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γειτνι-άω , pres. (3sg. impf.
A.ἐγειτνίαS.Ichn. 232, and v. sub fin.), to be a neighbour, be adjacent, Ar.Ec.327, D.55.3, PTeb.105.19 (ii B. C.), Plb.6.33.10, Jul. Or.5.168a, etc.:—chiefly in Prose, but Ep. part., “γειτνιόωσαν πόντῳIG14.889 (Sinuessa).
II. border on, resemble, “γ. τῇ πολιτείᾳArist. Pol.1295a33; [τῷ καλῷ] Id.Rh.1367b12; “νόσος γειτνιῶσα θανάτῳPh.2.548; “τινὶ κακῷMetrod.Herc.831.3: later fut. “-άσωGal.3.690: aor. ἐγειτνία_σα Ps.-Luc.Philopatr.1.
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