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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of field ordnance service with the Army of Northern Virginia1863-1863. (search)
Reminiscences of field ordnance service with the Army of Northern Virginia—1863-1863. by Colonel William Allan, formerly Chief of ordnance, Second corps, A. N. V. A valuable and interesting paper by General Gorgas in Vol. XII, Southern Historical Papers, gives a terse but vivid description of the enormous difficulties which beset the Confederacy in reference to munitions of war. The principal difficulties of the situation, of course, rested upon the department which was charged with obtaining the needed supplies, but it may be interesting and useful to recall some of the experiences of the ordnance officers in the field, whose duty it was to husband and distribute these supplies. During the campaign of 1862, which, as General Gorgas says, was the hardest year upon his department, the perplexities of ordnance officers in the Army of Northern Virginia were frequently relieved by important captures from the enemy. The stores obtained from Banks, McClellan, Pope, Burnside, an
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Several incidents of Christ in the camp. (search)
ad, and none of us cared to disturb the child. Presently he rose—quiet still, tearless still—gazed down on his dead brother, then around at us, and breathing the saddest sigh I ever heard, said just these words: Well, I am alone in the world. The preacher captain instantly sprang forward, and placing his hand on the poor boy's shoulder, said solemnly but cheerfully, No, my child, you are not alone, for the Bible says, when my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up, and Allan was both father and mother to you: besides, I'm going take you up, too; you shall sleep under my blanket to-night. There was not a dry eye in the group; and when, months afterwards, the whole battalion gathered on a quiet Sabbath evening, on the banks of the Appomattox, to witness a baptism, and C. at the water's edge tenderly handed this child to the officiating minister, and receiving him again when the ceremony was over, threw a blanket about the little shivering form, carried him into t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Monument to General Robert E. Lee. (search)
Edward Johnson, I. R. Trimble, W. B. Taliaferro, William Smith, W. N. Pendleton, Fitz. Lee, M. Ransom, William Terry, Benjamin Huger, Robert Ransom, L. L. Lomax, George H. Steuart, C. W. Field, W. S. Walker, B. T. Johnson, J. D. Imboden, R. L. Walker, Harry Heth, Samuel Jones, John S. Preston, Henry A. Wise, George E. Pickett, D. H. Maury, M. D. Corse, J. H. Lane, James L. Kemper, J. A. Walker, and others; Colonels Thomas H. Carter, Hilary P. Jones, Thomas L. Preston, Robert S. Preston, William Allan, William Preston Johnston, Charles S. Venable, Charles Marshall, Walter H. Taylor, Henry E. Peyton, and Robert E. Withers; Commodore M. F. Maury, Captain R. D. Minor, of the Confederate States Navy, and scores of others of our leading officers, and hosts of the ragged veterans of the rank and file. The meeting was called to order by General Bradley T. Johnson, General Jubal A. Early was appointed temporary chairman, and Captain Campbell Lawson and Sergeant George L. Christian, of Rich
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Monument to the Confederate dead at the University of Virginia. (search)
nks quietly to rest, because for once absolutely free from responsibility. Having nothing it can give, others have nothing it can get. His only councils are held with The Wonderful and only Counsellor, in the secret place of the Most High, and when he emerges thence to execute what God hath showed him in the mount, his wisdom confounds his adversaries and his might overwhelms them. Glance for a moment at his Valley campaign. It is enough to say of my figures that they are those of Col. William Allan, who, if he had lived, would have been the historian of our war. The entire force under Jackson at no time exceeded 17,000 men, it varied from 4,500 to 17,000—while the aggregate of the forces operating against him varied from 25,000 to 60,000. Take, as your major premiss, this enormous disparity in numbers—as your minor premiss, the incontrovertible, historic fact that, in every one of his battles (with the single exception of Kernstown), he outnumbered his adversary on the actual
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.12 (search)
e Hagerstown road when he fell, pierced by three musket balls and survived but an hour. Colonel William Allan rightly says: He was greatly beloved by his men as a brave and chivalrous leader. (AllaAllan's Army of Northern Virginia in 1862, page 386, note.) Rallied by Colonel Grigsby. Colonel Grigsby rallied the men of the front line at the edge of the woods, where they resisted a while lon this time there was a lull in the fighting on this part of the field, thus characterized by Colonel Allan (page 396): A comparative lull now succeeded the furious storm of the morning, while the exhgaged. For an account of the battle on other parts of the field the reader is referred to Colonel Allan's The Army of Northern Virginia in 1862, and to General Palfrey's The Antietam and Frederickpared to the number of General McClellan's army, with which General Lee fought this battle. Colonel Allan says (page 380): Lee's entire infantry force was under 30,000, to which should be added his
