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Bradley T. Johnson (search for this): chapter 1.1
oad, where he placed Palmer, Reynold and Brannan, in line, leaving Johnson and Baird well in front as a grand guard. Cleburne's division r a renewal of the persistent conflict. Cheatham's division struck Johnson's and Baird's in front, while Cleburne's struck them in front and ithin 500 yards of the Chattanooga (State) road, leaving Baird and Johnson well in advance as a grand guard to hold the battle-field, if possisions bivouaced in advance of the position abandoned by Baird and Johnson. The contest of the day had been made on this part of the field   Loss about4,000  Confederate left wing, Major-General Hood:  Johnson's division3,683 Laws's division about3,000 Trigg's brigade1,536 .Preston4,078 Stewart3,750 Hindman's division6,100 Hood's corps.Johnson  Law  Kershaw       Total Longstreet's Report, page 375, vo-General Thomas:  Brannan's division5,989 Baird's division4,655 Johnson's division4,184 Palmer's division4,853 Reynolds's division6
B. M. Palmer (search for this): chapter 1.1
sent to Gordon's mills on the 11th September. Crittenden, with VanCleves's and Palmer's Divisions, on the morning of the 12th of September, moved from Ringgold in a ., again placed advantage with the White and Red. The divisions of Johnston, Palmer and Reynolds now came into Federal line, to the right of Brennan's and Baird's,omas retreated until he reached a position near the State road, where he placed Palmer, Reynold and Brannan, in line, leaving Johnson and Baird well in front as a gramas:  Brannan's division5,989 Baird's division4,655 Johnson's division4,184 Palmer's division4,853 Reynolds's division6,268 Van Cleve, two brigades2,300      ral left, next to Baird's, successively on the right the divisions of Johnston, Palmer and Reynolds. Brennan's division was to be posted in reserve to the right and ld post four and a half miles to Polk's right, Thomas with Baird's, Johnston's, Palmer's and a part of Reynold's divisions, each division in three lines, and behind b
Fitzhugh Lee (search for this): chapter 1.1
kamauga creek eleven miles from Chattanooga, at Lee and Gordon's mills, and passing to the east of ith his corps to Lafayette, and General Polk to Lee and Gordon's mill, and Major-General Buckner, wentre, commanded by General Polk, resting about Lee and Gordon's mills. The Federal army lay alongPolk proposed a strong demonstration be made at Lee and Gordon's mills. Under cover of that feint r, the crossing was effected at points too near Lee and Gordon's mills — the enemy's left. By ni Thedford's fords. Polk and Hill were opposite Lee and Gordon's and Glass's mills, and during the rther down the stream. Retaining Crittenden at Lee and Gordon's mills, he moved McCook near Bond'sg on the stream some fifteen hundred yards from Lee and Gordon's mills. Cheatham, who had been dder the impression that the enemy's left was at Lee and Gordon's mills, where he had expected to aso the opinion the bulk of the enemy were nearer Lee & Gordon's mills than General Polk supposed. [4 more...]
One brigade, Sheridan's division1,373      Total infantry14,618      Artillery about1,000 Wilder's brigade — mounted infantry0,000 Two brigades of Preston's division, all of Breckenridge'she right of Reynolds's; next on the right was McCook, with the divisions of Davis and Sheridan. Wilder's mounted infantry formed the extreme right. This portion of the line was west of the State roarve, under Crittenden, was in front of Hood's corps. The divisions of Davis and Sheridan, and Wilder's brigade of mounted infantry under McCook were in front of Hindman's division. About the timnder Longstreet, Wood's division, Van Cleve, a portion of Brannan's, Davis's and Sheridan's, and Wilder's brigade of mounted infantry. With a view to make his line compact, Rosecrans had directed Wusion to the right, Davis was thrust in like disorder to the left; Hindman attacked Sheridan and Wilder in front. The entire Federal right was routed, one of Van Cleves brigades was captured entir
n getting Jackson's brigade into position on Cleburne's right, so that it was after four when the movement begun. The batteries having opened the way the troops moved up with a will, Cleburne on the left, then Breckenridge and Walker, followed by Cheatham, the whole covered by Forrest on the extreme right. Brigadier-General Polk's brigade leading the line dashed at the works, and after an heroic effort, seized the portion that had opposed such stubborn and successful resistance to Helm, Walthall and Gist earlier in the day, capturing a large number of the enemy. Longstreet now put forth his full strength, as the cheering yells of successful battle came from the right, Hindman, Buckner, Hood, Stewart all moved forward for a final and triumphant struggle. Both wings now moved simultaneously. The entire line swept forward in one mighty and resistless surge. Vain the determination that attempted to stay the human tide. The enemy, who had given every proof of valor and enduranc
