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Browsing named entities in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation.

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risdiction, and commannd that none other princes should intermeddle therewith. The Pope sayd not as Christ saith, Quis me constituit judicem inter vos? He did not refuse, but making himselfe as Lord and Judge of all, not onely granted that all that should be discovered from Orient to Occident, should be the kings of Portingal, but also, that upon great censures no other Prince should discover but he. And if they did, all to bee the kings of Portingal. So he armed a fleete, and in the yeere 1497 were discovered the Islands of Calicut, from whence is brought all the spice he hath. After this in the yere 1492 the king of Spaine willing to discover lands toward the Occident without making any such diligence, or taking licence of the king of Portingal, armed certaine Carvels, and then discovered this India Occidentall, especially two Islands of the sayd India, that in this Card I set forth, naming the one la Dominica, and the other Cuba , and brought certaine golde from thence. Of th
me constituit judicem inter vos? He did not refuse, but making himselfe as Lord and Judge of all, not onely granted that all that should be discovered from Orient to Occident, should be the kings of Portingal, but also, that upon great censures no other Prince should discover but he. And if they did, all to bee the kings of Portingal. So he armed a fleete, and in the yeere 1497 were discovered the Islands of Calicut, from whence is brought all the spice he hath. After this in the yere 1492 the king of Spaine willing to discover lands toward the Occident without making any such diligence, or taking licence of the king of Portingal, armed certaine Carvels, and then discovered this India Occidentall, especially two Islands of the sayd India, that in this Card I set forth, naming the one la Dominica, and the other Cuba , and brought certaine golde from thence. Of the which when the king of Portingal had knowledge, he sent to the king of Spaine, requiring him to give him the sayd Is
Judea (Israel) (search for this): narrative 31
then the streits of Constantinople, and then the sea called Euxinus, which is within the sayd streights: and comming out of the sayd streights, followeth Turcia major (though now on both sides it is called Turcia.) And so the coast runneth Southward to Syria , and over against the sayd Turcia are the Islands of Rhodes, Candie, and Cyprus . And over against Italie are the Islands of Sicilia and Sardinia . And over against Spaine is Majorca and Minorca . In the ende of the gulfe of Syria is Judea . And from thence returneth the coast toward the Occident, till it commeth to the streights where we began, which all is the coast of Affrike and Barbarie. Also your Lordship shall understand that the coastes of the Sea throughout all the world, I have coloured with yellow, for that it may appeare that all that is within the line coloured yellow, is to be imagined to be maine land or Islands: and all without the line so coloured to bee Sea: whereby it is easie and light to know it. Albeit in
Calicut (Kerala, India) (search for this): narrative 31
Cape go the Portingals to their Spicerie. For from this Cape toward the Orient, is the land of Calicut , as your Lordship may see in the headland over against the 130. degree. From the sayd Cape of BPersia, and returneth toward the Equinoctiall line, till that it commeth to the headland called Calicut aforesayd, and from thence the coast making a gulfe, where is the river of Ganges, returneth toee the kings of Portingal. So he armed a fleete, and in the yeere 1497 were discovered the Islands of Calicut, from whence is brought all the spice he hath. After this in the yere 1492 the king ofPortingal had trade to these Islands afore, but would never suffer Portingal to go thither from Calicut : for so much as he knew that it fell out of his dominion: least by going thither there might cothe king of Spaine, but bought the cloves of Marchants of that countrey, that brought them to Calicut , much deerer then they would have cost, if he had sent for them, thinking after this maner it w
Sardinia (Italy) (search for this): narrative 31
is the citie of Venice. And on the other part of the sayd gulfe is Sclavonia, and next Grecia , then the streits of Constantinople, and then the sea called Euxinus, which is within the sayd streights: and comming out of the sayd streights, followeth Turcia major (though now on both sides it is called Turcia.) And so the coast runneth Southward to Syria , and over against the sayd Turcia are the Islands of Rhodes, Candie, and Cyprus . And over against Italie are the Islands of Sicilia and Sardinia . And over against Spaine is Majorca and Minorca . In the ende of the gulfe of Syria is Judea . And from thence returneth the coast toward the Occident, till it commeth to the streights where we began, which all is the coast of Affrike and Barbarie. Also your Lordship shall understand that the coastes of the Sea throughout all the world, I have coloured with yellow, for that it may appeare that all that is within the line coloured yellow, is to be imagined to be maine land or Islands: and
