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ἀθετ-έω , ῾ἄθετος)
A.set at naught a treaty, promise, etc., “πίστινPlb. 8.36.5; “θυσίανLXX 1 Ki.2.17; “διαθήκηνEp.Gal.3.15; “θεόν1 Ep.Thess. 4.8; “σύμφωνονOGI444.18 (Ilium); deny, disprove, “τἀληθέςPhld.Rh. 1.5 S., cf. Sign.37 (Pass.):—Pass., to be struck off a register, PTeb.74.29 (ii B. C.); to be rejected, of a petition, POxy.1120.8(iii A. D):—Astrol., cancel, render ineffectual, Vett.Val.115.3, cf. 105.8 (Pass.).
2. c.dat., refuse one's assent, “τοῖς ὑπὸ Τιμαίου εἰρημένοιςPlb.12.14.6.
3. deal treacherously with, break faith with, “τινάPlb.9.36.10, LXX Is.1.2, Ev.Marc.6.26; “εἴς τιναLXX 3 Ki.12.19; “ἐν Ἰσραήλ4 Ki.1.1: abs., IG12(5).129 (Paros).
II. Gramm., reject as spurious, D.H. Din.9, D.L.7.34, etc.
III. abs., to be unsuitable, unfit, Diph. 1 D.
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