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Your search returned 111 results.

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Lemma Dictionaries Max. Freq. Min. Freq. Short Definition
postulio Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]
postulo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2,289 1,827 to ask, demand, claim, require, request, desire
postumatus Lewis & Short 0 0 the last
Postumius Lewis & Short 1,561 244 leading towards Genoa
postumo Lewis & Short 139 1 to come after
postumus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,747 0 last, latest-born, late-born
Postumus2 Lewis & Short 1,747 0 a Roman surname.
postus Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]
postveniens Lewis & Short 0 0 coming after
Postverta Lewis & Short 5 5 a goddess presiding over childbirth
Postvota Lewis & Short 1 1 an epithet of Venus
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