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Your search returned 197 results in 70 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], Evening session. (search)
From Denver city.
Fort Kearny, March 28.--The Western stage, with mails and passengers, and Hinckley's Express, for Omaha, passed here at 4 P. M.
Denver, March 25.--The daily yield of gold in the mines is very rapidly increasing.
The mills are nearly all getting to work, many of them with the new gold-saving process.
The population on the Blue Rim slope has doubled in the last month.
That district will be a great theatre of gold mining operations.
The road over the snowy range, between the South and Middle Forks, is open for pack ani- mals, but not for wagons.
Emigrants from the States are beginning to arrive.
The weather is very fine.
The Daily Dispatch: December 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], List of appointments by the Virginia annual Conference of the M. E. Church South . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: December 10, 1860., [Electronic resource], Distressing occurrence. (search)
Severe snow-storm and Loss of Live.
--A letter from Sterling, Illinois, dated the 4th inst., states that a terrific snow-storm was then raging in that vicinity, the railroads being all blocked up. A gentleman, just arrived there from Denver City, Kansas, reports that four men, formerly residents of Sterling, had been frozen to death on the plains, near Denver, on the 1st instant.
Severe snow-storm and Loss of Live.
--A letter from Sterling, Illinois, dated the 4th inst., states that a terrific snow-storm was then raging in that vicinity, the railroads being all blocked up. A gentleman, just arrived there from Denver City, Kansas, reports that four men, formerly residents of Sterling, had been frozen to death on the plains, near Denver, on the 1st instant.
The Daily Dispatch: December 10, 1860., [Electronic resource], Secession movement at the South . (search)
News from Pike's Peak. Fort Kearney, Dec. 7.
--Two coaches from Shaver City on the 3d inst., passed here this morning.
Henckley's express messenger has in treasure.
Charley Harrison, a saloon keeper, shot James Hill dead on the 2d inst. and fled.
The weather for two days has been warm, and the snow is gone, but there are indications of a storm.
Building in Denver City is still being pushed ahead.
Four large brick houses were completed last week, and two more were commenced.
The Daily Dispatch: December 31, 1860., [Electronic resource], Suicide of an Admirer of Garibaldi . (search)
News from Pike's Peak. Fort Kearney Dec. 27.
--The Western stage from Denver, with the mails and six passengers, and $12,000 in treasure, passed here at 4 P. M., yesterday, for Omaha.
The weather continued clear and pleasant in Denver, and building was still going on.
The California overland central and Pike's Peak express coach passed East at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Denver City dates are to the 25th instant.--Twenty mules were stolen from the C. O. C. and P. P. expresDenver City dates are to the 25th instant.--Twenty mules were stolen from the C. O. C. and P. P. express at a station near Julesburg, recently, by a couple of Mexicans.
An altercation occurred on the street yesterday, between Somers, a cattle dealer, and Tappan, a newspaper correspondent, respecting reference to the former in a letter recently published in the Missouri Republican.
Tappan received a slight cut in the hand from a dirk-knife.
Preparations are making for a stage line to Santa Fe and the San Juan mines.
The weather is pleasant.
The nights are frosty and the days clear and warm.
From Denver city. Fort Kearney Jan. 4.
--Two coaches of the C. O. C. & P. P. Ex., with 16.
passengers, and $8,120 in dust, passed at 2 P. M. for St. Joseph.
The Daily Dispatch: February 17, 1862., [Electronic resource], Late Northern news. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1865., [Electronic resource], Advertisements. (search)
United States Senators from Colorado. Denver City, December 19.
--The Legislature elected to-day John Evans and Jerome B. Chaffee United States Senators.
They are Republicans.