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Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 172
veral miles on the Jerusalem plank-road, but nothing of the enemy could be seen, and it is supposed that they have retreated to the river. This is only supposition, however, and the vandals will bear constant and vigilant watching. Kautz is in command of this force, and prisoners taken variously estimate it at from three thousand to five thousand. There is no doubt it was intended to capture the city, and all the circumstances are strongly corroborative of this view. Thanks to a kind Providence, who has nerved the hearts and strengthened the hands of our brave men, we have been again preserved. The enemy crept up behind the residence of William A. Gregory, ascended to the roof, and, knocking off the shingles, were enabled not only to obtain an excellent view and ascertain the number of our forces, but, through the openings thus made, fired upon and killed many of our men behind the breastworks. The residence of Timothy Rivers, Esquire, fell into the possession of the invaders
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 172
ispersed by Generals Morgan and W. E. Jones, who are in pursuit of the remainder. Fourth--The army of General Banks sustained a severe defeat in Western Louisiana by the forces of General Kirby Smith, and retreated to Alexandria, losing several thousand prisoners, thirty-five pieces of artillery, and a large number of wagons. Some of the most formidable gun-boats that accompanied the expedition were destroyed to save them from capture. Fifth--The expedition of General Steele into Western Arkansas has ended in a complete disaster. Northern journals of the tenth instant announce his surrender, with an army of nine thousand men, to General Price. Sixth--The cavalry force sent by General Grant to attack Richmond has been repulsed, and retired toward the Peninsula. Every demonstration of the enemy south of James river has, up to this time, been successfully repelled. Seventh--The heroic valor of this army, with the blessing of Almighty God, has thus far checked the principal
White Oak Swamp (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 172
s, our right here at Long bridge, and our left lower down at Jones' bridge. The headquarters' trains left Cold Harbor on Sunday at three A. M., and are now encamped here. Our next march is to bring us to James river. So closely have we pressed the enemy in our front for several days, that they were unable to send off sufficient forces to hold these fords, and as we have a shorter line by twenty miles than anything they can take to reach our rear, we feel very secure in our position. White Oak swamp now protects our right wing, and the Chickahominy in a few hours will cover our rear. The Richmond Despatch of Saturday, June eleventh, mentions a rumor brought into the city of Wade Hampton's having had a sharp fight with Sheridan's cavalry, west of Richmond, where the Yankees were endeavoring to reach the canal locks on James river. It claims that that they had obtained some success, but does not seem to attach much importance to the statement. The advance on Petersburg.
Nottoway River (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 172
tion, in which case a collision is likely to occur between them and General Wright's corps; or possibly they may make an attack on our left, when the Second corps will have to bear the brunt of their assault. General Hancock, who has just resumed command of his corps, is making all necessary preparations for such an event, and will not be taken by surprise. Wilson succeeded in destroying forty miles of railroad. Last night he was at Stony Grove, south of Stony creek, a branch of the Nottoway river, and on attempting to cross found his passage opposed by the enemy. He then sent Kautz's division westward to cross the stream higher up and then make for the railroad near Reams' station, in which vicinity the entire command now is. Confederate accounts. Army of Northern Virginia, near Gaines' Mill, June 3, 1864. Yesterday evening, about four o'clock, after having been previously arranged, Gordon's and Rhodes' divisions of Ewell's, and Heth's divisions of A. P. Hill's corps
Bowling Green (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 172
e great march of the day. Look at the map, note the relative positions of Spottsylvania Court-house and of Guinea and Bowling Green, and the mind can at once perceive the wonderful military genius that has flanked the rebel army, and advanced far toevents transpiring began to appear to the outside minds. It was known that the Second corps was far to the left, and Bowling Green was mentioned as its probable destination. While we lay at the church, the transportation of the Fifth corps began mguard, and making vigorous demonstrations against the enemy. At this hour, then, the position is thus: Hancock is at Bowling Green; Warren at Catlett's, a mile beyond the Mattapony, and two miles advanced from here; the Sixth corps between here anddericksburg, continued on during the night and the following day, and on Saturday evening, May twenty-first, occupied Bowling Green, with the head of his column at Milford, distant from the point of starting seventeen miles. He met no enemy. On t
