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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 55: Fessenden's death.—the public debt.—reduction of postage.— Mrs. Lincoln's pension.—end of reconstruction.—race discriminations in naturalization.—the Chinese.—the senator's record.—the Cuban Civil War.—annexation of San Domingo.—the treaties.—their use of the navy.—interview with the presedent.—opposition to the annexation; its defeat.—Mr. Fish.—removal of Motley.—lecture on Franco-Prussian War.—1869-1870. (search)
itten instructions showed, to inquire and report, Babcock executed, September 4, with the Dominican authorities a protocol which stipulated for the annexation of Dominica to the United States, with the payment by the United States of $1,500,000 for the extinction of the Dominican debt; and two days later he started on his return tform the present Haytian authorities that this government is determined to protect the present Dominican government with all its power. You will then proceed to Dominica, and use your force to give the most ample protection to the Dominican government against any power attempting to interfere with it. Visit Samana. Bay and the cial belt, and he should enjoy it undisturbed. Caleb Cushing wrote, March 25:β€” You must be gratified to find that all the journals commend your speech on Dominica, especially seeing that these outside opinions are, of course, but the echo of the judgments of senators. J. R. Hawley, late governor of Connecticut, and aft
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 56: San Domingo again.—the senator's first speech.—return of the angina pectoris.—Fish's insult in the Motley Papers.— the senator's removal from the foreign relations committee.—pretexts for the remioval.—second speech against the San Domingo scheme.—the treaty of Washington.—Sumner and Wilson against Butler for governor.—1870-1871. (search)
haracter and proceedings of the negotiators (Baez, Cazneau, Fabens, and Babcock), the orders of the navy department, and the conduct of the officers of the ships, which were a menace to Hayti as well as the sole support of Baez. He upheld by citations from international law the equality of States, denying the right to do aught against Hayti which would be unlawful if attempted against the most puissant nations. While condemning in sober language the President's belligerent intervention in Dominica and Hayti, and his usurpation of war powers, as well as his unusual pressure on senators for a ratification of the treaty, and his calling its rejection a folly, he abstained from epithets and invective,β€”and this to the surprise of spectators, who led by a false rumor had come expecting an exposure of the President's delinquencies in the way of nepotism and otherwise. As to his own recent dismissal from his committee or the part which the President or others had taken in it, he was silent.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, chapter 2 (search)
ll Saints, namely, the 3d of November, 1493], about dawn, a pilot of the ship Capitana cried out, The reward! I see the land! The joy of the people was so great, that it was wonderful to hear their cries and exclamations of pleasure. And they had good reason to be delighted; for they had become so wearied of bad living, and of working the water out of the ships, that all sighed most anxiously for land . . . . On the morning of the aforesaid Sunday, we saw lying before us an island; Dominica, so named from being discovered on Sunday. and soon on the right hand another appeared: the first was high and mountainous, on the side nearest to us; the other flat, and very thickly wooded. As soon as it became lighter, other islands began to appear on both sides; so that on that day there were six islands to be seen lying in different directions, and most of them of considerable size. We directed our course towards that which we had first seen; and, reaching the coast, we proceeded mo
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, Book XI: Captain John Smith in Virginia (A. D. 1606-1631.) (search)
sailing-vessel. of twenty. The transportation of the company was committed to Captain Christopher Newport, a mariner well practiced for the western parts of America. But their orders for government were put in a box, not to be opened, nor the governors known, until they arrived in Virginia. On the 19th of December, 1606, we set sail from Blackwall, but by unprosperous winds were kept six weeks in the sight of England. . . . We watered at the Canaries. We traded with the savages at Dominica. Three weeks we spent in refreshing ourselves among the West India Isles. In Gaudaloupe we found a bath so hot, as in it we boiled pork as well as over the fire; and, at a little isle called Monica, we took from the bushes with our hands, near two hogsheads full of birds in three or four hours. In Mevis, Mona, and the Virgin Isles, we spent some time, where, with a loathsome beast like a crocodile, called a gwayn, Iguana. tortoises, pelicans, parrots, and fishes, we daily feasted. Gon
