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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
had taken refuge in Fort Donelson since the rout of the 5th. Buckner with his division from Bowling Green had arrived on the 11th. He was followed on the 12th and the 13th by General Floyd, at the head of a strong brigade of Virginians from Russellville and Cumberland City, whither those troops had retired and reorganized after their defeat in West Virginia a few months previously. The Confederates did wrong to reward the criminal services Mr. Floyd had rendered them whilst Secretary of War ts for the purpose of joining Grant, while several regiments from the far West——from Iowa, and from Nebraska —descended the Missouri to form a junction with them. Buell's army also sent reinforcements, which, after amusing the Confederates at Russellville, not far from Bowling Green, embarked on Green River, a tributary of the Ohio, and came down this latter river as far as Smithland, at the confluence of the Cumberland, where they joined the large convoy of transports. Some of the troops who <
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—Tennessee. (search)
lasgow. At Bowling Green, on Big Barren River, we find another branch of the same: the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, which we have followed from the first of these two cities, resumes a southerly direction, and, after forming an angle toward the east leading to the village of Gallatin, it reaches the capital of Tennessee, on the banks of the Cumberland. The other line is the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, which, extending to the south-west, reaches the banks of the Tennessee by way of Russellville, Clarksville and Dover. The Federal general Gilbert was charged to protect these railway tracks. It was a difficult task in presence of such a foe as Morgan, who was at the head of more than three thousand mounted combatants. Gilbert had under his command, more or less directly, his old division, the Tenth, and a large number of depots, detachments and incomplete corps, which occupied a considerable extent of ground, but were imperfectly connected; these forces, comprising twenty-four
Another Federal Usurpation in Missouri. Louisville, July 15. --Mr. Colton, the Surveyor of this port, places an agent at Russellville to-morrow.
Resignations, &c. Louisville, July 21. --Gen. Buckner,Col. Hunt, and several other officers of the State Guard have resigned. Mr. Cotton, the Collector at this port, refuses to issue permits to ship goods by Russellville or Bowling Green. Trunks of citizens of Kentucky who may desire to travel from here to points on or near the border, will be examined after to-day on the trains. A late dispatch announces that the Confederate troops now occupy Romney.
The Daily Dispatch: August 31, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
id directly or indirectly to, the enemy, punishable with death, or other punishment directed by court-martial. The public safety requires the enforcement of this article. It is therefore ordered that all correspondence or communication, written or verbal, printed or telegraphic, respecting operations of the army or military movements, either by land or water, or respecting troops, camps, arsenals, entrenchments, or military affairs, by which direct or indirect intelligence may be obtained without the sanction of the General commanding, be and are absolutely prohibited from and after the date of this under. Persons violating this will be proceeded against." The Post-Office Department orders the abolition of Kentucky post-offices at Hickman, Columbus, Paducah, and all post-offices and post-routes west of the Tennessee River, except the route from Russellville viz Cadis and Mayfield, and from Eddifield to Oliver. All post-offices on those routes will be continued except Aurora.
overnment of Kentucky and its people. Under his authority the State has also been invaded by an organized Union regiment from East Tennessee. The development of these facts renders it necessary that I should now make public the paper which was given me to justify the statement I have made. That paper and the other assurances of the President, induced me to believe he was sincere and determined me while I would not give my active support to a Government that was acting so absurdly and so wickedly wrong in other respects at least to refrain from opposing it as long as their was enough of justice left in its administration to respect the attitude assumed by my own State. Since then, as before, my efforts within the limited sphere of my influence, have been directed towards preserving peace among at the people of Kentucky. If war should be the result of the violation of neutrality my conscience is clear of offence. S. B. Blucknee Russellville, Ky. Sept. 12, 1861.
Kentucky. It has already been announced that a Convention of the people of Southern Kentucky is shortly to be held at Russellville, in that State. Its object, as we are informed, is to make arrangements for the admission of the Southern portion of Kentucky under the Provisional Government of the Confederacy; and doubtless the visit of Messrs. Breckinridge, Preston, and Marshall, to this city, has something to do with the movement. We shall await the result with much anxiety, since the contemplated measure has an important bearing upon the future interests of the South.
The Provisional Government ordered in Kentucky. --The fact that the Convention of Kentucky, recently in session at Russellville, had passed an ordinance of secession from the Lincoln Government has already been announced. The following synopsis of its proceedings we copy from the Louisville (Bowling Green) Courier, of the 1st inst.: On Monday last a number of prominent citizens of Southern Kentucky met at Russellville, for the purpose of consulting together relative to the future; feeling that duty to themselves and their posterity, the protection of their constitutional rights, their lives and liberty demanded that they should resist the oppr. Johnson, were adopted. They recite the unconstitutional and oppressive acts of the Legislature, proclaim revolution, provide for a Sovereignty Convention at Russellville on the 18th of the present month, recommend the organization of county guards, to be placed in the service of and paid by the Confederate States Government, pl
Important from Kentucky. Nashville, Nov. 16. --The Louisville Courier, of to-day, states that it is reported that Gen. Tom Crittenden, with 10,000 Yankees, is within 35 miles of Russellville. The Courier thinks that Crittenden probably intends to disperse the Sovereignty Convention which will meet in that place on Monday next.
g Green correspondent of the Union and American, of this city, and a gentleman direct from Elizabethton, reports that the Federals, 4,000 strong, had advanced on Bacon creek. The small pox, a violent type of typhoid fever, and the black measles, were prevailing with frightful mortality among the troops on Muldrough's Hill. Large numbers are dying daily. A portion of Gen. Hardee's forces, under Col. Anderson, who were sent to break up the Federal camp at Tompkinsville, returned to Bowling Green on yesterday, the 17th. The Federals left two days before the Confederates arrived at Tompkinsville. A special dispatch to the Union and American, dated at Russellville, Ky., on this day, states that the Sovereignty Convention met on that morning, and fifty-one counties were represented. H. C. Burnett, Esq., was chosen President. A Provisional Government of Southern Kentucky will certainly be formed to-morrow. George W. Johnson, of Scott county, will be appointed Governor.