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διαρθρ-όω ,
A.divide by joints, articulate,τὰ στήθη διήρθρουPl.Smp.191a:—Pass., “διηρθρωμένοςwell-jointed, well-knit, Hp.Aër.24, Pl.Phdr.253d (metaph., “πρὸς σωφροσύνην πεπηγὸς καὶ δ.Eun.Hist.p.246 D.); πόδες, δάκτυλοι, Arist.Phgn.810a16, HA504a7; to be differentiated, of the embryo, ib.489b9, cf. Hp.Nat.Puer.17; to be movable-jointed, Id.Art. 30; esp. to be jointed by διάρθρωσις (q.v.), Gal.2.656, 18(1).433; also διηρθρωμένον γράμμα a distinct birth-mark (opp. συγκεχυμένον), Arist.GA721b34.
2. endue with articulate speech,τὴν γλῶττανLuc.Dem.Enc.14, cf. Plu.Dem.11:—Med., φωνὴν καὶ ὀνόματα διηρθρώσατο τῇ τέχνῃ invented articulate speech and names, Pl.Prt. 322a.
3. describe distinctly, Id.Lg.963b, 645c (Pass.), Porph. Plot.18, Iamb.VP23.103, etc.; perceive clearly, distinguish, Phld.D. 1.22, Mus.p.39K., Vit.Philonid.p.9 C.; “διηρθρωμένη διάληψιςPorph. Abst.2.43; opp. συγκεχυμένος, Id.Marc.10.
4. complete in detail, fill up so as to form an organic whole, lit., “πρὶν διηρθρῶσθαι τὸ σῶμαArist.HA521a10 (Act. δ. σάρκα τῇ γλώττῃ of a bear licking its cub into shape, Ael.NA6.3): metaph., Arist.EN1098a22:—Pass., Id.Metaph.986b6; “ἂν διαρθροῖτο συλλογισμόςId.Top.156a20.
5. distinguish,τὸ γένοςA.D.Synt.138.24.
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