than avowed enemies. They often belittle instead of elevating the object of their predilection. Ground
emonstration in third military district. General Gillmore assumes command of Federal forces. Generr additional heavy guns. remonstrance to General Gillmore as to depredations of his troops. Genera A few days later, on the 12th of June, General Gillmore superseded General Hunter, and assumed cory Preparations against Charleston, by General Q. A. Gillmore, p. 18. It was fortunate that, shortlym falling, for there can be no doubt that General Gillmore would have immediately increased the arma the wharf at Mobile. From the fact that General Gillmore was then in command of the Federal troopse, was addressed by General Beauregard to General Gillmore, with a view to prevent the useless destr Appendix. produced very little effect on General Gillmore. He continued the system of depredationswith a message informing him and likewise General Gillmore (for some few of the latter's troops wererded him to help his men; but not so with General Gillmore, who abstained from even acknowledging th
Sumter strengthened. flag of truce from General Gillmore. James Island batteries not to open fire his ironclads and gunboats, a fact which General Gillmore has always carefully recognized. Before same day, at 12 M., under flag of truce, General Gillmore sent a demand for the surrender of Fort SVery respectfully, your obedient servant, Q. A. Gillmore, Brig.-Genl. Comdg. This necessitatedvant, G. T. Beauregard, Genl. Comdg. General Gillmore made no reply to the foregoing letter. O I am, General, your obedient servant, Q. A. Gillmore, By a strange oversight no signature washarleston, S. C., August 22d, 1863. Brig.-General Q. A. Gillmore, Comdg. U. S. Forces, Morris Island my communication of the 21st instant. General Gillmore's rejoinder is given in full in the Appendix. General Gillmore did accordingly, but must have been disappointed at the result of his experimelaced in the Marsh Battery after this. General Gillmore's book, Engineer and Artillery Operations[6 more...]
n asked, Did you succeed last night? and General Gillmore answered, We found the enemy prepared at tillery Operations against Charleston, by General Gillmore, p. 335. See also p. 337. Being apprid is ours, but the enemy have escaped us. General Gillmore. While, in the course of this narratiwith the success of the land-forces under General Gillmore; and that in such an event Fort Sumter, n. If not complied with, he telegraphed to General Gillmore, I will move up with all the ironclads and engage it. General Gillmore's book, p. 335. Major Elliott had declined the request; and having er would yield to the wish of the other. General Gillmore thought that an operation of this kind shr. In his despatch of September 8th to General Gillmore, Admiral Dahlgren spoke of his assaultingin the ditch for its defence. See also General Gillmore's book, p. 74, § 168, where the same incof Charleston may be completely covered by General Gillmore's guns on Morris Island, but at the dista[5 more...]
ch importance occurred between the 7th and the 19th of November. On the latter date another boat attack was made by General Gillmore's force against Fort Sumter, resulting in utter failure, as had been the case with the former attempt. The followinley's book, from which we have already had occasion to quote some passages: On the night of November 19th, 1863, General Gillmore made an attempt to surprise and capture Fort Sumter. He asked no aid from the navy; but Admiral Dahlgren, hearing . * * * The thoughtful care of the Admiral for the army column on this occasion shines, by contrast, with the failure of Gillmore to support the navy column on September 6th. Leaves from a Lawyer's Life, Afloat and Ashore, p. 115. The date given shond ready for any effort to surprise you. Respectfully, your obedient servant, Thomas Jordan, Chief of Staff. General Gillmore admits that with the second bombardment of Sumter ended all aggressive operations for the season against the defence
a Hundreds, which afterwards became the base of General Butler's operations. He had also instructed Colonel Harris to inspect closely old Fort Powhatan, a few miles below City Point, on the James, which he desired to strengthen and re-arm with heavy guns, besides blocking up the river—there narrower than elsewhere—with torpedoes and other obstructions. But before this could be done General Butler had landed at Bermuda Hundreds an army of about 30,000 men, composed of two corps, under Generals Gillmore and W. F. Smith. On the 25th of April General Beauregard sent the following telegrams to General Bragg, who was then acting as military adviser of the President and General Chief of Staff of the Confederate Armies: 1. Every indication is that Burnside will attack Richmond via Petersburg. Are we prepared to resist him in that direction? Can the forces of this Department be concentrated in time? are questions worthy of immediate consideration by the War Department. 2. Burnsi
litary situation. the War Department withdraws more troops from General Beauregard to reinforce General Lee. attack of Gillmore's Corps. General Wise's account of it. General Beauregard's telegram to General Bragg (June 7th). his letter to the sched from the grave, and youths taken from the cradle. in all about 2200 men, guarding that city. On the 9th of June, Gillmore's corps was thrown across the Appomattox, by a pontoon-bridge at Point of Rocks, in a movement against Petersburg. The ck itself was made by a body about 5000 strong, chiefly of Kautz's mounted infantry, and was successfully repulsed. Had Gillmore's large force been handled with more vigor, Petersburg, with the handful of men then available for its defence (so compl his readiness to obey any order given him by the authorities at Richmond, but warned them that at least 8000 men, under Gillmore, still confronted his lines, and most strongly advised that no more troops should be withdrawn from his Department. L
nication of the 21st instant. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Q. A. Gillmore, Brig.-Genl. Comdg. Appendix to chapter XXXIII. Headquarters, Dt 28th ultimo for Florida. General Gardner, in command there, reports that General Gillmore is now in chief command; that he is being reinforced; has retired to JacksM. Genl. R. E. Lee, Shady Grove Church, Va.: Prisoners and deserters report Gillmore with two divisions—about 8000 men —still in my front. One of his divisions wie division, which can be moved to north side of James River soon as balance of Gillmore's corps shall have been withdrawn, or Government shall have determined to abanmorning, but they represent enemy still in strong force in our front under General Gillmore. I may not be able to spare Ransom's brigade immediately. G. T. Beauregaorning, but they represent enemy still in strong force in our front, under General Gillmore. Shall I send Ransom's brigade as requested? General Johnson says it can
Q. A. Gillmore Brigadier GeneralJune 12, 1863, to May 1, 1864. Department of the South Major GeneralFeb. 9, 1865, to June 26, 1865. Department of the South Major GeneralJune 12, 1863, to Apr. 17, 1864. Tenth Army Corps, Department of the South Major GeneralMay 4, 1864, to June 14, 1864. Tenth Army Corps, Army of the Jam