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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 18., Medford's Metes and bounds. (search)
oked across the boundary into the pleasant homes of our neighboring cities, been close to the temples of religion and halls of learning, crossed the railways with their crowded cars and hurrying multitudes, gone under the highways and climbed over the dam at the Narrows. We have sailed over the upper as well as the lower lakes, and climbing the hillside, passed through the Brooks estate, and enjoyed the beautiful view across the lake to Morning-side. We have overlooked the silent city of Oak Grove and passed through the attractive solitude of the Fells. Doubtless we have enjoyed our perambulation. Town officers in days gone by have had similar and other experiences. One of them comes to us with the story of setting a road stone. In drawing the line between monuments it was found that two houses were over the line, and not in Medford. The resident in one was highly irate, and regarded the Medford selectman as the cause thereof, and assailed him with eggs. We asked him if the
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., A Medford memorial—better late than never. (search)
. We notice in the design of the new city hall of Medford a memorial of the soldiers and sailors who have served our country in its wars. Without venturing any criticism on the artistic merits of the same, we wish to say, It is well, and such recognition should long ago have been made in our public square. Medford was not, in one way, remiss in her duty in the matter, for within a year after the close of the civil war, the old town erected a sepulchral monument in the silent city of Oak Grove, bearing the names of fortythree Medford Volunteers who sacrificed their lives in defence of the Union. It was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies on September 6, 1866. Medford had then no local paper to make note of the event, and to which we might now refer. A few programs of the exercises may have been preserved. The publisher of Medford's history of twenty years later inserted in his work a wood-cut of the monument, but made no reference to it in the text. But that a former e
ill continue to be a day of veneration, of faith, of triumph. Its future is secure. Memorial day in Medford. May 30, 1919, was an ideal day. The memorial exercises for the day were in charge of Samuel C. Lawrence Post, 66, G. A. R. This Post, with other affiliated organizations, formed at Grand Army hall, and joined by members of the city government, marched to Oak Grove cemetery, where the usual Memorial Day services were held. This year they were particularly impressive. From Oak Grove the march was resumed, and the Cross street and Salem street cemeteries were visited and the graves of comrades decorated. Returning to Grand Army hall, a dinner was served by the Women's Relief Corps and the Daughters of Veterans to the members of the Grand Army and the Sons of Veterans. Year by year the thinning ranks of the Grand Army remind us that half a century has passed since the close of the Civil War; but on this Memorial Day years seem to have vanished, for the ranks are fil
orized to perform all acts necessary to the ends of the organization. Primarily a soldiers' fraternity, it at once became an institution of loyalty to the government and a school of patriotism, a mighty reserve force. Its name was well and fitly chosen, a Grand Army. For fifty-three years Post 66, numbering in all upwards of four hundred, have here maintained the patriotic purpose of the organization. Fifty-two times their memorial services have been performed within the precincts of Oak Grove and the older burial places, and the comrades have reverently placed their country's flag and floral tribute over the sleeping dust of an ever increasing number. Retracing their steps through the shaded avenues and paths of the silent city, the last volley is fired. Its echoes ceased, Taps are sounded by the musicians, and as in benediction the cadences die away, the veterans resume the homeward march. Who, that has ever witnessed the scene, can wonder that though first called Decoratio
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Women of the Mayflower and Plymouth Colony. (search)
rture. Anyway, it is said, the clergyman did, also the ones that put up the game. There may have been others, but this was the only one we know of in Medford during the era of the cast-iron dog. Some towns had a whole menagerie (could it have been collected) of lions, deer, dogs of various breed, rabbits, etc., (probably indicating the tastes of the owners) specimens of which may still be found. Perhaps it was well that Medford never erected a soldiers' monument (other than that at Oak Grove), and so was spared the inferior specimens of statuary inflicted on some towns. Equally as well that the memorial we alluded to (Vol. XIX, p. 79) has not materialized. There is an eternal fitness of things in decorative art. A gargoyle requires distance to lend enchantment, but what shall we say of the caryatids in plug hats between which we go to the city offices? They have been taken for effigies of public functionaries, with how much reason we are not saying. We have not now the
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., William J. Bennett Memorial (search)
c delta to the memory of this citizen soldier. The place is appropriate for in this neighborhood he lived. Here at home shall his name greet both friend and stranger. Indeed, the stranger in passing becomes his friend. Is it not so with the soldier tablet wherever placed? Before the public school where Bennett made his mark as a school boy is the honor roll memorial bearing his name among the two thousand that went from Medford into the Great War. Scattered over the serene slopes of Oak Grove are the names of youths of an earlier generation who fell in the Civil War. In the ancient cemetery on Salem street lie the heroes of the Revolution. Before the tablets that bear the names of those soldiers who belonged even to an earlier generation unknown to us, in the human heart conscious of their sacrifice arises a sense of obligation that makes us a friend of each of them. So it shall be here in future years. When strangers pause to read this inscription there will instinctively
Early cotton bloom. --Mr. A. Colter has sent us a cotton bloom that opened on the 22d of this month. It was grown at "Oak Grove," a place owned by Mr. Adamson. Who can beat it.--Micanopy (Fla.) Cotton States, May 25.
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1862., [Electronic resource], Interesting Narrative of the Escape of Hurlbut from Richmond. (search)
ers of the position," and before we left them one of their number had agreed to take our buggy and horse back to Richmond for us from the point at which we had left it on the North Anna, offering us in re- turn the valuable information that at Oak Grove, on the Potomac shore of Westmoreland, we should find the boat with two boatmen which brought him over from Maryland, and which might probably be made available for taking us the other way, since we were so obstinately bent on running into the lion's mouth. A negro with a fine pair of horses and a handsome New York built barouche was in waiting in the woods, just above the landing, and a drive of ten miles brought us to the small village of Oak Grove. Here in the cove of a small creek we found our boat, and after a short parley the boatmen agreed to land us in Maryland. They would not leave the creek till after dark, for fear of the "tugs." which they seemed to hold in a very wholesome respect; and when we finally started,
One hundred Dollars reward. --Ran away from Wylliesburg, in Charlotte county, during the month of June, 1862, my man Bartlett. For his apprehension and delivery to me, if taken up out of the State, I will pay the above reward; if captured within the State, and placed in jail so that I can get him I will pay $50 Bartlett is about 20 years of age, of small stature, weighing, perhaps, 130 pounds; 5 feet 5 inches high, mahogany color, one upper tooth out in front, low forehead, and dull countenance. When last seen he was in the vicinity of Clarksville. A. G. Jeffery, Red. Oak Grove, Va. fe 13--10t
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