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ἐφήμερ-ος , ον, Dor. ἐπάμ- Pi.P.8.95, Fr.182 (ἐφαμ- I.7(6).40, Fr.157): (ἡμέρα):—more common form of ἐφημέριος, esp. in Prose,
2. of men, ἐφήμεροι creatures of a day, Pi.P.8.95, Semon. 1.3, A.Pr.83; “ τάλας ἐφάμερεPi.Fr.157; “ὦφήμερεAr.Nu.223; “ φίλοι καὶ ἀτεχνῶς .Pl.Lg.923a.
II. for the day, daily, “πυρετόςHp.Aph.4.55; “τροφήD.H.8.41, Ep.Jac.2.15, Vett.Val.62.17. cf. D.S.3.32 (pl.); “γυμνασίαAscl.Tact.1.4; “πράξειςLuc. Pseudol.17; “δαπάνηPlu.Per.16, etc.: neut. pl. as Adv., once a day, Orib.Eup.1.9.
III. φάρμακον . killing on the same day, Plu.Them.31.
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