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Gen. Longstreet's address. The following address has been issued to the men of his division by Gen. Longstreet. It has the ring of true metal, and will be read with interest both by soldiers and civilians. Without doubt this calm and patriotic address, written by a genuine soldier, will have its desired effect: HeadquarGen. Longstreet. It has the ring of true metal, and will be read with interest both by soldiers and civilians. Without doubt this calm and patriotic address, written by a genuine soldier, will have its desired effect: Headquarters right Wing, Army before Richmond, June 17th, 1862. Soldiers: You have marched out to fight the battles of your country, and by those battles must you be rescued from the shame of slavery. Your foes have declared their purpose of bringing you to Feggary and avarice their national characteristic, recites them to redoublide, and are in turn relying upon you. Stand well to your duty, and when these clouds break away, as they surely will, the bright sunlight of peace, falling upon our free, virtuous, and happy land, will be a sufficient reward for the sacrifices which we are now called upon to make. James Longstreet. Major-General Commanding.
rom 1st September, 1852, to March, 1855. Lieutenant, Colonel 2d Cavalry, 3d March, 1855. Thomas J. Jackson, Va.--Cadet, 1842.--Brevet 2d Lieutenant, 1st Artillery, 1816, with Magruder's Battery in Mexico. 1st Lieutenant, August, 1847. Brevet Captain, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Cherubusco, 28th August, 1847. Brevet Major, for gallant and meritorious conduct is the battle of Chapultepec, 13th September, 1847. Resigned 29 February, 1852. James Longstreet, S. C.--Cadet, 1838--Brevet 2d Lieutenant, 4th Infantry, 1st July, 1842. In 8th Infantry, March, 1815. Commanding light company, and distinguished at Monterey, First Lieutenant, February, 1847. Adjutant, 1847 to 1849. Brevet Captain, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Contreras and Cherubusco, 20th August, 1847. Brevet Major, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Et. Molino del Rey, 8th September, 1847. Distinguished and severely wounded in the assault
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