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(1850) "The History of Henry Esmond," (1852) "The Newcomes," (1853) and "The Virginians," (1857) His later novels. "Lowel, the Widower," published in the Cornhill Magazine, a periodical of which he assumed the editorial charge, and "The Adventures of Philip," take lower rank. In the intervals between the appearance of the above he published several minor and Christmas stories, such as "Our Street," "Dr. Birch and his Young Friend," "The Kickel burys on the Ruine," &c. In the summer of 1851 Mr. Thackeray made his first essay before London audience as a lecturer. The subject that he chose for this occasion was "The English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century," to watch no man was more qualified to do justice. The brilliant series of discourses which he grouped under this head had an immense success, and were repeated with the same favor in Scotland and this country. He found the results of his visit here so profitable that he embraced the first opportunity that his literary en
the subject of two animated party debates in the House of Commons. Lord Palmerston assumed all the responsibility of Mr. Stansfield's position as a Cabinet Minister, believing him incapable of entering into such a plot. On a division on the question the Government escaped defeat by a majority of ten, the result eliciting loud approbatory cheers. Some of the London and Continental journals say that Denmark has accepted the proposition for a conference, on the basis of the negotiations of 1851-52, without an armistice. Duppel was vigorously bombarded by the Germans, but without effect. The Prussians had taken Ostier, near West Duppel, with a loss of about one hundred men — The Danes made some vigorous sorties. Five Danish steamers engaged two Prussian men-of-war and several gunboats off Rugen Island. --The engagement was sharp, and terminated in the withdrawal of the Prussian vessels. They were pursued by the Danes, but succeeded in reaching port. It is said that the Danish Ir
rica. Having been injured shortly afterwards by the upsetting of a coach, he went home to recruit, but returned for another season to the United States, and after that became stage manager of Drury Lane, under Elliston, performing also the leading characters. In 1836, he opened the National Theatre, at the corner of Church and Leonard streets, in this city. In 1839, it was burned down, and during the next ten years he played star engagements in the United States and Great Britain. "In 1851, he fixed his residence permanently in this city, and established Wallack's Theatre (now Wood's), on Broadway, at the corner of Broome street. Here he enjoyed an uninterrupted success for many years. The establishment was always distinguished by a uniform excellence of its stock company, and a careful regard to the proprieties of scenery and costumes, which gave it eminence among American theatres. In 1861, the present Wallack's Theatre, the leading theatre of the United States, was establi
the copper wires was in perfect condition. This line, of not quite twenty-six miles in length, was followed by other and more important enterprises. Between 1851 and 1853, lines were laid between England and Ireland, and England and Belgium. In 1853, the Electric and International Telegraph Company laid a submarine telegra had been already in contemplation. The leading facts of this most remarkable enterprise are set forth in evidence taken by the Submarine Telegraph Committee. In 1851, a Mr. Tibbet, of New York, and a Mr. Gasbome, an English engineer, devised the plan of shortening the communication between America and Europe by making St. John's, Newfoundland, a port of call for Atlantic steamers, and constructing a telegraph from thence to join the American lines. These gentlemen obtained in 1851 an act of the Legislature of New found land for this purpose, which act also conferred certain exclusive privileges; but having got into difficulties without fulfilling the t
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