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ἐπιτειχ-ίζω , a fort or stronghold on the frontier of the enemy's country to serve as the basis of operations against him, abs., Th.1.142,7.47 ; “. [Δεκέλειαν] τῇ πατρίδιAnd.1.101, cf. Lys.14.30, Plu.Alc. 23 ; . [ἐν add.codd.] “τῷ Φλιοῦντι τὸ.. ΤρικάρανονX.HG7.2.1, cf.5.1.2 ; and in Pass., “Δεκελείας. ἐπιτετειχισμένηςAeschin.2.76 : metaph., . τυράννους ἐν χώρᾳ plant them like such forts in a country, D.10.8, cf. 8.36 ; so “τῷ πλούτῳ τὴν ὑπεροψίαν .Luc.Nigr.23 ; “. [τινὰ] τῇ συνωμοσίᾳ.. πολέμιονPlu.Brut.20.
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