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Samuel Adams (search for this): chapter 18
enders would have consulted safety by betraying their leaders. Bernard to Hillsborough, 25 May, 1769. Since the propo- Chap. XLI.} 1769. May. sal to ship Samuel Adams, Otis, and their chief supporters across the water had come to naught, the cabal were left without a plan of conduct. The Regiments which had been sent at theere only confined within the barracks while the ballot was taken. Of five hundred and eight votes that were cast, the four old representatives, Otis, Cushing, Samuel Adams, and Hancock, received more than five hundred. They were instructed to insist on the departure of the army from the town and Province; and not to pay any thinthe Government, enumerating many and just grounds of complaint. Petition of the House of Representatives to the King, 27 June, 1769; Bradford, 188 and 195. Samuel Adams to Dennys De Berdt, 13 July, 1769. All this while Bernard, sure of the royal protection and blinded by avarice, was mainly intent on getting a year's salary.
William Samuel Johnson (search for this): chapter 18
vincial Council, in Pennsylvania Colonial Records, IX. 606-609. Pennsylvania Archives, IV. 342-344. Miner's History of Wyoming. did not forget that by its Charter, its possessions extended indefinitely to the West; and a company of military Adventurers, headed by one of its most intelligent sons, Timothy Dwight's Travels in New England and New-York, i. 308. was also soliciting leave from the Government in England to lead forth a Colony to the southwestern banks of the Mississippi. W. S. Johnson to Jos. Trumbull, 15 April, 1769. Compare Martin's Louisiana, II. 35; Monette's Valley of the Mississippi, i. 407, 408. In his peaceful habitation on the banks of the Yadkin River, in North Carolina, Daniel Boone, Boone was born in Virginia, McLung, 49. Boone was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, on the right bank of the Delaware river, Collins, 182. Boone was born in Maryland, Marshall, i. 17. The advancing settlements of Schuylkill, Morehead, 17. Bridgeworth, Somersetshire, En
James Bowdoin (search for this): chapter 18
of the city, during the session of the Assembly. Message from the House of Representatives to the Governor, 31 May, 1769, the day of general election. Gentlemen, said Bernard, in reply to what he thought insolent terms, I have no authority over his Majesty's ships in this port, or his troops in this town; nor can I give any orders for the removal of the same. On the election of Councillors, he disapprov- Chap. XLI.} 1769. May. ed of no less than eleven; among them of Brattle and Bowdoin, who had been chosen by a unanimous vote. Bradford's History of Massachusetts, i. 185. The House then considered the presence among them of troops, over whom the Governor avowed that the civil power in the Province did not extend. At that very time Gage, who had been intrusted with discretionary authority to withdraw the forces from Boston, ordered two regiments to Halifax, and required Bernard's written opinion respecting the proper disposition of the rest. Gage to Mackay, 4 June, 1
indled upon Fort Hill. When be reached England, he found that the Ministry had promised Chap. XLI.} 1769. July. the London merchants never to employ him in America again. Frances to Choiseul, 11 August, 1769. And yet he was the Governor whom they had most trusted; for bad men fit bad ends; and the selfish oligarchy by which England was then governed, feeling themselves rebuked by the noble and the free, hated them as dangerous to their rule. Aristotle's Politics, v. c. IX. While Boston was advancing steadily towards Republicanism, the enthusiasm which had made the revolution at New Orleans, could not shape for that Colony a secure and tranquil existence. A new petition to France expressed the inflexible resolve of the inhabitants to preserve the dear and inviolable name of French citizens at the greatest peril of their lives and fortunes. They sought communication with the English; Brown to Secretary of State, Pensacola, 1 Dec. 1768. I am told the whole province of Lo
Gayarre. O'Reilly is not Chap. XLI.} 1769. July. come to ruin the Colony, said Aubry, who had received instructions to feign ingenuous candor. J'avais prevenu ces, and you may have full confidence in the clemency of his Catholic Majesty. Aubry to the Minister; Gayarre, II. 292. These promises won faith; and with Aubry's cas raised at every post in the city. On the Chap. XLI.} 1769. Aug. twentieth, Aubry made a full report of the events of the revolution, and named the chiefs in the enterprise. Aubry to O'Reilly, 20 August. O'Reilly to Grimaldi, 31 August, 1769. It was not easy to arrest them, wrote O'Reilly; but I contrived to cheat their O'Reilly, I now had none for the success of my plan. Entering his cabinet with Aubry and three Spanish civil officers, he spoke to those who were thus caught in hisence of the immensity and sublimity of his genius. Gayarreas Hist. II. 378. Aubry perished on his voyage to France, in a ship which foundered in the Garonne. Th
Samuel Cooper (search for this): chapter 18