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.17 (search)
y as about 1,700, or 2,900 all together, and the artillery as 39 officers, 818 men, 857 together. This would give an aggregate of a little more than 4,000; but in a note to the editors General Early states that at the time of the battle his force was reduced to 8,500 muskets, which would reduce this aggregate to 13,000. Rodes' Division was the largest in the corps, and a short time before the battle I reported between 2,600 and 2,700 muskets in the division. I remember distinctly that Colonel Allan, the chief of ordnance of the army, told me that there were then abont 9,500 muskets in the army. Perhaps this was the return of August 31, noted above, for I do not remember that we made any return of September 10, it being customary to make returns every ten days, when we were in camp. Now, let us look at Sheridan's force. His field return for September 10, 1864, gives as present for duty 43,284 men, 2,225 officers, a total of 45,509. To this we must add Averill's Cavalry Divisio
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Confederate Generals are all passing away. (search)
great commander, Robert Edward Lee, rest under the charge that he lost the battle of Gettysburg by stupendous blunders, which his Old War Horse saw, pointed out and remonstrated with him against at the time. Anyone desirous of studying fully the Gettysburg campaign and battle, will find the facts very fully set forth in the Southern Historical Society Papers, especially in the papers of General J. A. Early, General James Longstreet, General Fitzhugh Lee, General Walter H. Taylor, Colonel William Allan, General A. L. Long, General E. P. Alexander, General J. B. Hood, General Henry Heth and others, and in the official reports of nearly all of the prominent officers engaged. Meantime, it ought to be said that the charge, so freely made, that the censure of General Longstreet originated with those who opposed his political course, is utterly unsustained by the facts. The charge that Lee lost the battle of Gettysburg by obstinately refusing to take Longstreet's advice was first p
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Index. Abbott, Dr., Lyman, 97. Adams, Hon. C. F., His defense of R. E. Lee, 89. Alabama, Mississippi, Department of, in 1864, 48; closing scenes in, 49. Allan, Colonel, William, 34. Anderson, Captain 49th Va., wounded, 26; Captain J. R., 177. Antietam or Sharpsburg, Battle of, 32; U. S. and C. S. forces engaged in, 36. Appomattox, C. H., 284, 347. Artillery. The Light, 297. Ashe, Captain S. A., 357. Atkinson, Colonel, John Wilder, 141. Bassinger, Major S. W., 134. Baylor, Captain, George, 365. Beauregard, General P. G. T., 76; unjustly blamed at Shiloh. 310. Benham Major Calhoun, 216. Benton, T. H., his eulogy of Lee, 87. Berkeley, Captain F. N. 14. Bethel, Battle of, 347. Bobbitt B. Boisseau, 339. Bond Captain, W. R., 235. Boteler, Hon. A. R., his house burned, 267. Bradford, U. S. Navy Admiral, 333. Breckinridge, General John C., 306. Bright. Captain R. A., 228, 356. Brooke, Colonel John M.,327. Brunswick Guards, Company H
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.1 (search)
n as to who originated the movement of Jackson's corps to the rear of Hooker, and gave Col. Charles Marshall's account of the matter. Subsequently, in 1886, General A. L. Long, in his Memoirs of R. E. Lee, gave his own recollections of how Jackson's movement originated, and corroborated them by a letter from General Lee to Dr. A. T. Bledsoe, written in October, 1867, and an extract from a personal letter from me. In 1867 an account was published of the Battle of Chancellorsville by Messrs. Allan and Hotchkiss, the former of whom was the Chief of Ordnance of the Second Corps, and the latter also attached to General Jackson's staff, from which I extract the following, which differs materially from Dr. Dabney's account of the conference between Lee and Jackson and other occurrences which preceded the flank movement around Hooker, but accords to General Jackson the strategical conception of the movement of his corps, as well as the tactical skill with which it was executed, and the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battlefields of Virginia. (search)
battle of Fredericksburg, to the death Lieutenant-General Jackson. by Jed. Hotchkiss, Late Captain and Topographical Engineer, 2nd Corps, A. N. V., and William Allan, Late Lieut.—Colonel and Chief of Ordnance, 2nd Corps, A. N. V. Saturday, May 2nd. Lee and Jackson passed the night under some pine trees on the left of the words, General Stuart will cover your movements with his cavalry, he rose and saluted, saying, My troops will move at once, sir. Condensing the account of Allan and Hotchkiss, the principal facts stated are: 1. Lee and Jackson passed the night in close proximity to each other, whether with or without conference is not sorts, and statements of General Jackson's biographers, suffice to show that the movements of the Second Corps, on May 2nd, began much earlier than the statement of Allan and Hotchkiss would indicate, and, if so, before their reported interview between Lee and Jackson could have occurred. There must, therefore, have been an underst
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