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συνεπ-αίρω ,
A.raise or lift at the same time, “ἑαυτόνX.Eq.7.2; “τὰ πρόσθια σκέληArist.HA576b27:—Pass., swell at the same time, Gal.18(2).266; to be elevated together, λέξις τῷ μεγέθει τῶν λεγομένων ς. Luc.Hist.Conscr.45, cf. Procl.Inst.209.
II. urge on together or also, c. inf., X.Smp.8.24, Oec.5.5:—Pass., rise together with, τοῖς δημαγωγοῖς, of the rabble, Plu.Cor.12, cf. J.BJ Prooem.2.
III. συνεπαιρομένου σὺν τῷ αἵματι καὶ τοῦ μοχθηροῦ χυμοῦ being carried to (the foetus) with the blood, Aët.9.22.
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