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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Leading Confederates on the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
of Chambersburg to Gettysburg. This was all the cavalry that went into Pennsylvania at the time our army invaded that state, Robertson's and Jones' being left behind, as already stated. Even Hooker, who estimated our force that passed through Hagerstown at 97,000 infantry and cavalry and 280 guns, and was, by no means, disposed to underrate any part of our army, does not put the cavalry with Stuart beyond 5,000, (see Con. Rep., 173,) and Mr. J. Everett Pearson, of Westminster, Maryland, whose , as that brigade had never served under him. Rodes, in his report, says it numbered about 1,600 men when it joined him the 12th of June, and Meade sent a dispatch to Halleck on the 28th of June, giving a statement furnished him by persons from Hagerstown, who saw with very large magnifying glasses, and placed our army at very heavy figures, which says: Rebel cavalry came just a week ago last Monday. General Jenkins having 1,200 mounted infantry, said to be picked men from Jackson's men, and th
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Leading Confederates on the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
direction of Fairfield, Captain W. T. Nicholson, of the Thirty-seventh, being left in command of the skirmishers from my brigade. We formed line of battle at Hagerstown, id., on the 11th, and threw up breastworks along our entire front. Next day the Light division was consolidated with Heth's, and the whole being put under thedivision. 2d. Walton's Reserve Artillery (Alexander and Washington Artillery). 3d. Hood's division. 4th. McLaws' division. During the march to Hagerstown, Md., and thence to Gettysburg, all orders from General Lee or General Lonstreet were communicated to me officially as Chief of Artillery, First corns. On the nur column as it advanced. My corps crossed the Potomac at Williamsport, and General A. P. Hill crossed at Shepherdstown. Our columns were joined together at Hagerstown, and we marched thence into Pennsylvania, reaching Chambersburg on the evening of the 27th. At this point, on the night of the 29th, information was received b
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A review of the First two days operations at Gettysburg and a reply to General Longstreet by General Fitz. Lee. (search)
, the batteries accompanying General Imboden arrived with the train at Williamsport late on the 5th, and on the 6th did excellent service in repelling an attack of the enemy. On the 7th the artillery, with the body of the army, encamped near Hagerstown, without material incident since leaving Gettysburg. Men and animals were, however, much fatigued, and the latter greatly worn down by the hard service they had endured with light fare, and by heavy draught in roads rendered deep by continued battle. On the 10th, attack being threatened by the enemy, the artillery, partaking the hopeful expectations of the whole army, earnestly participated in forming an extended and fortified line of battle, whose left rested on heights west of Hagerstown, and right on the Potomac, some miles below Williamsport. In full expectation of a decisive battle here, the army was by the Commanding-General called upon for its utmost efforts, and I was specially directed to see that everything possible
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reply to General Longstreet's Second paper. (search)
nably, have ensued. There is no reason to suppose that Meade would have been more prompt to attack us in position on the heights of Gettysburg, if we had gained that position on the 1st, than he showed himself to attack us in the position on Seminary Ridge, with our left extended in a curve through Gettysburg. He did not attack us on the 4th in our then position on Seminary Ridge, after the disastrous repulse of the day before; nor did he dare attack us, afterwards, in the vicinity of Hagerstown, when he had been reinforced by 8,000 men under French, and a considerable part of Couch's force from Harrisonburg, besides having at hand (at Harper's Ferry) a portion of the troops from North Carolina and the Peninsula, with all the prestige of victory in his favor, though General Lee had not been reinforced to the extent of a solitary man, unless the cavalry brigades of Robertson and Jones, which reached the vicinity of Gettysburg on the 3d, too late to participate in the battle, be cou
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Steuart's brigade at the battle of Gettysburg.--a narrative by Rev. Randolph H. McKim, D. D., late First Lieutenant and Aide-de-camp, Confederate army. (search)
o Mercersburg and McConnellsburg. In the execution of the duty assigned it was required to perform some heavy marching, as the following itinerary record will show: Tuesday, June 23, 1863.--Broke camp near Sharpsburg, and passing through Hagerstown, halted 5 miles beyond at 3 o'clock. Distance, 17 miles. Wednesday, June 24.--Moved at 4{-A. M. At Greencastle filed to the left on the road to Mercersburg. Entered McConnellsburg about 9 P. M., after a march of 24 miles. Friday, June 26ted William II. Murray, carried into battle 92 men, and lost 18 killed, 37 wounded, total 55. Another estimate (by the orderly sergeant of Company A) puts it at 62. My diary states that the brigade mustered about 2,200 before the battle. At Hagerstown, on the 8th July, about 1,200 men reported for duty. It is probable that others subsequently came in, as I cannot think the loss was so high as 1,000 men, in the face of the following entry in my diary July 4: Total loss in the brigade (killed