Cuba (Cuba) (search for this): narrative 31
tingal. So he armed a fleete, and in the yeere 1497 were discovered the Islands of Calicut, from whence is brought all the spice he hath. After this in the yere 1492 the king of Spaine willing to discover lands toward the Occident without making any such diligence, or taking licence of the king of Portingal, armed certaine Carvels, and then discovered this India Occidentall, especially two Islands of the sayd India, that in this Card I set forth, naming the one la Dominica, and the other Cuba , and brought certaine golde from thence. Of the which when the king of Portingal had knowledge, he sent to the king of Spaine, requiring him to give him the sayd Islands. For that by the sentence of the Pope all that should be discovered was his, and that hee should not proceede further in the discoverie without his licence. And at the same time it seemeth that out of Castil into Portingal had gone for feare of burning infinite number of Jewes that were expelled out of Spaine, for that they
Mallorca (Spain) (search for this): narrative 31
ther part of the sayd gulfe is Sclavonia, and next Grecia , then the streits of Constantinople, and then the sea called Euxinus, which is within the sayd streights: and comming out of the sayd streights, followeth Turcia major (though now on both sides it is called Turcia.) And so the coast runneth Southward to Syria , and over against the sayd Turcia are the Islands of Rhodes, Candie, and Cyprus . And over against Italie are the Islands of Sicilia and Sardinia . And over against Spaine is Majorca and Minorca . In the ende of the gulfe of Syria is Judea . And from thence returneth the coast toward the Occident, till it commeth to the streights where we began, which all is the coast of Affrike and Barbarie. Also your Lordship shall understand that the coastes of the Sea throughout all the world, I have coloured with yellow, for that it may appeare that all that is within the line coloured yellow, is to be imagined to be maine land or Islands: and all without the line so coloured to b
Minorca (Spain) (search for this): narrative 31
the sayd gulfe is Sclavonia, and next Grecia , then the streits of Constantinople, and then the sea called Euxinus, which is within the sayd streights: and comming out of the sayd streights, followeth Turcia major (though now on both sides it is called Turcia.) And so the coast runneth Southward to Syria , and over against the sayd Turcia are the Islands of Rhodes, Candie, and Cyprus . And over against Italie are the Islands of Sicilia and Sardinia . And over against Spaine is Majorca and Minorca . In the ende of the gulfe of Syria is Judea . And from thence returneth the coast toward the Occident, till it commeth to the streights where we began, which all is the coast of Affrike and Barbarie. Also your Lordship shall understand that the coastes of the Sea throughout all the world, I have coloured with yellow, for that it may appeare that all that is within the line coloured yellow, is to be imagined to be maine land or Islands: and all without the line so coloured to bee Sea: where
Rhodes (Alabama, United States) (search for this): narrative 31
e of the Sea, with a gulfe which is called Mare Adriaticum. And in the bottome of this gulfe is the citie of Venice. And on the other part of the sayd gulfe is Sclavonia, and next Grecia , then the streits of Constantinople, and then the sea called Euxinus, which is within the sayd streights: and comming out of the sayd streights, followeth Turcia major (though now on both sides it is called Turcia.) And so the coast runneth Southward to Syria , and over against the sayd Turcia are the Islands of Rhodes, Candie, and Cyprus . And over against Italie are the Islands of Sicilia and Sardinia . And over against Spaine is Majorca and Minorca . In the ende of the gulfe of Syria is Judea . And from thence returneth the coast toward the Occident, till it commeth to the streights where we began, which all is the coast of Affrike and Barbarie. Also your Lordship shall understand that the coastes of the Sea throughout all the world, I have coloured with yellow, for that it may appeare that all
Brazil (Brazil) (search for this): narrative 31
e maine land of India toward the South, from whence he fette Brasill, and called it the land of Brasil . So for that all should come in his terme and limites, hee tooke three hundred and seventie leaetweene the two crosses made in this Card, that then the Islands of Cape Verde and the lande of Brasil that the Portingals nowe obtaine, is out of the sayd limitation, and that they are of the Emperfrom the 370 leagues beyond the said Cape Verde, to include in it the said Islands and lands of Brasil , then plainely appeareth the said 180 degrees should finish long before they come to these Islauld appeare by reason, that the Portingals should leave these Islands of Cape Verde and land of Brasil , if they would have part of the Spicerie of the Emperours: or els holding these, they have no ptouch these Islandes of the Emperours: and would winne these Islandes of Cape Verde and land of Brasil neverthelesse, as a thing that they possessed before the consent of this limitation was made.
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