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Six Hundred dollars reward. --Ran away from me, about three months since, my cook, Bettie. She is a very large, stout woman; about six feet tall; dark complexion. She was raised in Tappahannock, and is either there or in the city, hiring herself out as a cook and washer. I will give the above reward for her, or any information that will enable me to get her. Samuel D. Hicks, Franklin street. ja 31--3t
Six hundred dollars reward. --Ran away from me, months since, my cook, Bettie. She is a very large, stout woman; about six feet tall; dark complexion. She was raised in Tappahannock, and is either there or in the city, hiring herself out as a cook and washer. I will give the above reward for her, or any information that will enable to get her. Samuel. D. Hicks. Franklin street. ja 31--3t
ing Green to Newtown, Bowling Green to Mangohick, and Bowling Green to Edge Hill. J. C. Howard, of Washington, D. C., has the route from Fredericksburg to Tappahannock. J. T. Rouse, of Washington, D. C., has the route from Tappahannock to Richmond. Henry Carns, of Warsaw, has the route from Warsaw to Kinsale. JTappahannock to Richmond. Henry Carns, of Warsaw, has the route from Warsaw to Kinsale. J. T. Rouse has the route from Tappahannock to Gloucester Courthouse. Circulation. The National Currency Bureau last week issued to national banks currency amounting to four million seven hundred and ninety-one thousand two hundred and ten dollars. Redemption. The Redemption Division of the Treasury Department, foTappahannock to Gloucester Courthouse. Circulation. The National Currency Bureau last week issued to national banks currency amounting to four million seven hundred and ninety-one thousand two hundred and ten dollars. Redemption. The Redemption Division of the Treasury Department, for the week ending December 16, 1865, redeemed five hundred and thirty-three thousand dollars in certificates of indebtedness, and five millions three hundred and ninety- one thousand four hundred and thirty dollars in currency and gold certificates. The ladies of the National Union Relief Association are preparing to give a b
undred dollars' worth of the stolen goods were secured. The prisoners were committed for court. Sentenced. In the Criminal Court, Hy. Hawkins and William Tyler, convicted to-day of larceny, were each sentenced one year to penitentiary. George H. Welger, convicted of petit larceny, six months to jail. Officers who can't take the oath. Among the officers of the Treasury Department who are unable to take the oath of office are James M. Matthews, collector of customs at Tappahannock, Va., and Gordon Fords, surveyor of customs at Yeocomico, Va. A Stabbing affair. Colonel Richard Dunbar was stabbed on Tuesday by James McGuire, formerly his clerk, who was in turn knocked down by the Colonel. Increase of the Cattle Plague. The United States Consul, writing to the State Department from Manchester, under date of December 9th, 1865 says: "Since the date of my last dispatch on the subject of the cattle plague, the deaths have rapidly increased. The whole num