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ἡρω-ικός , ή, όν,
A.of the heroes, κατὰ τοὺς . χρόνους (cf. “ἥρως1.1) Arist.Pol.1285b4; “ χλαῖνα . φόρημαAmmon.Diff. p.140V.
2. of or for a hero, heroic, “φῦλονPl.Cra.398e; . σώματα of heroic stature, Phld.Po.2.43; “ἀρετήArist.EN1145a20; “ἡρωϊκὰ φρονεῖνLuc.Am.20. Adv. -κῶς like a hero, “τελευτῆσαι τὸν βίονD.S. 2.45; cf. ἡροϊκός.
II. in Metre, . στίχος heroic verse, hexameter, Pl.Lg.958e; “μέτρονArist.Po.1459b32; εἰς τὴν . τάξιν ἐπανῆχθαι to be brought into an Epic poem, D.60.9. Adv. “-κῶς, τὴν τραγῳδίαν ἀναγνῶναιD.T.629.18.
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