ion struck Reynolds's and swept it out of the way; continuing forward, it met Van Cleve's division, on its way to the relief of Thomas, and drove it in disorder acrond Liddell on his left, was compelled to retire. Stewart, after disposing of Van Cleve, pierced Rosecrans's line and moved across the State road some four hundred y5 Johnson's division4,184 Palmer's division4,853 Reynolds's division6,268 Van Cleve, two brigades2,300      Total infantry28,247      Artillery about2,000  s divisions and the remainder of Walker's corps. Negley's, with Wood's and Van Cleve's divisions in reserve, under Crittenden, was in front of Hood's corps. Thans for aid. Negley's division had been taken from the right and sent to him. Van Cleve's division was ordered to follow. Sheridan was ordered to go with two brigadt it. There remained, to oppose the forces under Longstreet, Wood's division, Van Cleve, a portion of Brannan's, Davis's and Sheridan's, and Wilder's brigade of mo
John B. Hood (search for this): chapter 1.1
the 18th of September General Bragg had placed Hood's and Walker's commands, with Forrest's cavalryr's bridge, Walker half a mile in front of him, Hood in front of Tedford's ford, about nine hundred line, Buckner now took position to the left of Hood, Buckner's left resting on the stream some fiftus, from which Walker had moved to take post on Hood's right. Forest, under orders direct from arton's, Laws's and Kershaw's commands were under Hood, and formed a column of eight brigades, arranges in reserve, under Crittenden, was in front of Hood's corps. The divisions of Davis and Sheridanforts, aided by Wood, to force the position. Hood's corps, next on the left, was more fortunate. deral right. It was noted as soon as made, and Hood's quadruple line filled it. The rear of Wood's ared from the field. The triumph achieved by Hood was marred by the serious wounding of this daril battle came from the right, Hindman, Buckner, Hood, Stewart all moved forward for a final and triu[3 more...]
W. D. Humphries (search for this): chapter 1.1
. During the night General Longstreet had arrived and assumed command of the left wing; at dawn he commenced the arrangement of his line; Hindman's division was placed on the extreme left; Wheeler's cavalry on the flank; Johnston's division was next to Hindman's, and Stewart's on the right of Johnston's. Each division had two brigades in front and one in the rear. Preston's division was placed in reserve on the left; Law's division in the rear of Johnston's. The brigades of Kershaw and Humphries, of McLaw's division, commanded by Kershaw, were posted in rear of Law. Johnston's, Laws's and Kershaw's commands were under Hood, and formed a column of eight brigades, arranged four lines deep. This General Longstreet intended as his principal column of attack. General Longstreet having understood a gap existed between the wings of the army, had at the beginning of his formation moved Stewart's division some five hundred or six hundred yards to the right. This movement placed Ste
s wing 4,749 were fresh troops.   Left wing:  Buckner's corps.Preston4,078 Stewart3,750 Hindman's division6,100 Hood's corps.Johnson  Law  Kershaw       Total Longstreet's Report, page 375, vol. X, Rebellion Record.22,849  Cavalry (Wheeler's)4,000      Aggregate26,849  Of the infantry of this wing 10,900 were fresh troops.   Total Confederate force, 49,162. 150 pieces of artillery.  Federal.  Left wing, Major-General Thomas:  Brannan's division5,989 Baird's division4,655 e with Forrest operated on the left flank of the enemy. During the night General Longstreet had arrived and assumed command of the left wing; at dawn he commenced the arrangement of his line; Hindman's division was placed on the extreme left; Wheeler's cavalry on the flank; Johnston's division was next to Hindman's, and Stewart's on the right of Johnston's. Each division had two brigades in front and one in the rear. Preston's division was placed in reserve on the left; Law's
with the expectation of crushing it in the bed of the Chickamauga. Thomas was honored with command of this assault, and strove with a will to achieve it. With Brennan's and Baird's Divisions he bore down heavily against Forrest until the latter, who seldom asked for aid, appealed to Walker for relief. Ector's and Wilson's briget about 11:30 A. M., again placed advantage with the White and Red. The divisions of Johnston, Palmer and Reynolds now came into Federal line, to the right of Brennan's and Baird's, and pushing against the left flank of Walker whilst he was forcing back the latter two divisions, threatened his capture. Walker skilfully extrica in three lines, placing Baird's division on the extreme Federal left, next to Baird's, successively on the right the divisions of Johnston, Palmer and Reynolds. Brennan's division was to be posted in reserve to the right and rear of Reynolds's. Negley's division was to take post on the right of Reynolds's; next on the right wa
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