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φι^λανθρωπ-εύομαι ,
A.act humanely or courteously,πρός τιναςD.19.139: c. acc. rei, to show kindness by granting a thing, Hld.9.27, D.C.50.20; “τι περί τιναAristid.Or.21 (22).10; “τὰ θαυμαστάId.2.234J.
2. Astrol., = sq. 1.2, Procl.Par.Ptol.200.
II. c. acc. pers., treat humanely, J.AJ 13.2.3; φ. τινά τι do one a kindness, Hld.9.2:—Pass., “φιλανθρωπευθέντεςD.S.18.18, cf. Phld.Herc.1457.9.
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