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blown; not dangerous. 5. Lieut. Haviland--slightly. 6. Sergeant Farnham, Third Vermont Volunteers--wounded slightly in the ankle. 7. Private N. K. Kingsbury, Third Vermont Volunteers--in the hip; slightly. 8. Private John Colder, Company F, Seventy-ninth N. Y. Volunteers--in the foot; slightly. 9. Private John Coughlin, Seventy-ninth regiment Volunteers--dangerously wounded by a fragment of a shell. The commander of the Federal troops during the engagement was Brig. Gen. Wm. F. Smith, and the commander of the expedition was Col. Isaac J. Stevens, of the New York 79th. Among the Federal troops engaged was the regiment commanded by Col. John Cochrane, though he was absent himself. From Fortress Monroe. Fortress Monroe, Sept. 11. --The sloop-of-war Jamestown sailed hence last night. The frigate Potomac arrived here to-day, and will take an active part in the blockade. There is great activity among the ships of war and gun-boats in Hampton Roads
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