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τροφ-εῖα , τά, for rearing and bringing up, wages of a nurse,θανὼν τ. πληρώσει χθονίA.Th.477; [πορσῦναι] E.El.626; ἀποδοῦναι, ἐκτίνειν, Id.Ion 852, Pl.R.520b; prov., κριὸς τὰ τ. (sc. ἀπέτεισεν) Men.905; “ἀνταποδοῦναιLys.6.49, cf. IG5(2).345.7 (Orchom. Arc., ii/i B. C.), POxy.37.10 (i A. D.); “πράξασθαιD.S.9.13.
II. βίου τ. one's living, food, S.OC341; τ. ματρός mother's milk, E.Ion 1493 (lyr.).
III. fodder, BGU912.19 (i A. D.), PAmh.2.143.5 (iv A. D.).
IV. maintenance, board, paid in money or kind, PEleph. 3.2, al. (iii B. C.), PMich.Teb.121v vii 7, al. (i A. D.), PRyl.153.4 (ii A. D.); paid to a wet-nurse, BGU1106.38,47 (i B. C.), PGrenf.2.75.5 (iv A. D.).
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