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Lemma Dictionaries Max. Freq. Min. Freq. Short Definition
subternus Lewis & Short 1 1 that is underneath
subtero Lewis & Short 24 10 pound
subterpendens Lewis & Short 0 0 hanging down
subterraneus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 34 34 underground, subterranean
subterrenus Lewis & Short 1 1 underground
subterreus Lewis & Short 0 0 underground
subterseco Lewis & Short 0 0 to cut
subtersterno Lewis & Short 0 0 to spread under
subtertenuo Lewis & Short 0 0 to make
subtertius Lewis & Short 0 0 less by a third of itself
subtervacans Lewis & Short 0 0 empty below;
subtervolo Lewis & Short 0 0 to fly beneath
subtexo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 78 34 to weave under, work in below, sew on
subtextus Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]
subtililoquentia Lewis & Short 0 0 fine
subtililoquus Lewis & Short 0 0 speaking finely
subtilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 443 257 fine, nice, delicate
subtilitas Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 158 158 keenness, acuteness, penetration, definiteness, exactness, subtlety
subtiliter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 186 0 finely, acutely, minutely, accurately, in detail
subtimeo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 to be secretly afraid
subtinnio Lewis & Short 0 0 to sound a little
subtitubo Lewis & Short 0 0 to stagger
subtractio Lewis & Short 2 2 a drawing back
subtractus Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]
subtraho Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 409 409 to draw from below, drag out, draw off, carry off, withdraw, take away, remove
subtremulus Lewis & Short 0 0 somewhat tremulous
subtriplus Lewis & Short 0 0 contained three times in
subtristis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 17 3 somewhat sad
subtritus Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]
subtunicalis Lewis & Short 0 0 the under-garment of a Jewish priest
subturpiculus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 savoring of meanness
subturpis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 somewhat disgraceful
subtus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 56 0 below, beneath, underneath
subtussio Lewis & Short 0 0 to cough slightly
subtusus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 somewhat bruised
subtutus Lewis & Short 0 0 moderately safe
subucula Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 5 5 a man's undergarment, under-tunic, shirt
subula Lewis & Short 8 8 an awl
subulcus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 31 31 a swine-herd
subulo Lewis & Short 10 2 A flute-player
Subulo2 Lewis & Short 8 0 a Roman surname;
subumbilicus Lewis & Short 0 0 the parts below the navel
subumidus Lewis & Short 3 3 somewhat moist
subunctio Lewis & Short 0 0 a rubbing in
Subur Lewis & Short 0 0 a town in Spain
Subura Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 25 23 a busy quarter in Rome, between the Esquiline, Viminal, and Quirinal, with booths and vegetable markets
Suburanus Elem. Lewis 0 0 of Subura, Suburan
suburbanitas Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2 2 nearness to Rome
suburbanus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 235 235 near the city, near Rome, suburban
suburbicarius Lewis & Short 0 0 situated near Rome
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