Your search returned 389 results in 73 document sections:

U. S. general hospital at, VII., 211, 215. Jenkins, A. G., III., 320; X., 317. Jenkins, C. T., VII., 135. Jenkins, D. C., IX., 158. Jenkins, M.: III., 46, 48, 49; X., 155. Jenkins Ferry, Ark., II., 352. Jennings, Bob, I., 179. Jericho Ford, Va., III., 71, 322. Jericho Mills, Va., pontoon bridge at, approaches to, V., 220. Jerome, signal officer receiving signals at Elk Mountain, Md. , VIII., 320, 321. Jesup, T. S., IX., 285. Jetersville, Va.; scouts ride to, III., 309; V., 268. Jewett, J. H., IX., 330, 331. John brown's body, IX., 17, 154. John Burns of Gettysburg, Francis Bret Harte, IX., 35, 206. Johnnie Reb, VIII., 124. Johnnie Rebs, VIII., 121. Johnny Rebs, IV., 190. Johns, a surgeon, VII., 222. Johns Island, S. C., III., 326. Johnson, A.: VII., 205, 207 seq., 208; IX., 128; X., 19, 48. Johnson, A. R.: II., 322, 352; IV., 318; X., 269. Johnson, B. R.: I
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the war in the South-West. (search)
lost by this going to and fro. During this time the severity of the weather renders the least operation impossible in the upper valleys of the Alleghanies. The Confederates have experienced it. General Vance, having endeavored to penetrate from North Carolina into the Tennessee Valley at the head of a small force of five hundred cavalry, of whom one hundred and fifty were Indians, crossed the chain of the Smoky Mountains, and, coming down near Knoxville, captured a Federal train near Jetersville; but the enemy starting at once to pursue him, he finds himself driven to the foot of the mountains, which the snow and the ice render impassable. He divided his force: one detachment succeeded in getting back to North Carolina. The remainder under his direction endeavored to pass through the gap of Big Pigeon River, but, soon overtaken by the enemy, the Southerners after a small fight were compelled to surrender January 15th. In the mean time, the weather having moderated in the mo
The Daily Dispatch: April 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], Three Infantry companies, from Amelia, were in the city yesterday (search)
Three Infantry companies, from Amelia, were in the city yesterday --the Grays, from Jetersville, Capt. John E. Perkinson. 43 men; Painesville Rifles, Capt. Wm. M. Miller, 62 men, and Amelia Rifles, Capt. A. V. Scott, 36 men. The companies numbering the requisite amount of force, 50 men, were mustered into service.
Fatal accident. --Joseph D. Ennis, for 12 years a baggage agent on the Richmond and Danville railroad, while passing from the baggage to the mail car at Jetersville, yesterday, was knocked off by a material train passing on a siding and killed. He was about 50 years of age, and esteemed by the officers of the road for his faithful attention to his duties.
50 dollars reward. --Ran away from Jetersville, on the 15th of this month, my boy Allen, who was hired to Mr James Moore, of that place Said boy Allen is a bright, gingerbread color, 19 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, rather high forehead, and is very likely. I will give a reward of fifty dollars for his delivery to me at Jetersville, Amelia county, or lodged in any jail so that I get him again. He may aim to go to Richmond. George E Farley. ja 22--8t 50 dollars reward. --Ran away from Jetersville, on the 15th of this month, my boy Allen, who was hired to Mr James Moore, of that place Said boy Allen is a bright, gingerbread color, 19 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, rather high forehead, and is very likely. I will give a reward of fifty dollars for his delivery to me at Jetersville, Amelia county, or lodged in any jail so that I get him again. He may aim to go to Richmond. George E Farley. ja 22--8t
The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], The justice and Mercy of Butler's rule in Eastern North Carolina. (search)
50 dollars reward --Ran away from Jetersville, on the 15th of this month, my boy Allen, who was hired to Mr. James Moore, of that place. Said boy Allen is a bright, gingerbread color, 19 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, rather high forehead, and is very likely. I will give a reward of fifty dollars for his delivery to me at Jetersville, Amelia county, or lodged in any jail so that I get him again. He may arm to go to Richmond. George E. Farley, ja 22--8t 50 dollars reward --Ran away from Jetersville, on the 15th of this month, my boy Allen, who was hired to Mr. James Moore, of that place. Said boy Allen is a bright, gingerbread color, 19 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, rather high forehead, and is very likely. I will give a reward of fifty dollars for his delivery to me at Jetersville, Amelia county, or lodged in any jail so that I get him again. He may arm to go to Richmond. George E. Farley, ja 22--8t
50 dollars reward. --Ran away from Jetersville, on the 15th of this month, my boy Allen, who was hired to Mr James Moore, of that place. Said boy Allen is a bright, gingerbread color, 19 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, rather high forehead, and is very likely. I will give a reward of fifty dollars for his delivery to me at Jetersville, Amelia county, or lodged in any jail so that I get him again. He may aim to go to Richmond. George E Farley. ja 22--8t 50 dollars reward. --Ran away from Jetersville, on the 15th of this month, my boy Allen, who was hired to Mr James Moore, of that place. Said boy Allen is a bright, gingerbread color, 19 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, rather high forehead, and is very likely. I will give a reward of fifty dollars for his delivery to me at Jetersville, Amelia county, or lodged in any jail so that I get him again. He may aim to go to Richmond. George E Farley. ja 22--8t
200 Dollars reward. --Will be paid by me for the apprehension and confinement in boy jail of a negro man named Kelby, who ran away from Wm. A. Branton, in Amelia county. Said negro was purchased by said Bran on of R. H. Norvell, in Richmond. Address John J. Gills, Jetersville P. O, Amelia co, Va. je 23--2td3a*
200 Dollars reward --Will be paid by me for the apprehension and confinement in any jail of a negro man named Kilby, who ranaway from Wm A Branton, in Amelia county. Said negro was purchased by said Branton of R H Norvell, in Richmond. Address John J Gills. Jetersville P O, Amelia co, Va. je 23--2taw3w*
200 dollars reward --Will be paid by for the apprehension and of a negro man named Rudy, ran away from Wm A Branton, in negro was purchased by said well, in Richmond. Address. John Jetersville P O, , je 23--3taw3w*