e purpose at Norwich, Conn.--N. Y. Times. The Seventh Regt., N. Y. S. M., left for Washington amid the greatest enthusiasm. In every street an immense innumerable throng cheered them on their way. News of the fight in Baltimore was received before they left, and 48 rounds of ball-cartridge were served out.--(Doc. 71.) Lieut. Jones, late in command of Harper's Ferry, arrived at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., leaving made a forced march the previous night of 30 miles from Harper's Ferry to Hagerstown.--Times, April 20. The Rhode Island Marine Artillery passed through New York, on their way to the seat of war. These troops are officered by--Commanding Officer, Colonel Tomkins; Lieutenant Colonel, George C. Harkness; Captain, Benjarnia F. Remington; Lieutenant, A. M. Tower; Lieutenant, Henry B. Brastow; Surgeon, Nathaniel Millar. They number 130 men, and carry with them 110 horses, eight guns of very heavy calibre, and the other requisite arms and ammunition. The horses are fine,
rom Western Maryland, to the Delegates at Annapolis, that if they vote for secession the people will hang them on their return home. The news of the unanimous sentiment of the North, the prompt and decisive action on the part of the State Governments in enlisting men, has strengthened the Union men of Western Maryland and the border counties of Virginia.---N. Y. Tribune, April 28. A sudden and wonderful change takes place in the sentiment of Maryland. The American flag was raised at Hagerstown, and extensive preparations are being made for further Union demonstrations. Alleghany county has instructed its representatives that if they vote for secession, they will be hung on their return home. The Stars and Stripes are waving over Frederick City. The Home Guard refuse to parade unless its folds are displayed, and the tune of Yankee Doodle played. At the Clear Spring House the Stars and Stripes are waving, and the miners have sworn to resist secession to the death.--N. Y. Cou
proclamation to the people of Missouri from his camp at Booneville. He released the prisoners taken in the late engagement, in consideration of their youth and of the deceit that had been practised upon them, simply requiring their pledge not again to bear arms against the United States. His proclamation warned all persons against presuming upon a like clemency in future, as the continuance of treason would certainly render harsh measures necessary.--(Doc. 260.) The Federal force at Hagerstown and Williamsport, Md., comprise the Pennsylvania 1st, 2d, 8d, 7th, 11th, 13th, and 24th Regiments, together with the First Rhode Island Regiment, two Regiments of United States Regulars, and seven hundred United States Cavalry. Included in this formidable body are Capt. Doubleday's corps and McMullen's Company of Philadelphia Rovers. The portion of the force which forded the river at Williamsport were under command of Gen. Thomas, and comprised the two regiments of regulars and about six
United States or the lines of the enemy. Brig. Gen. Beauregard. Thos. Jordan, A. A. Adj't Gen. At Dover, Delaware, a meeting was held at which resolutions were adopted advocating the recognition of the Southern Confederacy, if a reconciliation by peaceable means should become impossible. The assembly was addressed by Thomas F. Bayard, William G. Whitely, and ex-Governor Temple, and others.--(Doc. 60.) --the Camp record, a folio newspaper, was issued yesterday from the camp at Hagerstown, Md., by a party of printers belonging to the Wisconsin Regiment. The object announced is to meet a want by supplying a convenient medium of communicating to friends at home all matters pertaining to the little world of the 6th Brigade; but another reason may fairly be supposed, and that is the irrepressible impulse in the breasts of four editors and forty compositors, of the Wisconsin Regiment, to keep their hands and pens in practice. When they finish up the war on hand, these American s
July 2. Between 3 and 7 o'clock this morning the troops which have been concentrating at Hagerstown and Williamsport, Md., for several days past, crossed the ford at the latter place. Gen. Patterson reviewed them as they filed past him. The morning was bright and beautiful, and the soldiers were in excellent spirits; the advance took place before daylight, the post of honor being assigned to Captain McMullen's Independent Rangers, and the First Wisconsin, and the Eleventh Pennsylvania regiments. The advancing column consisted of the brigades of Abercrombie, Thomas, and Negley. The Independent Rangers behaved remarkably well, getting close up to the rebels, within a distance of only 75 yards. Abercrombie's brigade led the advance, and the casualties of the conflict were almost exclusively on the First Wisconsin and Eleventh Pennsylvania Regiments. Col. Jarrett and Lieut.-Col. Coulter led the skirmishers, opening upon them at 400 yards. The whole of the rebel forces at Marti