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τρυ?π-ημα , ατος, τό,
A.that which is bored, a hole, Eup.354; in the ψῆφος, Arist.Ath.69.1; τ. νεώς, i. e. one of the holes through which the oars worked, Ar.Pax1234; in the flute, Archyt. 1, Plu.2.389d; in a gate-fastening, the hole for the βάλανος, Aen. Tact. 18.3; ῥαφίδος (cf. τρυμαλιά) Ev.Matt.19.24; “μυρμήκωνAP11.78 (Lucill.); sens. obsc., Ar.Ec.624, Hermog. Id.2.3, Procop.Arc.9.
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