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William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 3: Missouri, Louisiana, and California. 1850-1855. (search)
Chapter 3: Missouri, Louisiana, and California. 1850-1855. Having returned from California in January, 1850, with dispatches for the War Department, and having delivered them in person first to General Scott in New York City, and afterward to the Secretary of War (Crawford) in Washington City, I applied for and received a leave of absence for six months. I first visited my mother, then living at Mansfield, Ohio, and returned to Washington, where, on the 1st day of May, 1850, I was married to Miss Ellen Boyle Ewing, daughter of the Hon. Thomas Ewing, Secretary of the Interior. The marriage ceremony was attended by a large and distinguished company, embracing Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, T. H. Benton, President Taylor, and all his cabinet. This occurred at the house of Mr. Ewing, the same now owned and occupied by Mr. F. P. Blair, senior, on Pennsylvania Avenue, opposite the War Department. We made a wedding-tour to Baltimore, New York, Niagara, and Ohio, and returned to Washingt
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 23 (search)
n Audenried, to Charleston harbor, and there delivered to an officer of the Confederate army. But the great bulk of the inhabitants chose to remain in Savannah, generally behaved with propriety, and good social relations at once arose between them and the army. Shortly after our occupation of Savannah, a lady was announced at my headquarters by the orderly or sentinel at the front-door, who was ushered into the parlor, and proved to be the wife of General G. W. Smith, whom I had known about 1850, when Smith was on duty at West Point. She was a native of New London, Connecticut, and very handsome. She began her interview by presenting me a letter from her husband, who then commanded a division of the Georgia militia in the rebel army, which had just quitted Savannah, which letter began, dear Sherman: The fortunes of war, etc., compel me to leave my wife in Savannah, and I beg for her your courteous protection, etc., etc. I inquired where she lived, and if anybody was troubling her.
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, Chapter 24: conclusion — military lessons of the War. (search)
litary lessons of the War. Having thus recorded a summary of events, mostly under my own personal supervision, during the years from 1846 to 1865, it seems proper that I should add an opinion of some of the useful military lessons to be derived therefrom. That civil war, by reason of the existence of slavery, was apprehended by most of the leading statesmen of the half-century preceding its outbreak, is a matter of notoriety. General Scott told me on my arrival at New York, as early as 1850, that the country was on the eve of civil war; and the Southern politicians openly asserted that it was their purpose to accept as a casus belli the election of General Fremont in 1856; but, fortunately or unfortunately, he was beaten by Mr. Buchanan, which simply postponed its occurrence for four years. Mr. Seward had also publicly declared that no government could possibly exist half slave and half free; yet the Government made no military preparation, and the Northern people generally paid
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Introduction. (search)
h entire acquiescence in the extremest doctrines of slave property, it is a well-known fact, and as such alluded to by Mr. Clay in his speech on the compromises of 1850, that any man who habitually traffics in this property is held in the same infamy at Richmond and New Orleans that he would be at Philadelphia or Cincinnati. Seainst the North, Congress and the States have afforded or tendered all reasonable, all possible satisfaction. She asked for a more stringent fugitive slave law in 1850, and it was enacted. She complained of the Missouri Compromise, although adopted in conformity with all the traditions of the Government, and approved by the mosts from the Everglades. Texas cost $200,000,000 expended in the Mexican war, in addition to the lives of thousands of brave men; besides $10,000,000 paid to her in 1850, for ceding a tract of land which was not hers to New Mexico. A great part of the expense of the military establishment of the United States has been incurred in
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Appendix C, p. 31. (search)
Appendix C, p. 31. The number of fugitive slaves, from all the States, as I learn from Mr. J . C. G. Kennedy, the intelligent superintendent of the census bureau, was, in the year 1850, 1,011, being about one to every 3,165, the entire number of slaves at that time being 3,200,864, a ratio of rather more than 1/30 of one per cent. This very small ratio was diminished in 1860. By the last census, the whole number of slaves in the United States was 3,949,557, and the number of escaping fugit3,010. As the manumitted slaves are compelled to leave the States where they are set free, and a small portion only emigrate to Liberia, at least nine-tenths of this number are scattered through the northern States and Canada. In the decade from 1850 to 1860, it is estimated that 20,000 slaves were manumitted, of whom three-fourths probably joined their brethren in Canada. This supply alone, with the natural increase on the old stock and the new comers, will account for the entire population
