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δια^ριθμ-έω ,
A.reckon up one by one, enumerate,ψήφουςE.IT966, cf. Ar.Av.1622; “τἀργύριονPhld.Ir.p.37 W.; “ὑπολείποι ἂν αἰὼν διαριθμοῦνταArist.Rh.1374a33:—more freq. in Med., as Pl.Cra.437d, Phdr.273e, al.; count and classify, Id.Grg.501a; “διαριθμήσασθαι περί τινοςId.Lg.633a:—Pass., Aeschin.3.207, Arist.Ph.322b30.
2. count out, pay,δωρεάν τισιApp.BC4.101.
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