instruction on the subject of provincial grants for the support of Government, coupled his new demand of a year's salary with an intimation, that he should give his assent to no Act, which the grant did not precede. The House, having disdainfully rejected his de- July. mand, Answer of the House of Representatives, 4 July, 1769; in Bradford, 180, 181. adopted nearly word for word the three Resolutions of Virginia Bradford's State Papers, 176, 177, and 180. on taxation, Compare S. Cooper to T. Pownall, 12 July, 1769. intercolonial correspondence, and trial by a jury of the vicinage. They also enumerated their grievances, and declared the establishment of a standing army in the Colony, in a time of peace, without consent of its General Assembly, an invasion of the natural and chartered rights of the people. For the troops thus quartered in Boston against the will of the Province, Bernard demanded Message of Bernard, 6 July, 1769; Bradford, 183. the appropriations whi
T. Pownall (search for this): chapter 18
an armed force. His reports were often false, partly with design, partly from the credulity of panic. He placed every thing in the most unfavorable light, and was ready to tell every tale and magnify trivial rumors into acts of Treason. He desponded when conciliation prevailed in England. The officers of the army and the navy despised him for his cowardice and duplicity, and did not conceal their contempt. He has essentially served us, said the patriot clergyman Cooper; Cooper to Gov. Pownall, 11 May, 1769. had he been wise, our liberties might have been lost. As he departed from Boston, the bells were rung, and cannon fired from the wharfs; Liberty Tree was gay with flags; and at night a great bonfire was kindled upon Fort Hill. When be reached England, he found that the Ministry had promised Chap. XLI.} 1769. July. the London merchants never to employ him in America again. Frances to Choiseul, 11 August, 1769. And yet he was the Governor whom they had most trusted;
J. Campbell (search for this): chapter 18
the English territory, Don Alexander O'Reilly to the Marquis of Grimaldi, New Orleans 31 August, 1769. welcomed the deputies with treacherous politeness and the fairest promises, 1 August, 1769, in a second Postscript to the Letter from J. Campbell to Lieut. Gov. Brown of 30 July, 1769. detained them to dine, and dismissed them full of admiration for his talents and confident of a perfect amnesty. So general was the persuasion of security, that Villere who had escaped upon the Mississiptroduction, v. VI. Illinois invited emigrants more than ever; for its aboriginal inhabitants were fast disappearing from the earth. In April, 1769, Pontiac, so long the dreaded enemy of the English, had been assassinated by an Illinois J. Campbell to Lieut. Governor Brown, 30 July, 1769. Indian without provocation and in time of peace; Gage to Sir William Johnson, 20 August, 1769. Gage to Hillsborough, 12 August, 1769. the Indians of the Northwest sent round belts to all the Nations
h a Council of forty, to be elected by the people, and an executive chief to be called a protector. Gayarree Hist. II. 337. It was even proposed, if Louisiana was to be given up to his Catholic Majesty, to burn New Orleans to the ground, and leave to an unwelcome master, nothing but a desert. When near the end of July, it was told that O'Reilly had arrived at the Balise with an overwhelming force, despair prevailed for a moment; and white cockades were distributed by the Republicans. Acte d'accnsation in Gayarre. O'Reilly is not Chap. XLI.} 1769. July. come to ruin the Colony, said Aubry, who had received instructions to feign ingenuous candor. J'avais prevenu cet officier des observations qu'il devait faire et de certaines choses sur lesquelles il devait se lacher avec une espece de candeur et d'ingenuite pour exagerer les forces que j'avais à mes ordres, et ranimer l'esperance du public, I s'acquittat parfaitement de sa commission. O'Reilly to Grimaldi, N. O. 31 Aug. 17
Thomas Hutchinson (search for this): chapter 18
of Liberty, became irresolute and timid. Hutchinson's Hist. III. 223. The secret Councils which Bernard now held with Hutchinson Bernard to Hillsborough, 25 May, 1769. and Oliver and Auchmuty,r. They had furnished ample information; Hutchinson's History. they had got ready to apply the sy was to get a grant of a year's salary, Hutchinson to Bollan, 13 June, 1769. and who, for the mxed Chap XLI.} 1769. May. some distrust of Hutchinson I. Williams of Hatfield to Hutchinson, 3 Hutchinson, 3 May, 1769. with his sudden recall, met their complaint of the presence of troops by adjourning the LSeptember, 1769, gives a very good account. Hutchinson's History, III. 252, 253. appointed to prepang jealousy of Bernard, see Andrew Oliver to Hutchinson, 22 June, 1769. Letters passed between HutcHutchinson and Bernard. Compare I. Williams of Hatfield to T. Hutchinson, 3 May, 1769. on the evening oT. Hutchinson, 3 May, 1769. on the evening of the last day of July left Boston to sail for Europe. He was to have sent home whom he pleased, [2 more...]
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