unced to you the great march of the day. Look at the map, note the relative positions of Spottsylvania Court-house and of Guinea and Bowling Green, and the mind can at once perceive the wonderful military genius that has flanked the rebel army, and akets useless, as the event proved. Just as the head of the train was crossing the railroad about a mile and a half above Guinea, up the valley came three hundred rebel horse. It was a gay sight; a wide, magnificent open valley, devoid of fences, an and Burnside, has been more than his match so far, and will be to the end. A word as to the country. The scenery around Guinea is beautiful. From Motley's house, which stands on an elevation half a mile from the station, the whole valley of the Up river. headquarters Second corps., May 22--6 A. M. Up to this hour all is quiet. Warren has crossed the Po river at Guinea's bridge, on his way to form connection on our right. If Lee has not already fallen back from Spottsylvania, we shall so
Chickahominy (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 172
it will bring on a general engagement. It is positively known that Lee's army holds a naturally strong position, constantly improved by steady work with picks and shovels during the last few days, on the hills skirting the north bank of the Chickahominy. We are threatening his right, but there are, as yet, no indications of any disposition on the part of the enemy of abandoning their present line and falling back to another on the south side of the Chickahominy. On the contrary, they show army of one hundred and thirty thousand men from the northern to the southern bank of the James, will remember a scene strange and magnificent beyond description, and which can never be effaced from the memory. The army left the banks of the Chickahominy, and marched in the direction of Charles City Court-house, evidently puzzling and surprising the enemy as to the intention of the sudden movement from their front. The advance of the army arrived at the river near Harrison's landing — so fami
Milford, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 172
ericksburg, continued on during the night and the following day, and on Saturday evening, May twenty-first, occupied Bowling Green, with the head of his column at Milford, distant from the point of starting seventeen miles. He met no enemy. On the very same night in which Hancock started, Lee began to withdraw. In the dead of nhat the enemy would reach it in advance of us, for having possession of the telegraph road, he moved on an interior line. On Saturday night Hancock bivouacked at Milford. The Fifth followed the Second over the same road until striking Guinea station, when it diverged to the right (that is westward), crossed the Mattapony at Guineappeared. Here he had a skirmish with the enemy's rear guard of cavalry, consisting of Rosser's brigade, which was repulsed. Hancock advancing due westward from Milford, five miles, struck the telegraph road at Harris' store. Sunday's march brought our army forward an additional fourteen miles, and within a few miles of the Nort
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 172
being lines of battle and one a skirmish line. Our loss will not reach over three hundred; of that, Ewell's loss being about two hundred, and Heth's estimated at about one hundred. Among the killed is the gallant Brigadier-General Doles, of Georgia, who fell, pierced through the left breast, while leading his brigade into action. Among the wounded, I hear the names of Brigadier-General Kirkland, who was slightly hurt; Colonel Williams, Thirty-ninth Virginia, and Colonel Berry, Sixtieth Ge Washington. Others that he was marching back to Fredericksburg. Others again thought that he was making for Suffolk, to move against the railroads in North Carolina. Others that he was sending off the bulk of his army to reinforce Sherman in Georgia. And still another opinion was that he was moving off to the south side. Ridiculous as some of these were, they were the rumors of the day, and as such we note them. To heighten this speculation, a deserter who came in yesterday reported that
Port Royal, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 172
from our whole front, the Ninth corps was able this morning to make the passage at Oxford, midway between the points of crossing of Hancock and Warren. During Monday night Hancock's left extended to the railroad bridge, we holding the northern end and the enemy the southern. The rebels, however, had prepared it for burning, and during the night it was set fire to and destroyed. This is no loss, as there appears to be no present intention to use the Fredericksburg and Richmond railroad--Port Royal, on the Rappahannock, having been to-day opened as a new base. The water transportation of the army is now all there, and a long train, with our wounded was this morning sent across under escort to that point. This morning finds our advance pushed out three miles south of the North Anna, and across the Virginia Central railroad, which has been effectually destroyed. No engagement has, up to this hour, taken place. The main body of the rebels appear to have drawn back to the South Ann
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