battalions to the armament. No colony refused its quota; even Pennsylvania voted a contribution of money, and thus enabled its governor to enlist troops for the occasion. It will not be amiss, wrote Sir Charles Wager to Admiral Vernon, for both French and Spaniards to be a month or two in the West Indies before us, that they may be half dead, and half roasted, before our fleet arrives. So the expedition from England did not begin its voyage till October, and, after stopping for water at Dominica, where Lord Cathcart, the commander of the land forces, fell a victim to the climate, 1741. Jan 9. reached Jamaica in the early part of the following year. How has history been made the memorial of the Chap. XXIV.} passionate misdeeds of men of mediocrity! The death of Lord Cathcart left the command of the land forces with the inexperienced, irresolute Wentworth; the Smollett. naval force was under the impetuous Vernon, who was impatient of contradiction, and ill disposed to endure e
Edmund Burke, already famed for most shining talents, and sanguine friendship, for America, Holt's N. Y. Gaz. 1228, for 17 July, 1766. was consulting merchants and manufacturers on the means of improving and extending the commerce of the whole empire. When Grenville, madly in earnest, deprecated any change in the sacred Act of Navigation, Burke bitterly ridiculed him on the idea that any act was sacred, if it wanted correction. Free ports were, therefore, established in Jamaica and in Dominica, 6 Geo. III. c. XLIX. which meant only that British ports were licensed to infringe the acts of navigation of other powers. Old duties, among them the plantation duties, which had stood on the statute book from the time of Charles the Second, were modified; and changes were made in points of detail, though not in principle. The duty on molasses imported into the plantations was fixed at a penny a gallon; that on British coffee was seven shillings the hundred weight; on British pimento
r carried off, were wantonly shot, and in some places not even a chicken was left alive. A thousand fugitive slaves perished of want in the woods, or of fever in the British camp; about three thousand passed with the army into Georgia. The southernmost states looked for relief to the French fleet in America. In September, 1778, the Marquis de Bouille, the gallant governor-general of the French windward islands, in a single day wrested from Great Britain the strongly fortified island of Dominica; but d'estaing, with a greatly increased fleet and a land force of nine thousand men, came Chap. XIII.} 1779. in sight of the island of St. Lucia just as its last French flag had been struck to a corps of fifteen hundred British troops. A landing for its recovery was repulsed, with a loss to d'estaing of nearly fifteen hundred men. Early in January, 1779, re-enforcements under Admiral Byron transferred maritime superiority to the British; and d'estaing for six months sheltered his fle
ntic ocean with the Caribbean Sea, separates Cuba from Hayti; the distance between Cape Maysi, the eastern terminus of the former island, and Cape St. Nicholas, the western terminus of the latter, being not more than twenty-five miles. In the western portion of Hayti, covering about one-third of the area of the island, is established the Republic of Hayti, Port au Prince being its capital. The eastern division of the same island, and by far the most mountainous, constitutes the Republic of Dominica, of which San Domingo is the capital. The Mona Passage, another entrance from the Atlantic to the Caribbean Sea, separates on that side Hayti from the island of Porto Rico, the strait that divides them being about the same breadth as the Windward Passage--twenty-five miles. It will thus be seen that Hayti lies exactly midway between Cuba and Porto Rico, both of which are Spanish dependencies, and any Power holding these three islands would be in possession of the ocean gateways to the Gulf
The Daily Dispatch: April 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], The great race at New Orleans — defeat of Planet. (search)
Later from Havana. New York, April 11. --A letter from Havana on the 5th instant, to the N. Y. Express, says the annexation of Dominica to Spain is fully confirmed. The army to sustain the movement consists of seven thousand men. The whole matter only awaits the Queen's ratification β€” the President of Dominica having formally proclaimed her action in an address of some length. The Commissioners from the Confederate States to Europe would leave Havana in a British steamer. New York, April 11. --A letter from Havana on the 5th instant, to the N. Y. Express, says the annexation of Dominica to Spain is fully confirmed. The army to sustain the movement consists of seven thousand men. The whole matter only awaits the Queen's ratification β€” the President of Dominica having formally proclaimed her action in an address of some length. The Commissioners from the Confederate States to Europe would leave Havana in a British steamer for Southampto
Prinor Alfred in the West Indies. --His Royal Highness Prince Alfred's tour among he West India island has been rapid. He has visited Barbadom, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Martinique, Guadaloupe, Dominica, Antigua, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Kitts. Tortola, St. Thomas, and Jamalca.