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στῦλος , (fem. at Epidaurus, IG42(1).102.66, al.(iv B.C.), but also masc. there, ib.109iii92 (iii B.C.)),
A.pillar ( = κίων acc. to Gal.6.544), esp. as a support or bearing, Hdt.2.169,; “στέγηςA.Ag.898; “δόμωνE.IT50; “ς. μονόλιθοιBGU1713 (ii/iii A.D.): metaph., “ς. . . οἴκων εἰσὶ παῖδες ἄρσενεςE.IT57, cf. Ep.Gal.2.9, 1 Ep.Ti.3.15.
3. wooden pole, E.Fr.203, Plb.1.22.4; [σκηνῆς] tent-poles, uprights, opp. διατόναια, PCair.Zen. 353.9 (iii B.C.); plank, Hp.Art.47.
4. stile for writing on waxed tablets; wrongly used in this sense by Greek speakers at Alexandria and in the East acc. to Herophil. ap. Gal.Anat.Ad xiv (Arabic version, ii p.183 ed. M. Simon, Leipzig 1906); cf. στυλοειδής.
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