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φωστήρ , ῆρος, ,
A.that which gives light, οἱ φ. the lights of heaven, stars, LXXGe.14, al., Simp. in Epict.p.72 D.; οἱ δύο φ., i.e. sun and moon, ibid., cf. Procl.Hyp.4.72, etc.; “φαίνεσθε ὡς φωστῆρες ἐν κόσμῳEp.Phil.2.15.
3. metaph., of a king, “τῷ φ. τῷ ἡμετέρῳThem.Or.16.204c.
4. of the eyes, Vett.Val.110.22.
II. opening for light, door or window, Hsch.
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