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ἤγουν , Conj., ( γε οὖν)
A.that is to say, or rather, to define a word more correctly, freq. in glosses, cf. Eust.50.15, Lyd.Mens.4.23, etc.: sts. introduced into the text, “κακὰ πάντα [ἤγουν τήν τε ἀπεψίην] καί . . Hp.Acut.Sp.49 (ii 491 L.); “διὰ ξηρότητα [ἤγουν χαυνότητα] τῆς γῆςX.Oec.19.11: in late Prose, or at any rate, PMasp.328 i 20 (vi A.D.), al.: generally, or, POxy.941.5 (vi A.D.).
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