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Your search returned 339 results in 74 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: April 29, 1864., [Electronic resource], Pardon to absentees. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: April 29, 1864., [Electronic resource], Death of a Memphian. (search)
Three hundred Dollars reward.
--Ran away on the 6th March, my negro man John.
He is 25 years old, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, very built; has a round face, high forehead, full bearded hair, and of good countenance, very black, and had on when he left learn blue jacket, and a pair of boots; he was raised a Powhatan county by Philip St. George purchased him of John R. Sedgwick in December inst.
I will give the above reward for him Evered to Lee & Bownman, Richmond, Va, or at Wytheville, Va., He is to be this war to the county of John G. ap 2--
The Daily Dispatch: July 23, 1864., [Electronic resource], Parties received by flag of truce. (search)
Parties received by flag of truce.
--The following is a list of persons delivered to Capt. Hatch at Alkin's landing on Thursday morning, who were received on the flag of truce boat from Fortress Monroe on Wednesday night last: Mortimer Cox, Edward S. Duun, Jollard.
H. Harris, Charles Lee, Richmond Bullock, Thomas Akrss, R. W. Luck, George Lucas, Lewis and Field Lax, James Findley, Nelson.
E. Loring, Thomas Moss, M. Winston, James.
D. Mitchell, Philip Butler, E. J. Warren, and Lewis Throckmorton.
500 dollars reward.
--Ran away from the subscriber about the 1st of February last boy John, about 14 or 15 years old, light copper color, with short, straight hair; had on when he left a new suit of cotton clothes, dyed scuff color.
John was purchased of Dr. Wright, of Alabama.
I have no doubt he is with our army.
The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to Lee & Bowman, Richmond, Va, or secured in any jail so that I get him. Wm. H. Gwin. jy 14--1m