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Your search returned 1,419 results in 986 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: January 4, 1865., [Electronic resource], The evacuation of Savannah — the Latest statements from Southern sources. (search)
We have received a copy of the New York Tribune of Monday, the 9th instant.
The news is unimportant.
The pursuit of Hood.
The pursuit of Hood, it appears, was given up because the Yankee pontoons did not come up in time to cross Duck river.
The truth of the matter is, that Forrest was on the other side of the river, and pontoons would not have done any good.
A letter in the Tribune says:
I believe it was not the policy of Thomas to drive the enemy rapidly before him, but rather allow Steadman's flanking column sufficient time to move round by way of Huntsville and Decatur, and arrive at the proper place in time to cut off Hood's retreat.
But that General, by some strange foresight, anticipated such a movement, and redoubled his exertions to free himself from the dangers which were closing around him.
After crossing Duck river, the troops moved forward to Pulaski, our cavalry meeting Forrest's forces a few miles this side of that town, strongly posted and
The Daily Dispatch: January 12, 1865., [Electronic resource], The Georgia militia. (search)
Twenty-five dollars reward for a small Negro Boy, named George, about nine years old; gingerbread color.
Lost between Union Hill and the Old Market on the 9th instant.
I will give the above reward for him if delivered at my residence, on the corner of Twenty-fifth and O streets, Union Hill, or any information so that I can get him. M. F. Allen. ja 12--3t*
Twenty-five Dollars reward for a small Negro Boy, named George, about nine years old; gingerbread color.
Lost between Union Hill and the Old Market on the 9th instant.
I will give the above reward for him if delivered at my residence, on the corner of Twenty-fifth and O streets, Union Hill, or any information so that I can get him. M. F. Allen. ja 12--3t*
Twenty-Five Dollars Reward for a small Negro Boy, named George, about nine years old; gingerbread color, Lost between Union Hill and the Old Market on the 9th instant.
I will give the above reward for him if delivered at my residence, on the corner of Twenty-fifth and O streets, Union Hill, or any information so that I can get him. M. F. Allen. ja 12--3t*
The Daily Dispatch: January 14, 1865., [Electronic resource], Eloquent extract. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: January 14, 1865., [Electronic resource], Eloquent extract. (search)