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The enemy on the South side. The Yankees are making their appearance in force on the south side of James river.--On Thursday morning a regiment of infantry landed about ten miles below Suffolk, on the Nansemond river. About ten miles from there another regiment, with cavalry and six pieces of artillery, landed and marched to Cherry Grove, where it formed a junction with the first force, both being under the command of Gen. Graham. Still another regiment, the 23d Massachusetts, under Col. Love, landed Thursday morning at Rock Landing in Surry county, on James river. Four deserters, who claimed to belong to the 8th New York, came in and surrendered. These deserters, we hear, gave very conflicting accounts of Burnside's movements, stating positively on Thursday that Burnside was preparing to move up the Peninsula, and on Friday declaring that they knew nothing about Burnside. They were brought up to Petersburg. The conflicting accounts they give of Burnside would indicate that
The Daily Dispatch: April 22, 1864., [Electronic resource], Capture of Plymouth, N. C.--Twenty-five hundred prisoners and thirty pieces of artillery taken. (search)
boat, passengers, and crew were rifled of everything. The steamer Chester was fired into near Augusta, on the White river, a few days ago, and one man killed and three wounded. All steamers approaching the shore above Duvall's Bluff are fired into. Graham's late raid to Smithfield — military and naval movement. The cause of the late raid to Smithfield and vicinity, it now appears, was the belief that the torpedo boat which ran into the Minnesota had made her escape up the Nansemond river. An expedition was therefore immediately organized to find and capture her. A letter says: This was placed under the command of Brig. Gen Graham, of the Saval Brigade, and consisted of detachments of the Naval Brigade, and of the colored infantry, with other troops which were furnished by Gen C A Hickman from the force stationed outside of Portsmouth. The expedition was carried in transports and accompanied by several gunboats. The expedition effected landings at Cherry Gr
ently, in the perusal of a history of the private armed ship Marquis Lafayette, which appeared in the pages of the Virginia Historical Register, in 1849, and (especially as we publish to-day the opening of " Bohemian's" description of the Tallahassee's cruise) it may not be inappropriate to reproduce a brief condensation of it here: The narrative commences with a detailed statement of the difficulties attending her construction. She was built within half a mile of Suffolk, on the Nansemond river, Virginia, in October, 1780, and rigged at Portsmouth; but, before completion, she was scuttled and sunk twice to keep her from the hands of the enemy. Being again taken up the Nansemond, Captain Joseph Meredith assumed the command, and after much difficulty in procuring seamen to navigate her, on the night of the second or third of May, 1781, an attempt was made to run through he British fleet in Hampton Roads, which, though extremely hazardous, proved eminently successful. After ge
Large Yankee fleet in Hampton Roads — raid up Nansemond river. Petersburg, November 6. --The enemy have an unusually large in Hampton Roads; among it several monitors and other peculiar-looking specimens of naval architecture. Lardner is in command in James river, and D. D. Porter has been selected for an attack on Wilmington; whither part of the fleet has sailed. Two gunboats asbended the Nansemond river on Tuesday last and landed a party of about sixty men, who made a dash inNansemond river on Tuesday last and landed a party of about sixty men, who made a dash in Chuchblack and arrested all the male citizens, but three. Learning, however, that Nansemond county is from conscription, they released their prisoners, with an admiration to keep out of the rebel service. They made severe throats against Smithfield, and it will not be matter of surprise of they burn any moment. Grant is lying on his counting, by means of select commissioners, find votes in the New York regiments that will not get.
Norfolk Items. --There is trouble among the Norfolk oystermen. On Thursday last, all persons not citizens of Virginia were ordered off from Nansemond river by the Norfolk oystermen, under penalty of having their boats destroyed. The foreigners appealed to the military, and the natives are before our Legislature by committee. The Masons will give a grand ball in Norfolk next Saturday.
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