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ἐπερωτ-άω , Ion. ἐπειρ- ,
A.consult, inquire of, c. acc. pers., “τὸ χρηστήριον, τὸν θεόν, εἰ . .Hdt.1.53, Th.1.118, etc.; “τινὰ περί τινοςHdt. 1.32, cf. Orac. ap. D.43.66; later, “ἐν τῷ θεῷLXXJd.18.5:—Pass., to be questioned, asked a question, Th.5.45, Pl.Sph.250a.
2. c. acc. rei, ask a question, ταῦτα, τάδε, Hdt.1.30,55, cf. Antipho 1.10; also, ask about a thing, [“τὰς ναῦς] καὶ τὸν πεζόνHdt.7.100; σμικρόν τι τῶν ῥηθέντων call it in question, Pl.Prt.329a; . θυσίαις καὶ οἰωνοῖς τι χρὴ ποιεῖν inquire what . ., X.Oec.5.19; . ἐς . . inquire about, LXX 2 Ki.11.7:—Pass., τὸ ἐπερωτηθέν the question asked, v.l. in Pl.Tht.146e.
4. abs., put a question, esp. of a chairman putting a question to the vote, D.22.9, SIG898.17 (Chalcis, iii A.D.), al.
5. in Roman Law, put a formal question in stipulatio, most freq. in Pass., POxy.905.19 (ii A.D.), etc.: also in Act., ib.1273.41 (iii A.D.).
b. hence later, guarantee, PIand.48.9 (vi A.D.).
6. ask a further question, SIG953.49 (Calymna, ii B.C.), al.
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