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Ἡλιο-τρόπιον , τό,
A.heliotrope, Thphr.HP7.3.1, Gal.19.732; . τὸ μέγα, Heliotropium villosum, Dsc.4.190; . τὸ μικρόν, H. supinum, ib.191.
2. = Croton tinctorius, PHolm.8.3, al.
II. sun-dial, Moschio ap.Ath.5.207f, IG11(2).287 A117 (Delos, iii B.C.), Plu.Dio 29, Sch.Ar.Av.998, etc.
III. green stone streaked with red, blood-stone, Plin.HN37.165, Herm.Trism. in Rev.Phil.32.258.
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