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ed Major Pendleton to place him in command, and for the still stronger reason that I feared that the information that the command had devolved on me, unknown, except to my own immediate troops, would in their shaken condition be likely to increase the demoralization of the corps. General Stuart's name was well and very favorably known to the army, and would tend, I hoped, to re-establish confidence. I yielded because I was satisfied the good of the service demanded it. On the morning of May 3d, being the rear division, I established my line with Rodes' and Iverson's brigades on left of plank road as before. Ramseur's brigade on the right, then Doles and finally Colquitt on the extreme right. The attack was renewed about 6 o'clock A. M., and soon after I received orders to move forward, which I promptly obeyed, first giving directions to each brigade commander to push forward until the enemy was encountered, and engage him vigorously, running over friend and foe alike, if in the
rmishers, and found that the entire force had retreated during the night. Following them in person with a few troops, it was ascertained that they had successfully crossed the river, availing themselves of the very severe storm and darkness of the previous night. The line of their retreat was marked by every evidence of a careful and well conducted march, but little public or private property, except such as was necessary for hospital purposes, being left behind. On the evening of Wednesday, May 6th, my column was again in motion, and camped that night in their old quarters near Grace church, having been absent eight days, participating in the achievement of a signal victory, capturing 15 pieces of artillery, 10 flags, 75,000 rounds of small-arm ammunition, and four bushels of musket caps, from the enemy. The small-arm ammunition and the caps afterwards fell into the hands of Major Allan, Corps Ordnance Officer, and Captain Marye, Ordnance Officer of Johnson's division. It is
know not; but General Rodes' commission as Major-General did date from Chancellorsville-May 2d, 1863.] Report.headquarters Rodes' division. Major A. S. Pendleton: Major — I have the honor to make the subjoined report of the part taken in the engagement at Chancellorsville, and the movements that preceded it, by the division of Major-General D. H. Hill, then under my command, composed of the brigades of Doles, Colquitt, Iverson, Ramseur and Rodes. Early on the morning of Wednesday, April 29th, it being announced that the Federal army had crossed the Rappahannock river, I marched from Grace church to Hamilton's crossing, and was placed in position on the extreme right of the army, extending perpendicular to the railroad, to Massaponax creek. A portion of Ramseur's brigade being at the time on picket on the river, he was ordered with the whole of his brigade to occupy the south side of the creek, guarding the ford near its mouth. My line was strongly and rapidly fortified
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