n, should not exercise the same right. It is a little singular that the State of Georgia should be entitled to a quota of ten thousand stand of arms, that being the number contained in five hundred cases, (as I learn from a highly intelligent officer of the service,) when the annual appropriation for arming the militia is only $200,000 per annum. The muskets are worth about $11 50 each, so that the ten thousand would cost $115,000. Now, if we reflect that the State of Georgia constituted, in 1850, only one-thirtieth part of the Union, and that, at the present time, it bears a still smaller proportion to the whole, we shall see how absurd is the pretence that she has only received her proper share of arms. Divide $200,000 by thirty, and we have for her distributive share $6,666; so that the 10,000 muskets would be her quota for seventeen years and more. Perhaps the Journal of Commerce can reconcile these facts with its smooth and plausible statement. It is well known, that besides t
Chowan Association, of N. C., D. 74 Chumasero, John C., D. 103 Cincinnati, O., workingmen's Union meeting at, D. 10 Cisco, John J., P. 8 Clancy, John, P. 14 Clark, Col. 19th N. Y. Regt., D. 95 Clarksburg, Va., citizens of, censure the course.of Gov. Letcher, D. 39 Clay, Cassius M., at Paris, D. 85, 94; letter to London Times, Doc. 340; reply of the London Times, Doc. 341; London News on letter of, Doc. 342; anecdote of, P. 39 Clay, Henry, speech of, 1850, Int. 31; his birthday the anniversary of the battle of Fort Sumter, P. 78 Clemens, Sherrard, D. 15; anecdote of his speech, 22d January, P. 21; D. 32; poem on, P. 52; speech in the House of Representatives, Jan. 22d, 1861, Doc. 22 Clerke, T. W., Doc. 135 Cleveland, O., Union meeting at, D. 27 Cobb, Howell, elected president of the Southern Congress, D. 17; his proposition in reference to the sale of cotton, D. 76; speech at Atlanta, Ga., Doc. 268 Cochrane, John, D
one who listened to the debate here will suppose that the letter really has anything to do with the attack on him. But he was considered unfit to associate with such patriarchs in the country's service as the Senator from Massachusetts, (Sumner,) and the Senator from New-Hampshire, (Clark,) and even the Senator from Pennsylvania, (Wilmot,) and the Senator from Tennessee, (Johnson,) were afflicted by his presence here as not loyal enough for them. Oh! he must have degenerated in ten years. In 1850 he was appointed on a Committee with such men as Clay, Webster, Calhoun, Clayton, and used his humble efforts to maintain peace. He had ever voted for peace, and never given a sectional vote. Every impulse of my heart, and every tie that binds me to earth, is interwoven with the form of Government under which we live, and to which I acknowledge my allegiance, and I will yield to no man in my attachment to it. Few men of my years have enjoyed more of her glorious advantages, and none have fe
re to develop our resources and preserve our supplies. The two great questions with us are our finances and our supplies. The confederate government is endeavoring to regulate the former; the latter the State governments and the people themselves must regulate, and upon them rests a heavy responsibility. The act to supply negro labor for coast defences experience has shown cannot be made effectual for the accomplishment of its objects. I have ascertained from the United States census of 1850, an abstract of which is herewith transmitted, that each division, as now arranged by the act, contained then at least five times as many road-hands as are called for by the confederate general, and, at this juncture, doubtless contains more. Not over one half of the road-hands of any one division has heretofore been sent to the coast. If, therefore, each division would furnish one half of its force heretofore sent down — that is, one fourth of its whole force — it would afford largely more
eers or militia from any State shall be mustered into the service of the United States on any terms or conditions confining their service to the limits of said State or vicinity; and if any such volunteers or militia are in service contrary to the provisions of this act, the same shall be discharged. Mr. Powell moved to amend by striking out the words which provided, that the oath of enlistment should be final and conclusive as to the age of the minor. Mr. Wilson stated that under the law of 1850, persons were often discharged as minors, who were twenty-four or twenty-five years of age. Mr. Powell, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Trumbull opposed making the oath of enlistment conclusive as to age. Mr. Nesmith, of the Military Committee, believed it would cut off very great abuses. Mr. Powell's amendment to the amendment was rejected, and Mr. Wilson's amendment agreed to Mr. Wilson moved to add as a new section, that the tenth section of the act of the tenth of April, 1806, shall read: That in
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